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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。复活节英文资料篇一:复活节资料 复活节资料 复活节(主复活日)是现今基督教徒的重要节日之一,定在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日。基督徒认为,复活节象征重生与希望,乃纪念耶稣基督于公元33年被钉死后第三天复活的事迹。但是现在,许多与复活节相关的民间风俗,都不是起源于基督教的。 复活节兔图册 复活节兔编辑 复活节兔是复活节象征之一。作为多产动物的兔子,象征了春天的复苏和新生命的诞生。兔子是爱神阿弗洛狄特的宠物,也是日耳曼土地女神霍尔塔的持烛引路者。因此,现在兔子是作为给孩子们送复活节蛋的使者。复活节彩蛋这一习俗虽然也同

2、样是源于古代,但其出处依旧不可考证。希腊人通常在这一天将蛋涂 1成红色,用血的颜色来表示春季时的万物复苏(后来,这也表示了受难基督之血)。有的人也用绿色涂抹,纪念在一个冬季的枯槁后所发出的新绿。其他的颜色,包括在美国及其他地方流行的柔和淡色(或许是象征彩虹)也随之出现。 复活节彩蛋是西方国家在庆祝复活节时特别装饰性的蛋。传统上一般是使用经过染色的蛋类。现代的习惯通常是使用蛋状的巧克力代替。彩蛋一般事先藏好,然后由儿童来找寻。是复活节的象征性物品,是表达友谊、关爱和祝愿的方式。基督徒以复活蛋比喻为“新生命的开始”,象征“耶稣复活、走出石墓”。 用蛋来象征生命的复活,在耶稣基督降生之前就已经很流行

3、。西欧人士相信蛋是有两次生命的,第一次是“新生”,第二次则是“重生”,重生就是象征了复活的意思。 2篇二:复活节英语小报 Easter is an important holiday for the West, the first full moon after the vernal equinox each year a Sunday. Easter origins: According to The Bible, Gods son Jesus was born in a manger, the time when he was three years old, the selection

4、of twelve students, began missionary work. Three and a half, he was healing, preaching, casting out demons, to help all sorts of people in need, said the kingdom would give reason to listen. Until the time that God has arranged to, the disciples of Jesus Christ was betrayed by Judas, be arrested, in

5、terrogated by the Roman soldiers crucified, dying will be resurrected three days ago predicted. Sure enough, on the third day, Jesus is risen! According to the interpretation of the Bible, Jesus Christ is the incarnate Son to redeem the world for the sins of the world, to become the worlds scapegoat

6、, which is why Easter is so important. Easter symbol of rebirth and hope, Easter customs: Christmas is over, Easter chocolate eggs will be put out in a candy store. The smallest and most simple is very cheap, kids can use their pocket money to buy it. During this period, there are two listed eggs. S

7、mall called fondant, a little more than one inch long, the outside is a thin layer of chocolate, which is sweet, soft dough, then use the colored foil packaged into various shapes. Another is empty egg, slightly larger, generally bigger than a duck. There is nothing inside, just wrapped in a chocola

8、te shell. Just break the shell and eat chocolate chip. Easter eggs are meant to bring happiness to people, these eggs are pretty and decorative, they represent the peoples good wishes, and share with you the joy of seasons. Another symbol of Easter is a small rabbit, because it has a strong ability

9、to reproduce, people see it as the creator of a new life. Festival, adults will vividly tell the kids Easter eggs will hatch into a small rabbit. “Rabbit food” demeanor cute, egg shapes, they taste sweet, but also very suitable to give to friends. Easter gift: Easter gift with spring and regeneratio

10、n relations: eggs, chicks, bunnies, flowers, especially the lily is a symbol of the season. Easter Eve, the children of friends and family to the egg coloring dressed. Some of these eggs cook very old, there are only empty eggshell. Easter morning, children will find the bed of Easter basket filled

11、with chocolate eggs, Easter bunnies, chicks and baby plush toys. It is said that the Easter Bunny will be eggs hidden in the grass indoors or get the kids to find. Easter with flowers: Easter this day, everywhere you can see that the shadow of the beautiful lily, lily symbolizes charming sanctity an

12、d purity: People are in love in the spring, around Easter time looking for that blooming lilies to represent the holy hearts of Jesus Christ. The shape is very like a trumpet lilies, just as it is in our hearts trumpet the good news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Especially the white lily Lili

13、um in Christianity is regarded as their “resurrection of the Flowers”, representing the pure and holy heart, is absolutely indispensable Easter flowers, so its also known as the English name “Easter Lily”. Easter food: lamb, ham, butter, cheese, bread, rolls.五(8)许智城 篇三:英语复活节小报A4 Easter is one of mos

14、t ancient most meaningful Christianity holidays. What it celebrates is Christs reactivating, the worlds the Christian must hold the celebration every year. Easter also symbolizes the rebirth and the hope. Afte r the time is the vernal equinox month circle first Sunday date. Easter eggs are special e

15、ggs that are often given to celebrate Easter or springtime.The egg is a pagan symbol of the rebirth of the Earth in celebrations of spring and was adopted by early Christians as a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus. The Easter Bunny or Easter Hare is a character depicted as a rabbit bringing Easter

16、 eggs, who sometimes is depicted with clothes. In legend, the creature brings baskets filled with colored eggs, candy and sometimes also toys to the homes of children of Christmas, as they both bring gifts to children on the night before their respective holiday. Easter bell can be heared everywhere throughout the year except Good Friday and 3 days afterwards, on the Easter Day, the bell can be reheared, symbolizin


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