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1、第- 1 -页共 6 页 非谓语动词专题复习一、要点揭示:非谓语动词的考查,初中阶段以动词不定式(to do)为主,同时也涉及其他非谓语动词如:动名词(doing) 、现在分词( doing)过去分词( done) 。非谓语动词在句中除不能独立做谓语外,可以做主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、状语等其他成分。以上例题就是对非谓语动词句法作用的考查。在单项选择题中由于命题人在试题的选择项中,使三种非谓语动词的形式全部出现,从而更加加大了试题的迷惑度;完成句子或翻译句子大多考查了与非谓语动词有关的短语或句型。下面以动词不定式为主线将非谓语动词的句法作用做一归纳。二、知识结构1、做主语1) 不定式

2、做主语:例如:To learn English well is not hard. To give is better than to receive.注:不定式做主语常用形式主语 it 代替。构成句型:It is +adj. +(for sb.)+ to do。如:Its hard for you to do it well. 请动手:把以上两句用该句型来改写。请思考:It is nice of you to give me so much help. 句中为什么用 of 而不用 for 呢?2)动名词做主语:例如:Reading in the sun is bad for your eye

3、s.请思考:该句中的动名词是否也可用 it 代替呢?2、做表语1)不定式做表语如:To eat is to live, but to live is not to eat. My job is to sell computers. My wish is to fly to the moon.2)动名词或现在分词做表语。如:My hobby is playing basketball. The news is very interesting. 3)过去分词做表语如:My bike was broken. I was satisfied at the news. His mother is wo

4、rried about him.3、作宾语非谓语动词做宾语是中考的重要考查点,该考点涉及动词不定式和动名词做宾语的区别。下面以不同类型的动词为线索,加以说明。1) 只能接动词不定式做宾语的动词:decide, hope, agree, choose, fail, wish, learn 等。构成句型:动词+to do。如: We agreed to meet him on Sunday.请动手:用以上动词各造一句。2) 既能接不定式又能接动名词做宾语但意义区别不大的动词:like, love, begin, start, hate 等。构成句型:动词+to do 和动词+doing 如:I w

5、ill start to work(working) tomorrow. Do you like to play(playing) football? 请动手:用以上动词各造两句体会其用法。注:下面情况一般只能用不定式做宾语。I. Would you like/love 后,表示特定动作时。如:Would you like to leave a message?II.当谓语已经用了进行时态时。如:Its beginning to rain.第- 2 -页共 6 页 III.在 begin 后非谓语动词由某些状态动词构成时。如:We began to think of this question

6、. She began to believe his story.3)接不定式和动名词做宾语意思不同的动词:I. need 和 want 跟动名词时表示被动意义,跟不定式表示主动意义。如:These trees need watering(to be watered). We need to go there.请动手:用 want 造两个句子加以体会。II. remember, forget, stop, go on 后跟动名词表示动作发生在这些动词之前,跟不定式表示动作发生在这些动词之后。试比较以下两组句子体会不同:Go on reading. 和 After he finished the

7、 composition, he went on to do his homework. She stopped speaking.和 He stopped to speak to Martin.请思考:最后一句中不定式 to speak 在句中还可以理解为做什么成分?III. try 和 mean 跟动名词和不定式做宾语意义差别很大。try doing 表示“试着做某事” ,而 try to do 表示“设法做某事” 。mean doing 表示“意思是” 、 “意味着” ,mean to do 是“企图、打算”请动手:翻译以下句子:A、他试着用手去摘那个苹果但是失败了。B、他设法用另一种方

8、法解这个题,但不起效果。C、这意味着帮助你。D、我意在帮助你。4)think, make, find, feel 等动词,跟不定式做宾语时常用形式宾语 it 代替,后面常有形容词做宾语补足语,构成句型:动词+it+ adj.+ to do。如:I found it very important to learn English well. 请动手翻译句子:人们发现保护环境越来越重要。5)其他:I.只能接动名词做宾语的动词:enjoy, finish, keep(on), miss, mind, practice, suggest 等,构成句型:动词+doing 。如:After he fini

9、shed reading the novel, he began to watch the play.请动手:用以上动词各造一句。II.介词后只能接动名词做宾语:请记忆下列句型或短语并造句体会:thanks for doing;what/how about doing; feel like doing; pay attention to doing; make a contribution to doing; stop/prevent/keep/protect sb./sth. from doing; be busy (in) doing; spend st.(in) doing;give u

10、p 等。4、做宾语补足语1) 接带 to 的不定式做宾语补足语的动词: ask, tell, get, wish, like, want, teach, know, understand, allow, remind 等。句型:动词 + sb./sth.+ to do.如:Teachers should allow us to have a day off every week.请思考:该句型的被动句是考试的重点考查点,一般构成什么句型呢?2)动词不定式做宾语补足语时 to 须省略的动词:I使役动词 make, have, let:句型:动词+sb./sth.+ do。如:The boss m

11、ade his workers work over 10 hours a day. 注:这些句子在变为被动句后,省略的 to 要补上,且不定式也由原先在句中做宾语补足语变为做主语补足语。如上句变为被动句后为:His workers were made to work over 10 hours a day (by the boss). 该点也是中考的重要考查点,请务必掌握。以上动词也可接过去分词 done 做宾语补足语,表示:“使被”,构成句型:第- 3 -页共 6 页 动词+sb./sth.+ done。如:We had many photos taken in the park. The

12、king made their tombs built many years ago.II.感官动词 see, hear, listen (to), feel:句型 1:动词+sb./sth.+do.如:I often hear them sing this song.请思考:这种句子变为被动句后不定式有什么变化?请动手翻译下句并变为被动句:我经常听到这个女孩在隔壁房间弹钢琴。注:以上动词后也可跟现在分词做宾语补足语,构成句型:动词+sb./sth.+doing.如:I saw a wallet lying on the ground when I walked by.请思考:以上动词接现在分

13、词 doing 做宾语补足语与接动词不定式 to do 做宾语补足语意思上有何区别?举例说明。5、做定语:1)不定式做定语常置于所修饰词后,如:Do you have anything more to say? I want to find a room to live in.请思考:in 可否省略?为什么?2)现在分词 doing 和过去分词 done 也可以做定语,如:The boy standing here is my brother.(现在分词做定语)Her job was to take care of the wounded solidiers.(过去分词做定语)6、做状语1)不

14、定式做目的状语:He went to visit his parents. We stopped to listen to the teacher.He got up at 3 oclock in order to catch the early train.The pen is very good to write with. 请思考:最后句一中的介词 with 可否省略?为什么?2)不定式做原因状语:常用该句型:be+ adj.+ to do。注:该句型中常用到下列形容词:happy, glad, pleased, angry, right, sorry, slow, clever, qu

15、ick ready wrong, nice, lucky 等。如:Im sorry to hear it. Im pleased to know this.3)不定式做结果状语:常用句型:too(for sb.)to ; enough to do. 如:The box is too heavy for the boy to carry. She isnt brave enough to go out at night.请思考:该类句型转换为复合句常用哪些句型?把上两句变为复合句。请思考:The box is too heavy for me to carry it.该句对吗?为什么?4)现在分

16、词做状语如:He sat in the chair, reading the newspaper.(伴随情况状语 )请动手用以下短语造句体会现在分词在句中做什么状语?:A、have fun doing; B、have trouble doing 7、其他1)不定式的被动语态 to be done:如:There are twenty more trees to be planted. Hell go to the clinic tomorrow to be examined by the doctor.请动手:在教材中找出类似的不定式的被动结构。2)不定式的否定形式 not to do 和动名词的否定形式 not doing:如:Not to go there was right. I get up early in the morning in order n



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