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1、Hager 2014新产品培训,29.07.2020,Erdal Yzer - New Generation Step 1,2,新产品培训,29.07.2020,Erdal Yzer - New Generation Step 1,3,本次新产品清单,新品概览,产品系列,状态自检,故障上传,优先级控制,程序恢复,LED指示,电流检测,调光识别,新手动模式,新逻辑功能,新场景功能,窗帘反馈,电流检测,29.07.2020,Castor Sun - New Generation Step 1,用户: 我能从可视化软件上更清楚地了解我想要知道的信息了,工程单位: 软件反馈的信息更加可靠,可以用来做更

2、多应用。,电流检测精度更高:达到2,TYA606E,电流检测,29.07.2020,Castor Sun - New Generation Step 1,调光识别,29.07.2020,Castor Sun - New Generation Step 1,可以自动检测使用的是什么类型的灯具,调节调光曲线,同时加强了LED、CFL灯的调光。 且对LED、CFL灯进行调光时,无需再外加电子整流器,状态自检、故障上传(开关),29.07.2020,Castor Sun - New Generation Step 1,及时地了解 模块的状态 防患于未然,超过额定电流故障,触点动作过于频繁,继电器触点动

3、作故障,29.07.2020,Castor Sun - New Generation Step 1,服务器,KNX,过载报警,过热报警,短路报警,过压报警,能够更即时地了解模块的状态, 从而更快更准确地解决问题,状态自检、故障上传(调光),手动模式,29.07.2020,Castor Sun - New Generation Step 1,改进后的手动模式将带状态反馈,同时手动模式将可以被控制,避免了手动模式下远程无法控制的情况。从此不再被束缚。,优先级控制,29.07.2020,Castor Sun - New Generation Step 1,可以实现多种控制手段的优先级别,控制更清晰,

4、控制信息将按照新的优先级别执行。,新逻辑功能,29.07.2020,Castor Sun - New Generation Step 1,新的模块将具有更强的逻辑功能,可以独立完成常见逻辑控制需求,无需另外配置逻辑模块,节约造价,提高可靠性。,因此,原先很多需要用逻辑模块才能完成的工作现在可以轻松地满足客户的需求。,- 每个逻辑最多4个输入 - 最多2个逻辑输出 - 逻辑输出结果可设定 - 并不直接关联与相对应的输出,程序恢复,29.07.2020,Castor Sun - New Generation Step 1,新的模块可以设定程序记忆点,在程序被修改后,可以恢复之前存储的时间点时的程序

5、设定。,场景功能,29.07.2020,Castor Sun - New Generation Step 1,新的模块中,场景的参数设置有了更多的选择,特别是1-bit Scene调用数量增加到4个,极大地方便了编程和场景设定,从而完成更加复杂的设计。,LED指示,29.07.2020,Castor Sun - New Generation Step 1,新模块的LED指示灯的变化也有了更多的选择。 可通过ets自由定义运行规则,可在手动模式下发送状态反馈。,窗帘反馈,29.07.2020,Castor Sun - New Generation Step 1,可通过反馈获知窗帘位置状态,而不只

6、是是否在运行。可选择到顶或到底反馈设定,如到顶部反馈发1。,29.07.2020,Erdal Yzer - New Generation Step 1,17,新产品详解,29.07.2020,Erdal Yzer - New Generation Step 1,18,功能块,29.07.2020,Erdal Yzer - New Generation Step 1,19,开关输出模块:参数详解1,Output contact type : Normally closed, normally open Timer function activation: Not used, used Timer

7、 operation : ON, OFF, Blinking Timer/toggle change-over activation: Enabled, Disabled Timer duration modifiable through object “Timer duration”: Enabled, Disabled Timer duration : h, min, s Tripping delay: Disabled, h, min, s Switching delay: Disabled, h, min, s Cut-OFF pre-warning: Disabled, h, min

8、, s Timer interruption : Interruptible timer, Non-interruptible timer Timer retriggerable : Yes, No Timer duration extension: No limitation, 1 to 5 time duration extension Time limited toggle switch activation: Enabled, Disabled Time limited toggle switch duration: h, min, s Blinking “ON” duration:

9、h, min, s Blinking “OFF” duration: h, min, s Output status emitted during Blinking function: ON, OFF, ON/OFF Operating hours counter activation: Enabled, Disabled Relay status for operating hours counter: Normally closed, normally open Operating hours counter direction: Incremental counter, decremen

10、tal counter Operating hours counter set point value: 1 65535 h Operating hours counter set point value modifiable through “Operating hours counter set-point” object: Enabled, Disabled Emission of the “Operating hours counter value” object: Not used, periodically Time for periodical emission of the “

11、Operating hours counter value” object: h, min, s,Basic functions,ON/OFF,Timer,Timer / Toggle change-over,Time limited toggle switch,Timer duration,Hours counter value,Hours counter setpoint,Reset hours counter,Hours counter setpoint reached,Scene,Restore scene,29.07.2020,Erdal Yzer - New Generation

12、Step 1,20,开关输出模块:参数详解2,Preset function activation: Disabled, Preset 1-Level, Preset 2-Level Activation of Preset authorization objects: Yes, No Polarity of Preset 1/2 authorization object: 0 = not authorized; 1 = authorized 0 = authorized; 1 = not authorized Output status if preset 1/2 object X = 1:

13、 Unchanged, Invert status, ON, OFF, Scene X, Blinking, Status before Preset object =”0” Output status if preset 1/2 object X = 0: Invert status, ON, OFF, Scene X, Blinking Status before Preset object =”1” Activation of Scene function: Enabled, Disabled Number of scenes displayed: 8, 16, 24, 32, 64 S

14、tatus for scene X : ON, OFF, Blinking, not concerned Scene memorisation by long press on ambient push button: Enabled, Disabled Scene memorisation acknowledgment: Enabled, Disabled Restore ETS-parameters settings object activation: Enabled, Disabled Overwrite of Scene, timer and operating hours coun

15、ter value at next download: Enabled, Disabled Status ON/OFF activation: Enabled, Disabled Polarity of Status object ON/OFF: 0 = OFF ; 1 = ON, 0 = ON ; 1 = OFF Emission of Status object ON/OFF: On change, Periodically, On change and periodically Time for periodical emission of the Status object ON/OF

16、F: h, min, s Emission of Status object during manual mode : Enabled, Disabled Time delay for emission of “ON/OFF Status” objects after bus power cut: h, min, s Output status during bus power cut: Unchanged, ON, OFF Output status at bus power return: Unchanged, ON, OFF Status during and after ETS download: Unchanged, ON, OFF Diagnosis object activation: Not used, used Emission of Diagnosis object: On change, Peri



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