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1、同学们,让我们朝着目标出发吧!,Unit 7,Summer holiday plans,( Culture time & Cartoon time),Free talk:,Where will go for the summer holiday?,When will go there?,How long will go for the summer holiday?,Will go there by ?,What will do there?,National Geographic (国家地理杂志),a travel book (一本旅游书),Japan,the US,different co

2、untries in the world,Australia,the UK,China,different places,Brain storm(头脑风暴),When you see the picture, speak out the name of the country loudly. (当你看到图片时,大声说出图片所在的国家),The rule (规则),Brain storm(头脑风暴),Well done!,Four new scenic spots (四个新景点),Canada (加拿大),the Grand Canyon 美国大峡谷,Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫

3、,Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布,Uluru Rock 乌鲁鲁巨石,Try to match,Requirement: Work in pairs. (要求:两人一组,讨论并试着连一连),Culture time,Youll find _ in _.,Niagara Falls,the Grand Canyon,Uluru,Buckingham Palace,Try to say,Lets share!,Read more books! Youll find more places in different countries. (多读书,你将发现不同国家的更多地方哦!),Bobb

4、y is reading a travel book, too.,Dream?,Guess: Whats Bobbys dream(梦想)?,Cartoon time,Bobby wants to be a traveller.,Bobby wants to,Lets guess!,? ? ?,(旅行者),travel around the world,(环游世界),Bobby is talking about his travel plans with Sam.,Travel plans?,Cartoon time,(旅行计划),Look and say,the UK,( ),( ),( )

5、,What are Bobbys plans(计划)?,the US,Australia,He will go ,Tips:当你想表达事情发生的先后顺序时,你可说:First, Next, Then, Ill go ,Think and say,a gentleman,_ in the UK.,a cowboy,the baby kangaroo,Why ?,He wants to be,_ in the US.,_ in Australia.,He wants to be,He wants to be,(绅士),(牛仔),(袋鼠宝宝),Tips:四人一组,讨论Bobby想去这些国家的原因。,

6、Watch and find,How will they get there?,Watch and find,How will they get there?,插入动画,Watch and find,How will they get there?,Happy reading !,Read one by one 一人一句轮流读,Read after one 一人领读三人跟读,选择一种读书方式,四人小组合作朗读。,Tips:小组朗读结束后, 别忘记给对应的同学评价哦!,Act one fragment 表演一幅图,Act the story 表演整个故事,不同角色,不同音色,不同性格。,Tips

7、:三人一组,一人扮演Bobby,一人扮演Sam ,最后一人说旁白,尝试不看书表演哦!,Lets act!,Why ?,? ? ?,Tips:如果你是Sam,知道Bobby要乘坐出租 车去旅游,你会说些什么呢?,Imagine,Are you joking? (你在开玩笑吗?),You cant get there. You should go there by plane.,I wont go there with you!,Humorous 幽默的,What do you think of Bobby?,Lets discuss!,( 你认为Bobby是一个什么样的人?),Funny 滑稽的

8、,Unrealistic 不切实际的,Ignorant 无知的,. . .,Lets share!,Seek the truth from facts. 实事求是,Talking mends no holes. 空谈无补,Ticking time,Homework,1、Listen and read the cartoon, try to read it fluently.,2、Preview (预习)Sound time and Checkout time .,3、Finish Unit7 Exercise 3.,A travel book,Blackboard design,Youll find in ,


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