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1、What is design,虚拟现实界面设计,虚拟现实技术(virtual reality)是一种可以创建和体验虚拟世界的计算机技术。综合了: 计算机图形学(Computer Graphics Technology ) 仿真技术(Simulation Technology) 多媒体技术(Multimedia Technology) 人工智能技术(Artificial Intelligence Technology) 计算机网络技术(Computer Network Technology) 虚拟现实技术模拟人的视觉、听觉、触觉等感觉( sense )器官功能,使人能够沉浸在计算机生成的虚拟境界

2、中,并能够通过语言、手势等自然的方式与之进行实时交互。,What is Virtual Reality,Imagination 指虚拟现实技术具有广阔的可想象空间。 可拓宽人类认知范围,可再现真实环境,也可以随意构想客观不存在的环境。 Interaction 指用户实时地对虚拟空间的对象进行操作和反馈。 多感知交互是虚拟现实的灵魂。 Immersion 指用户感到作为主角存在于模拟环境中的真实程度。 虚拟现实能提供给用户一个真实的虚拟环境,使用户在生理和心理上对虚拟环境难以分辨真假。,Characteristics,virtual cocoon,Classification,Desktop V

3、irtual Reality 使用普通显示器或立体显示器作为用户观察虚拟境界的一个窗口。,Immersive Virtual Reality: 沉浸式虚拟现实可以利用头盔式显示器、位置跟踪器、数据手套和其他设备,使得参与者获得置身真实情景的感觉,Classification,Reinforcement Virtual Reality(or Augmented Reality) 增强式虚拟现实(又可称之为增强现实)是把真实环境和虚拟环境组合在一起的一种应用。 使用户既可以看到真实世界,又可以看到叠加在真实世界的虚拟对象。,Classification,Distributed Virtual Re

4、ality 分布式虚拟现实是将异地不同用户联结起来,对同一虚拟世界进行观察和操作,共同体验虚拟经历。,Classification,Data Glove,Hardware Equipments,Space Interaction Ball,Hardware Equipments,Space Tracking Locator,Hardware Equipments,Stereo glasses,Hardware Equipments,Helmet Mounted Display (HMD),Hardware Equipments,Force Feedback Device,Hardware Eq

5、uipments,Stereoscopic Display,Hardware Equipments,Three Dimension Scanner,Hardware Equipments,Motion Capture System,Hardware Equipments,VRPlatform(VRP),Software,Virtools,Software,Quest3D,Software,EON Studio,Software,Vizard,Software,Activity 1,Based on your analysis, where or what shall we apply virt

6、ual reality to? Military Industrial Simulation Architecture Medical Science Agriculture Education Mode,Something designed with users in mind Something designed without users in mind What is Interaction Design?,One main aim of interaction design is: To reduce the negative aspects e.g. frustration, an

7、noyance To enhance the positive aspects e.g. enjoyment, engagement In essence, it is about developing interactive products that are easy, effective, and pleasurable to use-from the users perspective.,A central concern of interaction design is to develop interactive products that are: easy to learn e

8、ffective to use providing an enjoyable user experience A good place to start thinking about how to design usable interactive products is to compare examples of good designed ones and poor designed ones,Poor and Good Design,Example 1,Poor and Good Design,What do you think of this remote control?,Poor and Good Design,Example 2,Why is the TiVo remote so much better designed? Peanut shaped to fit in hand Logical layout and color-coded, distinctive buttons Easy to locate buttons,



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