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1、.词汇 1_n. 田径运动 2_ n. 体育场,运动场 3_ n. 退休_ v. 退休 4_n. 背景 5_ n. 优势_ adj. 有利的;有益的;有助的,6_n. 符号_adj. 象征的,象征性的 7_n特性,品性_ v. 使具有资格,使合格_adj. 有资格的 8_n. 竞争者;对手_ v. 比赛,竞争 _n. 竞争;竞赛_adj. 竞争的 9_ vt. 保证_adj. 必定的,肯定的_n. 保证人 10_vt. 购买_adj. 可买的;可收买的 11_vt. 宣布_n. 宣告,宣布,说明_ adj. 宣言的;申报的,12_adj. 具体的_v具体指定;明确说明_adv. 特别地;具体地

2、 13_adv. 戏剧性地_ adj. 戏剧性的;生动的_n. 戏剧;戏剧艺术 14_ n. 小道 15_ n. 得分,答案:1.athletics2.stadium3.retirement; retire4.background5.advantage; advantageous6.symbol; symbolic7.quality; qualify; petitor; compete; competition; competitive9.guarantee; guaranteed; guarantor 10purchase; purchasable11.declare; declaratio

3、n; declarative 12specific; specify; specifically13.dramatically; dramatic; drama14.track15.score,.短语 1_the increase正在增加 2rise_ones feet 站起身 3_number of 的数目 4_number of 许多,大量 5_to sb. 由某人决定,由某人做(某事) 6six out_seven 七分之六 7make_list of 拟定一份名单 答案:1.on2.to3.the4.a5.up6.of7.a,.句型 1But_he had won everything

4、 it was possible to win in his sport, Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed. 但即使是已经赢得了自己在体操上所能赢得的一切,李宁还是带着一种失败感而退役了。 2Its more important_than_. 参与(比赛)要比获胜更重要。 3The number of young people with money to spend was_and sport had never been so popular.,有钱消费的年轻人数量在增加,而且体育运动也得到了前所未有的普及。,4The

5、Americans protested and in the end the American runner was_. 美国人抗议,最后这位美国选手被宣布为冠军。 答案:1.even if/though 2.to compete; to succeed 3on the increase4.declared the winner,.重点词汇 1perform v. 表现;表演;履行 知识拓展 perform well in 在中表现很好 perform a part 扮演一个角色 perform a task 执行任务 perform ones duties 履行职责 performance

6、n. 履行;执行;表演 performer n. 执行者;表演者,He performed what he had promised. 他履行了诺言。 Li Ming performed well in the activity. 在这次活动中李明表现很好。 What play will be performed tonight? 今晚表演什么节目?,即学即用 No matter how frequently_, the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world. Aperformed Bperforming Cto

7、be performed Dbeing performed 答案:A,2advantage n. 优势;长处 1)at an advantage 有利地;占优势 be of advantage to 对有利 gain/win/have an(the)advantage over 胜过;优于 have the advantage of 比强;胜过 take advantage of 乘机利用 to ones advantage 对某人有利 2)disadvantage n. 不利条件 to sb.s disadvantage 对某人不利 put sb. at a disadvantage 置某人

8、于不利境地,He always takes_full_advantage_of the mistakes made by his rivals. 他总是充分利用对手的失误。,They decided to take_advantage_of the beautiful weather and go to the country. 他们决定趁着天好到乡下去。 He has_an_advantage_over me in English, but I gain an advantage over him in maths. 他在英语上胜过我,但我在数学上占优势。 His inability to

9、speak French put him at_a_disadvantage. 他不会说法语,这使他很吃亏。,即学即用 Havent you learned of the advantage you should_others weak points in order to win the match? Amake on Bmake of Chave to Dtake of 答案:D,3purchase vt. a B/; the Ca; / Dthe; a 答案:D,6declare v. 宣布 知识拓展 declare sth. 宣布某事 declare that. 宣布 declare

10、oneself 发表意见;显露身份 declare sb./sth.(to be)adj. 宣布某人/某物 declare for/against. 公开表示支持/反对 declare war on/against 向宣战 declare off 取消 declaration n. 宣布;宣告,To our surprise, he declared himself to be satisfied. 使我们诧异的是,他表示很满意。 The doctor finally declared that the man was dead. 医生最后宣布此人死亡。 The use of certain

11、chemicals has now been declared illegal. 对某些化学物品的使用已被宣布为非法。,即学即用 In 1938, Hitler_war against Poland, which started the Second World War. Adeclared Bannounced Cbroadcast Dadvertised 答案:A,.难点突破 1on the increase 增加;增长 知识拓展 increase by倍数或百分数,表示“增加了”。 increase to数字,表示“增加到”。 链接: be on strike 罢工 be on a vi

12、sit to 访问 be on leave 在休假,即学即用 完成句子 With the production_(增长了50%), our factory will have another harvest this year. 答案:increased by 50%,2rise to ones feet 起身 知识拓展 struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来 on ones feet 站着;恢复健康 have ones feet on the ground 实事求是;脚踏实地 on foot 步行 stand on ones own feet 独立自主;自主 keep on

13、es feet 站稳 foot up to 加起来共;共计,即学即用 Before Christmas the shop assistants are_their feet. Arushing off Brushed off Cknocked off Dstruggling to 答案:A,3The chances are(that). 很可能 If you go into a school or university anywhere, the_chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar

14、logo. 如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,都有可能看到身穿印有那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。,相关搭配 by chance 偶然;碰巧 by any chance 万一;碰巧 take a chance 冒险试一试,(此处chance为动词,相当于happen) Theres a chance that. 有可能 The chances are ten to one that we will win. 我们十有八九会胜。 leave it to chance 听任命运 on the chance of/that. 怀着的希望 stand a good(stand no)chanc

15、e 很有(没有)可能,即学即用 Would you like to book a ticket for four oclock flight? What chance_of taking an earlier plane? Athere is Bis it Cthere it is Dis there 答案:D There is no chance_it will rain today. Awhether Bif Cwhich DThat 答案:D,4She had to run almost one kilometre before she caught the horse. 她得跑将近一公里才能赶上那匹马。,知识拓展 before的译法如下: 1)conj. “才”;用于强调主句所表达的时间、距离很长或花费的精力较大。 It will be five years before we meet again. 要等5年我们才能再见面。 2)conj. “就


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