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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。七年级上册英语课堂练习册参考答案与提示(人教版)篇一:人教版七年级英语上册课本课堂接练习题及 2013年人教版七年级英语上册课堂配套练习系列课堂接力 第starter单元 人教版七年级英语上册Starter Unit 1-3课堂接力 文具大全p3 Look at(看) my pencil box(铅笔盒) Its blue.Its my pencil box. Whats in it? Look! This is a pen.Its red. This is a pencil. Its orange. And t

2、his is an eraser(橡皮). Its white. My pencil box is big and nice(好看的). I like it. 根据短文内容回答问题: 1.What?s this?_ xK b1.C om 2.What color is the eraser?_- 3.What?s in the pencil box?_ (文具大全参考答案:1.It?s a pencil box.2. It?s white.3.A pen,a pencil and an eraser. ) 完形填空p5 Hello,I DaleLook at(看)this picture(画)

3、, please. in the picture? A map, a bed(床quilt, a jacket, a TV are in it. are the quilt and the jacket ? The quilt nice. It isnt . It is white. jacket isnt green. is brown. () 1l.A. are B. am C.is () 12.A. Whats B. Hows C. What () 13.A. the B. anC.a ()14.A.and B.or .C.of ()15.A.WhatsB.What C.Whos ()

4、16. A. / B. colorsC. color ()17.A.isB.are C.am () 18. A. a quiltB. green C. green one ( ) 19.A.The B. / C.A () 20.A. Jacket B.The jacketC.It (完形填空参考答案:BACAB CABAC) 第1单元人教版七年级英语上册Unit 1 My names Gina. 课堂接力 语法探究一:常见的打招呼的问候语p13 人际交往中,最常用的语言是打招呼的问候用语。在不同的国家里,打招呼和问候的方式是不同的。中国人喜欢用“吃了吗?” “你干什么去?”作为打招呼的开场白,

5、而在欧美国家的人们是怎样打招呼或问候呢? 1熟人打招呼: Hello! /Hi! Hello! /Hi! 2不同时段的问候: Good morning/afternoon/evening/night! (Morning!Afternoon!Evening!)Good morning!afternoon!evening! 3熟人间关心的问好: How are you? Fine. thank you. And you?(Im fine,thank you.Im OK. /Not bad.) 4晚上睡觉前的告别语: Good night!晚安! Good night!晚安! 语法探究二:打电话用语

6、p13 我们经常打电话,但你知道怎样用英语给别人打电话吗? 1.This is.(speaking)我是? 2.Who is that? 你是准? 或Is that.(speaking)? 你是?吗? 3.May I speak to.,please? 我可以跟?说话吗? 4.Hes in (out)他在家(不在家)。 5.Can I take a message for you?我可以为你捎信吗? 6Can I leave a message?我可以留个信儿吗? 7Hold on,please稍等。 第1单元 语法专练:p13 在横线上填上合适的。 A:Hi, Jim. B:l._ A: 2

7、._ B: Im fine, thank you! And you? A:Im OK. A: Hello, Im David. 1._ B: Hi. My names Tim. Nice to meet you.A: 2._ Whats your last name? B:3._ A: Whats your phone number? B: 4._ And your telephone number? A: Its 7683886. Whats this? B: Oh. 5._ 根据对话内容,在横线上填上合适的单词。 A: Hello, may I l._ to Ginaplease? B:

8、Im sorry. He isnt in. A: Who is 2._? B: 3._ is Mary-her best friend. May I to message? A: Yes,I want to ask her homework. B: Ill tell her about that. A:Thank you. .翻译下面的句子。 1下午好。_. 2“(最近)你好吗?”“很好,谢谢。”_. 3(打电话用语)我是Tom。你是谁? _. 4(打电话用语)我可以跟林涛说话吗?_. (语法专练参考答案:1.Hello/Hi. 2.How are you?.1-5 CDEAB . l.spe

9、ak 2.that 3.This .1. Good afternoon. 2.How are you? Im fine, thank you. 3. This is Tom. Who is that? 4. May I speak to Lin Tao? ) 弟弟妹妹p9 I have(有)a sister(妹妹)She is ten years old(岁).Her first name is Annie. Her last name is Jones. Her phone number(电话号码)is 545-5540.I have a brother(弟弟),too. His first

10、 name is Tom. His last name is Jones, too. His phone number is 726-8691.I like喜欢)them (他们)very much(非常) 根据短文内容判断后面句子正(T)误(F)。 1. Her name is Annie Janes. ( )2.Her first name is Jones.( ) 3.She is ten years old.( ) 4.His last name is Jones. ( ) 5. His phone number is 726-8691.( )(参考答案:FFTTT) 我的名字 p12

11、 Hello, boys and girls. My name is Malia Ann Obama. Malia js my first name. Its a given name. Ann is my middle name. And Obama is my last name. Its my fathers family name. People call(叫) me Malia Obama, not Malia Ann Obama, or they call me Malia. My father is Barack Hussein Obama II. He is the 44th

12、president of the USA(美国总 统) My mother is Michelle La Vaughn Robinson Obama. My sister is Natasha Obama . So our family name is Obama.阅读理解p15 Im a boy. My names Richard Smith. Richard is my first name. Smith is my last name. My telephone number is 284-5796. Look! This is my friend(朋友), Tom. Tom is hi

13、s first name. His family name is Bush. His telephone number is 457-8923, Look at this girl. She is my friend, too. Her name is Sue Read. Her telephone number is 789-1258.My questions are(是): Whats her first(参考答案:21.2845796 22.Tom Bush 23.Bush 24.Sue 25.Read ) 书面表达p15 同学们,升入初中已经快一个月了,你一定过得很开心吧!在新的班级里

14、,你又认识好朋友了吗?下面请你回想开学第一天的情景,结合本单元所学内容编写一组对话。(也可以把Starter的内容融入到对话中,相信你一定做得到!) (书面表达参考答案:A: Hello, Im Xu Yan. B: Hi, Im Zhao Chenzhe. Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you, too. Whats his name? B: His name is Xin Xuehua. Whats her name? A: Her name is Sun Yaomeng. B: Whats this in English? A: Its a pen. Its my pen. B: What color is it? A: Its black.) 第2单元人教版七年级英语上册Unit 2 This is my sister. 课堂接力 语法探究


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