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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。介绍重庆的英语作文5篇篇一:重庆英文版介绍 重庆,一座你梦想的城市 悬挂在联合国大厅的世界地图上,仅仅标出了中国四个城市的名字,其中一个就是重庆。 重庆,内陆开放高地。依山而建、两江环抱。 重庆地处中国内陆之西南、长江上游,主城为三面环水的半岛,山形水胜,山即是城,城即是山,山环水绕楼接天的景观,与郁郁葱葱的山地森林构成一幅立体城市画卷,托举出一个与自然和谐交融的、具有独特影响力的、世界唯一的大型山地森林城市。 若比人口总量,重庆可称世界第三大城市。重庆的总人口计算分为城市核心区与都会区全区,其中若以都会区全区计

2、算,达3257万人,仅次于东京和墨西哥城。 重庆古称江州,南北朝时,巴郡改为楚州。公元581年隋文帝改楚州为渝州,重庆始简称“渝”。公元1189年,宋光宗先封恭王,后即帝位,自诩“双重喜庆”,升恭州为重庆府,重庆由此得名,距今已有800余年。 重庆之魅力,在文化和精神,它是城市的“根与魂”。巴渝文化从远古走来,诞生过无比辉煌的文明。这是一座英雄之城,抗战文化曾经照亮和影响世界的方向和进程。这是一座记忆之城,一曲红梅赞唱响全中国,红岩精神见证了风雨如磐的斗争岁月。这是一座移民之城,源远流长的三峡文化,留下千古绝唱的诗篇,移民文化的江纳百川、兼容百川,让世界感受到重庆城市的智慧、胆识和魄力。 重庆

3、之魅力,在重庆力量迸发的城市巨变。国家五大中心城市战略地位凸显,“五个重庆”建设取得丰硕成果,西部金融中心崛起,内陆开放高地显现出强有力的聚变效应。 重庆是中国四大直辖市之一,国家五大中心城市,中国国家历史文化名城,中国长江上游地区的经济中心,也是中国西部地区重要经济增长极。全国独有的一市两个“保税区”两路寸滩保税港区、西永综合保税区。今天的重庆,吹响了全面发力的号角,日益彰显其气度恢宏、激情飞扬的魄力。 重庆之魅力,在不断进取的重庆人,在其强烈的使命和责任。大山大水造就了三千万巴渝儿女豪壮勇迈的性格。他们热情,对城市饱含深情和自信;他们勤奋,为把8万多平方公里的秀美山川建设成最宜居的城市,正

4、奉献着汗水和智慧?他们的城市梦想就是重庆的强大底气:大开放、大发展、大繁荣,重庆建成和谐的家园。 重庆之魅力,在其“巴山夜雨”之美。重庆气候温和,属亚热带季风性湿润气候。城市宜居,年平均气温在18左右,冬季最低气温平均在68,夏季较热,七月八月日最高气温在35以上。冬暖夏热,无霜期长、雨量充沛、常年降雨量10001450毫米,春夏之交夜雨尤甚,因此有山水园林之风光。 重庆之魅力,在其山城之雄伟。这里高楼林立,立交桥遍地,跨江大桥和隧道抬头可见。建筑沿山坡依次建造。吊脚楼作为重庆地区独有的传统民居形式,磁器口古镇等仍可觅其神韵。 城是山,山为城,形如半岛,在长江和嘉陵江的两江怀抱之中,又屹立在群

5、山翠岭之上。站在朝天门码头,你可以看到两江交汇。两江四岸,滨江大道像是为山城镶上的一道雄奇秀丽的银边,在山腰,高大的建筑依山而建,城内道路蜿蜒密布。每当夜幕降临,山城夜景,如天上街市落人间。两江的碧波倒映出满城灯火,灯山灯河融为一体,城市变成一个灯的世界。有山有水,山水之间有城有人。 一个富有三千年巴渝文化底蕴的历史名城丰姿绰约! 一个中国最年轻的直辖市正在催生无尽的现代神话! 一个世界最大的内陆山水城正在不断创造人间奇迹! 一个长江上游经济中心的新重庆正在开发中走向世界! 中国最年轻的直辖市欢迎你,邀你来一睹山水文化,赏美食美景美女,投资这块内陆开放高地。Chongqing, a fasci

6、nating city Only four Chinese cities are highlighted on the world map hanging in The United Nations General Assembly Hall. Chongqing is one of them. Chongqing, an open inland city, is built on mountains and embraced by the Yangtze River and Jialing River.Chongqing is situated in southwest China, the

7、 upper Yangtze River, with its city proper as a peninsula surrounded by rivers from three sides and boasting gorgeous mountains and rivers structuring together. A city landscape full of hills and water, skyscraping buildings and lush mountain forests constitute this worlds only large forest city whi

8、ch is harmonious with nature and has unique influence.Chongqing can be the third largest city in the total population. Such two parts as the city center and the whole metropolitan region will be concerned for the total population calculation of Chongqing. And the population of the whole Chongqing me

9、tropolitan region is up to 32.57 million, following Tokyo and Mexico City only. Chongqing was called Jiang Prefecture in ancient times, and was established as Ba Prefecture in Han Dynasty. Ba Prefecture was renamed as Chu Prefecture during the Southern and Northern Dynasties and as Yu Prefecture in

10、581 A.D. by Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, and since then, Chongqing has been known as Yu for short.In 1189, Emperor Guangzong of Song Dynasty ascended the throne after he was titled Prince Gong. Delighted by this “double happiness”, he promoted Gong Prefecture to Chongqing Fu. That is how the city got

11、 its present name Chongqing more than 800 years ago. The charm of Chongqing lies in its culture and spirit, which are the citys “root and soul”. Since ancient times, Bayu culture has given birth to incomparably glorious civilization. This is a city of heroes, its anti-Japanese war culture once light

12、ening and influencing the worlds direction and evolution. This is a city of memories, the song “Hymn for Red Plum-blossom”, extremely popular in China and expressing the Hongyan revolutionary spirit witnessing the days of storms and fights. This is a city of emigration, the long-standing culture of

13、the Three Gorges leaving behind eternal poems. With broad minds as an important part of the emigration culture, the whole world can feel Chongqings wisdom, courage and insight. The charm of Chongqing lies in the citys tremendous changes bursting from its inner power.Chongqings strategic status is hi

14、ghlighted among the five national central cities.The construction of”Five Chongqing” program has achieved abundant fruits. Chongqing is rising as the western financial center. The open inland upland reveals a strong fusion effect. As one of Chinas four municipalities directly under the Central Gover

15、nment,five national central cities and the national historic and cultural cities,as well as the economic center of the upper Yangtze River and the prominent economic growth pole in western China,Chongqing is the only city in China that owns two “bonded areas”-Lianglu Cuntan Bonded Port and Xiyong In

16、tegrated Bonded Area. Chongqing today has started its comprehensive development, increasingly demonstrating its spectacular courage and passion. The charm of Chongqing lies in Chongqing people who keep forging ahead continuously and with strong sense of mission and responsibility. Great mountains and rivers have made the offspring in Bayu region brave and heroic. They are passionate people with deep feelings for and co



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