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1、中文论文中的英文写作问题,中国医学科学院 北京协和医学院,肿瘤研究所,周传农,2014.10.29,题目,题目太繁,二甲双胍体外诱导人肝癌Huh-7 细胞凋亡的实验及其机制研究 二甲双胍体外诱导人肝癌Huh-7 细胞凋亡及其作用机制,题目不全,儿童单纯性肥胖模型的制作 儿童单纯性肥胖小鼠模型的制作,不好的中文题目,中药松友饮对体内化疗后残余肝癌作用的实验研究 中药松友饮对裸鼠体内化疗后残余肝癌的作用,不好的中文题目,IRP对无初乳仔鼠十二指肠IgG+和SIgA+细胞表达的影响 板蓝根多糖对无初乳仔鼠十二指肠IgG+和SIgA+细胞表达的影响,题目错误,基因工程大鼠研究进展 Process in

2、 Rat Genetics Progress in research on rat genetic engineering,题目太大,不同测压方法测试大鼠结肠破裂压 A comparison of different pressure testing systems for hollow organ of laboratory animals Comparison of different methods for testing the colon rupture pressure in rats,不好的英文题目,儿童单纯性肥胖小鼠模型的制作 Establishment of childhoo

3、d simple obesity animal model Establishment of a mouse model of childhood simple obesity,题目滥用缩写,哺乳动物 ES 细胞与 EG 细胞研究进展 哺乳动物 胚胎干细胞与 胚胎生殖 细胞研究进展 ES embryonic stem cells EG embryonic germ cells,不好的中文题目 滥用缩写,反复冷冻与冠状动脉结扎法制作大鼠AMI模型方法对比研究 反复冷冻与冠状动脉结扎法制作大鼠急性心肌梗死模型方法的比较,题目滥用缩写,乳酸调控大鼠肠黏膜微血管内皮细胞NF-B信号通路的研究 Lact

4、ic acid inhibits NF-B signaling pathways in RIMMVECs 读者看不懂 RIMMVECs,题目 拼写错误、大小写,Comparision of Hematological Parameters in Germ-free and Conventional guinea pig Comparison of Hematological Parameters in Germ-free and Conventional guinea pig,不好的中、英文题目,LPS和石墨粉诱导小鼠急性肺损伤病理形态学比较 Pathological comparison o

5、f LPS and Graphite power-induced acute lung injury 中文:应写明 脂多糖 英文:LPS Lipopolysaccharide 英文: power powder,英文题目拼写错误,Gong H, Shu L, Xu H, Chen B, Mao R, Zhang F, Wang Y. Bilateral internal carotid arteries ligation temporary impairs brain vasculaturev in young rats. Auton Neurosci. 2013, 173(1-2):39-44

6、. 此文已在国外正式发表,不好的英文题目,清脑方对缺血性眩晕大鼠脑损伤的保护作用 Protective effect of QNF on brain injury in ischemic vertigo rats Protective effect of the Chinese medicine Qingnaofang on brain injury in ischemic vertigo rats,英文题目 错误,改良半椎板切除法建立大鼠腰神经根压迫模型的研究 The study on rat model of lumbar never nerve root compression via

7、modified unilateral hemilaminectomy approach 啰嗦、缺建立、拼写错误,英文题目单复数,非人灵长类局部脑缺血动物模型研究现状述评 Review of focal cerebral ischemia model in non-human primate Review of focal cerebral ischemia models in non-human primates,英文题目滥用缩写,小型猪体外循环下心脏手术的麻醉 Anesthesia of Cardiac Surgery Under CPB on Swine Anesthesia in Ca

8、rdiac Surgery Under Cardiopulmonary Bypass on Pigs,英文题目 拼写错误,Comparision of Hematological Parameters in Germ-free and Conventional guinea pig Comparison of Hematological Parameters in Germ-free and Conventional guinea pig,很错误的英文题目,基因工程大鼠研究进展 Process in Rat Genetics Progress in research on rat geneti

9、c engineering,英文题目错误用词,The Comparative Study on Tumor Growth and Metastasis of There Kinds of Mice Breast Tumor Cells with Luc-labeled The Comparative Study on Tumor Growth and Metastasis of Three Kinds of Mice Breast Tumor Cells with Luc-labeled ,英文题目很大错误,常压缺氧致大鼠小脑浦肯野细胞急性病理改变的研究 Acute pathology cha

10、nges of Purkinje cells in mouse cerebellum under normobaric hypoxia,署名与单位,署名大小写,He bao-ming , wang zhizhong,liu xiaofei,yao hao,ouyang xiaohui,su jiagui He Bao-ming , Wang Zhizhong,Liu Xiaofei,Yao Hao, Ouyang Xiaohui, Su Jiagui 姓名大写、标点符号,单位错词、错名、大小写,The forth Applicated Hospital of Suzhou University

11、 the Forth Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University,单位不全,Academy of Military Sciences Academy of Military Medical Sciences,单位大小写,Department of , The Fifth Central Hospital of Tianjin, Tianjin 300162, china. Department of , the Fifth Central Hospital of Tianjin, Tianjin 300162, China.,署名、单位,Bai aigu

12、o*,Zheng chuansheng,Zhou guofeng,Liang huiming,Feng gansheng. Wantwanthospital, Changsha 410016, China (Wang Wang Hospital),人名的大小写。单位名称错误,署名、单位大小写、拼写错误、标点符号,WEI Bing-yan,LIU Tian-fu,GUO Yong-chang ,ZHANG Yin-hong (the center of Laboratory animal of Shan Xi Mendical University,taiyuan 030001, China),

13、英文摘要中滥用缩写,英文摘要滥用缩写,Objective: To observe the affect of RGZ and ATRA on the growth of myeloma xenograft in nude mice and RGZ rosiglitazone ATRA all-trans-retinoic acid affect effect,滥用缩写英文摘要,IHC analysis on TMA revealed that Immunohistochemical analysis on tissue microarray revealed that ,英文摘要滥用缩写,To

14、 screen the genes differentially expressed in human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cell lines using SSH. To screen the genes differentially expressed in human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cell lines using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH).,(摘要首句),用错词,错词,大鼠给予药液灌胃 All rats were lavaged with KFL so

15、lution. All rats were gavaged with KFL solution.,错词,神经上皮移植 Neuralepithelial transplantation Neuroepithelial transplantation,错词,巴马小型猪12只 12 Obama mini-pigs were randomly divided into 12 Bama mini-pigs were randomly divided into ,错词,Low does Low dose High does High dose,通篇如此,错词,RT-PCR was used to ampl

16、ification the full-length sequence of RT-PCR was used to amplify the full-length sequence of ,错词,Other adverse reactions include atrial premature, oral mucositis, fatigue et al. Other adverse reactions include atrial premature, oral mucositis, fatigue, etc.,错词,GeneBank GenBank,错词意思反了,正常、特异抗原批内变异系数分别为8.3%和6.4%,批间平均变异系数分别为9.7%和11.5%. The inter-assay coefficient of variation of normal antigen and special antigen was 8.3% and 6.4%, a



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