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1、海上钢琴师台词 -经典片段译文Hey, Corn, whats the matter? You lose your sea legs? 嘿,老朋友,怎么啦,晕船吗Where the hell did you find that record? 你是在哪里找到那只唱片的What have you been up to all these years? 这些年来你过得怎么样-Making music. -Even during the war? 做音乐.战争期间也是?Even when no-one was dancing anymore. 即使没有人跳舞的时候Even when the bomb

2、s were falling. 即使炸弹落下来的时候And I kept playing till the ship got here. 我一直弹奏直到轮船到达目的地Call this a ship ? 把这个叫做轮船?Its more like a mountain of dynamite about to explode. 这像一做就要爆炸的火药山多一点A bit dangerous, dont you think? 难道你不认为危险了一点?And you, Max? “那你呢,马斯”Wheres your trumpet? 你的喇叭呢?I gave it up as well, a wh

3、ile back. 我已经不吹了But you know now Im in the mood for starting again. 可是我现在又想吹了Im busting with new ideas. 我有个想法Lets start a duo, you and me. “我们现在来个二重奏,你和我”Or our own band : 我们自己的乐队The DannyBoodman T.D. Lemon Nineteen Hundred Big Band !“丹尼布曼 T.D.柠檬 1900 乐队” It gets the blood going! Wed be a smash. 让人热

4、血沸腾.我们过去是多么的出色Come on, Nineteen Hundred come on with me, Lets get off. 来吧. 给我一起下船Well watch the firework from the pier and then well start from scratch. 我们看船炸掉后从头开始Sometimes thats the way you have to do it. 人生就是这么回事You have to go right back to the beginning. 有时候你要从头开始Youre never really done for, as

5、long as youve got a good story and someone to tell it to. Remember? 有了好故事 你才会去告诉别人 还记得吗You told me that. 是你告诉我的Well, what a stack of stories you got new. 想想你现在有多少好故事可以讲The world would be hang on your every word, crazy for your music. 你的故事会在世上流传 他们会为你的音乐而疯狂Believe me. 相信我All that city. . . 关于那城市You j

6、ust couldnt see an end to it. 你不能看到城市的尽头The end! 尽头Please, you please just show me where it ends? “求求你,你可以让我看到尽头吗”It was all very fine on that gangway and I was grand, too, in my overcoat.船上多么的好我是多么的伟大I cut quite a figure 我下了很大的决心And I was getting off. 我决定的时候一点犹豫也没有Guaranteed, thats wasnt the proble

7、m. 没有问题It wasnt what I saw that stopped me. Max 不是我看到的东西不让我前进It was what I didnt see, understand? 是我看不到的东西.你明白吗What I didnt see. 我看不到的东西In all that sprawling city, there was everything except an end. “在那纵横的城市 什么都有,就是没有尽头 ”There wasnt an end. 但是没有尽头What I did not see was where the whole thing came to

8、 an end. 困扰我的是,尽头在哪The end of the world.世界的尽头You take a piano. 拿钢琴来说Keys begin, the keys end. .“从琴键开始,在琴键结束” You know there are 88 of them and nobody can tell you any differently 你知道有 88 个琴键 每一个都是一样的They are not infinite, you are infinite. “他们不是无穷的 你是无尽的”And on those 88 keys, the music that you can

9、make is infinite. 可你在那 88 个琴键上 可以弹奏无尽的音乐I like that. 我喜欢这样That I can live by.我可以赖以生存You get me up on that ganyway and you roll out in front of me. 我在阶梯上看到的.A keyboard of millions and billions of keys that never end and thats truth, Max, that they never end .上千万个琴键没有尽头,真的,Max,没有尽头That keyboard is inf

10、inite. 那键盘是无限的And if that keyboard is infinite theres no music you can play. “如果琴键是无限的 你就不能在上面弹奏音乐”Youre sitting on the wrong bench. 你坐错了琴凳Thats Gods piano. 那是上帝的钢琴Christ, did you see the streets? Just the streets, There were thousands of them! 我的天你看到那街道了吗?有成千上万条街道How do you do it down there? 你如何取舍?

11、How do you choose just one? 你选哪一条One woman, one house, “一个女人,一间房子”one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, “属于你的一片土地 属于你的一片风景”one way to die. 死亡之路All that world just weighing down on you, you dont even know where it comes an end.你被世界压着不知道哪是尽头I mean, arent you even just scared of

12、 breaking apart at the thought of it. 你难道不怕崩溃At the enormity of living in it.漫无边际的空间I was born on this ship. 我在这船上出生And the world passed me by, but two thousand people at a time. “世界在我身旁经过 每次有两千人” And there were wishes here, 这里有希望But never more than fit between prow and stern.操控在这船上You played out yo

13、ur happiness on a piano that was not infinite. 在有限的钢琴上弹奏 可以得到欢乐I learned to live that way. 我学会了那样生活Land 陆地is a ship too big for me. 对于我来说是一艘太大的船Its a woman too beautiful.太美的女人Its a voyage too long 太长的旅程Perfume too strong 太浓的香水Its music I dont know how to make.是我创造不出的旋律I could nerver get off this shi

14、p 我永远下不了船At best, I can step off my life.最多,步下人生舞台After all,I dont exist for me anyone 就好像我从来没有存在过Youre the exception, Max. 你是例外,马斯Youre the only one who knows Im here.只有你知道我在这里的人Youre a minority.唯一的 And youd better get used to it.面对现实吧Forgive me, my friend. “原谅我,我的朋友”But Im not getting off. 我不会和你下船

15、Max. 马斯Picture the scene at the Golden Gates.想象天堂之门Some guy searching a list trying to find my name,not finding it.守门的人找不到我的名字What did you say your name was again? 你说你叫什么?Nineteen Hundred. 1900Niemann, Nightingale, Ninestock 伊蒙、伊索、伊士曼Nittledeen.夜莺Well, You see, sir, I was born on a ship. beg your pa

16、rdon ?“你看,先生,我出生在船上. 你说什么”Born, raised,and died on a ship, maybe Im not registered there.一辈子待在船上,可能没有登记Shipwreck? No, six and a half tons of dynamite Boom.海难事故吗?“ 不,是六吨半的炸药”Feeling better now? 你现在好点了吗?Yeah, Im fine except I lost an arm. 还好,只是少了只手臂-An arm? -Yes, in the explosion. “一只手臂?是的,在爆炸中”Well, you should be able to find one over there. 你应该在那里可以找到一只的-Which one did you say you were missing? left, sir.你说丢了哪一只?左手?Im dreadfully so


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