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1、蔷薇科 Rosaceae,The Rosaceae or rose family is a large family of plants, with about 3,000-4,000 species in 100-120 genera. Traditionally it has been divided into four subfamilies: Rosoideae(蔷薇亚科), Spiraeoideae(绣线菊亚科), Maloideae(苹果亚科), and Amygdaloideae(李亚科). These subfamilies are primarily diagnosed by

2、 the structure of the fruits, although this approach is not followed universally. Recent work has identified that the traditional four subfamilies are not all monophyletic单源, but the structure of the family is still awaiting complete resolution.,Most species have alternate leaves and stipules. The f

3、amily does tend to have somewhat monotonous actinomorphic flowers, commonly with 5-parted perianth花被 and numerous stamens.,蔷薇科 Rosaceae,花萼和花瓣常为5枚,雄蕊多数(5的倍数) 本科有四个亚科,约120属,3300余种,广布世界 各地,尤其以北温带较多,包括许多著名的花木, 中国约48属1056种,、绣线菊亚科,Traditionally those genera which bear non-fleshy fruits consisting of five

4、capsules or follicles蓇葖果. 果实为开裂的蓇葖果或蒴果 单生或复叶,通常无托叶 心皮5,离生,合生。,绣线菊属:蓇葖果,种子无翅,花径不超过2cm,单叶。 珍珠梅属:蓇葖果,种子无翅,花径不超过2cm,羽状复叶,有托叶。 白鹃梅属:蒴果,种子有翅,花径约4cm,单叶,无托叶。,绣线菊属 Spiraea L,They are native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere, with the greatest diversity in eastern Asia. 落叶灌木,单叶互生,缘有齿或裂,无托叶,花小,成伞形,伞形总状,复伞房或

5、圆锥花序,心皮5,离生,蓇葖果,种子细小,无翅。 本属约100种,广布于北温带。中国50余种。这个属的花基本为白色或粉色,花期46月,一般56月。,笑靥花S .prunifolia 伞形花序,花白色,无总梗,有 极小的叶状苞位于花序基部,叶椭圆形至卵形,花期45月。 珍珠绣球(补氏绣线菊)S .blumei 花白色,伞形总状花序,着生在多叶的小枝上,叶端钝,菱庄卵形至倒卵形,羽状脉,花期46月。,笑靥花,粉花绣线菊 S .japonica 花粉红至红色,复伞房花序。,Spiraea - Daphne Spiraea japonica Alpina,麻叶绣线菊 S .cantoniensis 叶

6、端尖,菱状长圆形到披针形,羽状脉,珍珠花 S .thunbergii 花白色,伞形花序,叶线状披针形,光滑无毛。,补氏绣线菊 S .blumei,金山绣线菊,Spiraea - Crisp Leaf Sp x bumalda Crispa , have pink flowers in large clusters. One of its distinquishing characteristics is the new growth, which is burgundy-red. Distinguished by their size, bloom color and season of bl

7、oom, spireas all have small leaves and fine, twiggy branches. Once established, they are drought tolerant.,金焰绣线菊,柳叶绣线菊,园叶绣线菊(三桠绣线菊)S .trilobata,花白色,伞形总状花序着生于多 叶的小枝上, 叶端钝,叶近圆形,通常3裂, 花期56月。,),园叶绣线菊(三桠绣线菊),习性:这个属都喜光,菱叶绣线菊,粉花绣线菊可耐荫。对土壤要求不严格,不需要精心管理。,观赏特性与用途:枝条,叶都较秀气,姿态优雅,花多白色,显得安静,常配植于安静休憩区,可片植、群植。花像积雪,

8、又像云海,和连翘,榆叶梅配花期能接上。,珍珠梅属 Sorbaria A .Br,Shrubs deciduous.Branchlets yellow to green when young, later dark reddish or yellowish brown, terete圆柱状的;buds ovoid to cylindric, with several exposed, alternate scales, glabrous or slightly pubescent at apex. Leaves alternate, stipulate, pinnate; leaflets op

9、posite, sessile or subsessile, doubly serrate. inflorescence a large, terminal panicle. Flowers small, numerous. Hypanthium隐头花序 shallowly cupular杯状的. Sepals 5, reflexed, short, broad, persistent.Petals 5, imbricate重叠成瓦状, white, ovate to orbicular, base cuneate楔形, apex obtuse钝的. Stamens 20-50, nearly

10、 equaling or longer than petals. Carpels 5, opposite sepals, basally connate同族的, glabrous or subglabrous. Follicles glabrous, dehiscent along adaxial近轴的 suture缝合. Seeds several.,珍珠梅属 Sorbaria A .Br,落叶灌木,叶互生,奇数羽状复叶,具托 叶,小叶边缘有锯齿,花小,白色。成顶生的 大圆锥花序蓇葖果,花期69月。,珍珠梅 S .kirilowii,小叶1321枚,卵状,披针形,重锯齿,花白色,花期68月,

11、白鹃梅属 Exochorda Lindl,They are deciduous shrubs growing to 2-4 m tall. The leaves are paddle-shaped oval, 3-9 cm long, with an entire or bluntly serrated margin. The flowers are white, with five petals, produced in spring on the ends of the branches. The fruit is a dry follicle which splits apart to

12、release the flattened seeds. 落叶灌木,单生互生,花白色,皮质大,成顶生总状花序,花萼花瓣5。蒴果5棱,种子具翅。,白鹃梅属 Exochorda Lindl,They are deciduous shrubs growing to 2-4 m tall. The leaves are paddle-shaped oval, 3-9 cm long, with an entire or bluntly serrated margin. The flowers are white, with five petals, produced in spring on the

13、ends of the branches. The fruit is a dry follicle which splits apart to release the flattened seeds. 落叶灌木,单生互生,花白色,皮质 大,成顶生总状花序,花萼花瓣5。 蒴果5棱,种子具翅。,白鹃梅 E .racemosa,花期45月,栽培管理简单,喜光,耐半荫。春季开放,满树雪白。常作基础栽植或于草地边缘。,心皮离生,子房上位绣线菊亚科,梨亚科 Pomoideae,Traditionally this includes those genera (apple, cotoneaster, haw

14、thorn, pear, quince榅桲, rowan花楸, whitebeam白面子树, etc), whose fruits consist of five capsules (called “cores”) in a fleshy endocarp内果皮, surrounded by the ripened stem tissue. This fruit is called a pome. 苹果亚科 心皮25合生,子房下位,梨果.,栒子属 Cotoneaster,The majority of species are shrubs from 0.5-5 m tall, varying

15、from ground-hugging prostrate plants to erect shrubs; a few, notably C. frigidus, are small trees up to 15 m tall and 75 cm trunk diameter. The shoots are dimorphic, with long shoots producing structural branch growth, and short shoots bearing the flowers; this pattern often developing a herringbone

16、人字形 form of branching. The Leaves are arranged alternately, ovate to lanceolate, entire; both evergreen and deciduous species occur. The flowers are produced in late spring, solitary or in corymbs伞状花序 of up to 100 together; they are 5-10 mm diameter, and have five petals, creamy white to light pink, 10-20 stamens and up to five styles. The fruit is a small pome 5-12 mm diameter, bright red when mature, containing one to three (rarely up to five) seeds.,栒子属 Cotoneaster,灌木,无


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