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1、,文本解读和学习目标预设,Module1 Unit4 Reading A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP,解读文本体裁 解读文本结构 解读文本语段 解读文本语言 解读阅读策略 解读学生,Module 1 Unit 4 Earthquake Reading A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP 的文本解读,一、解读文本体裁,叙事型记叙文(Narration),体现记叙文的四个要素,即时间、地点、人物、事件(起因、发展、结果) 按时间顺序叙述地震前,地震中,到地震后的整个情况。 记叙文常见的表达式是记叙、描写、抒情和议论。本篇文章从第三人称角度叙述,运

2、用了大量的细节描写,给人以真切的感受。同时作者抒发了强烈的惋惜和悲伤之情,在文章的最后这种情感升华到地震无情人有情,在任何遭遇面前永不言弃的情感,这也是作者所要表明的观点和态度。 Title:A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP 这个标题用拟人的修辞手法告诉读者时间和事件。能吸引读者引起读者思考,因此可以让学生先根据标题预测文章内容。,二、解读文本结构,Part 1: (Para.1) Before the earthquake strange things began to happen but no one paid attention to them. Part 2

3、: (Para.2 and 3) The city lay in ruins and people were shocked at the destruction. Part 3: (Para.4) The army came to help the survivors, bringing hope for a new life.,四、解读文本语言,1)细节的描写( 概数和确数的表达使得细节信息更可靠,突出了地震造成的危害以及救援工作的成效。),Eleven kilometres below the city, more than two hundred kilometers away, ei

4、ght kilometeres long and thiry metres wide, In fifteen terrible seconds, Two-thirds of them, thousands of families, many children, The number of people reached more than 400,000. All of, 75% of, 90% of, two dams, tens of thousands of cows, half a million pigs, millions of chickens, some of ., more b

5、uildings, 150,000 soldiers, hundreds of thousands of people, most of the 10,000 miners,2)定语从句、宾语从句、状语从句的合理使用(6个定语从句,3个宾语从句,3个状语从句) 3) 被动语态使用到位 4) Simile: 5)拟人修辞的使用,The sound of planes could be heard It was felt in Beijing, which many children were left without parents. were injured; were trapped; we

6、re helped; were rescued; The water was taken,It seems as if the world was at an end! Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves.,Title: A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP Slowly, the city began to breathe again.,五、解读阅读策略,学生能根据标题预测文章内容 学生能对一些生词猜测词义 学生能通过主题句,过渡句和表示时间的短语总结归纳文章结构 学生能够找出各个部分的细节信息内容 学生能推

7、断揣测作者写作意图,六、解读学生,大部分学生没有亲身经历过地震,但是对于2008年汶川5-12大地震和2010年玉树地震,学生通过电视网络已有一定的认识。很多学生也看过电影唐山大地震。但是地震的相关词汇还比较陌生,但本文很适合让学生通过语境猜测词义,比如:crack,injure, destroy, rescue, trap, bury, shelter 等等。 学生已经经过前面三个单元的学习,对高中英语学习已经有所适应。这个单元的语法是定语从句关系代词的用法,全文总共6个定语从句,涉及到who, that, which, whose四个关系代词。除了这6个定语从句以外,还用到了3个宾语从句和

8、3个状语从句。复合句的比例对于学生来说比较适中。,阅读第一课时学习目标预设:,By the end of the class, the majority of the students will be able to: 1. know the information about the earthquak happening in Tangshan in 1976, including the strange things before the earthquake, the destruction that the earthquake caused, and the rescue afte

9、r the quakes. 2. find out the topic sentence in each paragraph and summarize the main idea of each part of the passage 3. know the meaning of the following words and phrases through the teachers explanation or word-guessing: crack, think little of, in ruins, injure, gone, destroy, rescue, bury, trap

10、, shelter. 4. predict the contexts of the passage,阅读第二课时学习目标预设:,By the end of the class, the majority of the students will be able to: 1. sense and analyze the authors feelings between the lines especially through the following sentences. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of

11、 these events, were asleep as usual that night. It seemed as if the world was at an end! But how could the survivors believe it was natural? The suffering of the people was extreme. Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed. People began to wonder how long the disaster would last. All h

12、ope was not lost. Slowly, the city began to breathe again. 2. analyze and conclude the writing purpose of this passage 3. understand the meaning of the title and analyze the reason why the author uses the title.,阅读第一课时教学步骤 (teaching procedures:),Step 1. Lead in Step 2. Reading 1. Prediction(学生预测文章内容

13、的能力) 2. First reading (学生找出文章主旨大意) 3. Second reading (学生以时间顺序为线索对文章进行分段和概括) 4. Third reading(学生对细节信息的了解) Step 3. After-reading Step 4. Homework,1. Show the following two pictures and ask the students: What do the two dates (12th May, 14th April) remind you of? 2. Question: What usually happens when

14、an earthquake breaks out(爆发)?,Pair-work 1). Tell your parter what damage the Tangshan earthquake cuased to the city. 2). Discuss with your parter about why the earthquake caused so many deaths and injuries.,阅读第二课时,阅读第一课时教学教学步骤 (teaching procedures:),1)Part1: before the earthquake The students retell

15、 the signs before the quake with the aid of pictures after reading the first part of the passage. How did the one million people of the city think of these events? 2) Part2: during the earthquakes Data and details 3) Part 3: After the quakes What got the city to breathe again? People were . Those wh

16、o were trapped were . 10,000 miners were . Shelters were . Fresh water was .,data(数据),of the nation felt the earthquake . A huge crack that was kilometers long and meters wide cut across houses, roads and canals. In terrible seconds, a large city lay in ruins. of the people died or were injured during the earthquake. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than . All of the citys hospitals


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