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1、www.XiYuS锡育软件 I first tried online dating my freshman year of college, which was in 2001, in case you cant see my wrinkle. 大学一年级时, 我第一次尝试网上约会, 那是在 2001年, 我承认这么说有些暴露年龄。00:12 Now, as you may have noticed, Im six-feet tall, and when I arrived at my chosen university and realized our mens Division III b

2、asketball team averaged five-foot-eight, 你可能已注意到 我的身高有一米八, 当我进入大学 校园时, 就意识到校男子篮球队(第三区) 队员的 平均身高也才一米七多点儿,00:20 I abandoned the on-campus scene and went online.所以就当机立断放弃校园约会, 而选择了网上约 会。00:28 Now, back then, online dating was pretty close to the plot of Youve Got Mail. 那会儿的网上约会,像极了电影 电子情书里的 情节。00:32 Yo

3、ud write long emails back and forth for weeks, before you finally met up in real life. 你会连续好几周 写很多很长的邮件, 才最终决定约 出来见面。00:36 Except, in my case, youd realize you have no chemistry and so now, youre back to square one. 除了在我的例子里, 意识到俩人根本不来电后, 一 切又回到原点。00:41 So, while online dating has changed a lot in t

4、he last 17 years, many of the frustrations remain the same. 虽然过去17年里 网上约会已经改变了很多, 但其中 很多问题依然存在。00:46 Because heres what it does well.以下是网约软件做得好的地方:00:53 It broadens your pool of potential dates beyond your existing social and professional circles. 它超越你现有的社交和工作圈, 拓宽了潜在约会对 象群;00:55 wrinkle: n.皱纹/vi.起皱

5、/vt.使起皱纹 averaged: v.平均(average的过去式)/adj.平均的 abandoned: adj.被抛弃的;无约束 的;/v.抛弃(abandon的过去式和过去分词) back and forth: 反复地,来回地 back to square one: 从头再来;退回起点 frustrations: n.挫折 broadens: vi.扩大,变阔;变宽,加宽/vt.使扩大;使变宽 And heres what it doesnt do well.这是它做的不好的地方:01:01 Literally everything else.除了以上那条之外的所有方面。01:03

6、(Laughter) A few things you should know about me: Im an action-oriented overachieving math and theater nerd, who ended up with an MBA. (笑声) 我先做个自我介绍: 我是一个行动派, 数 学超好,而且是个戏剧迷。 还有一个工商管理硕士 学位。01:06 So, when things arent working out, I tend to take a step back, apply my business toolkit to figure out why

7、, and to fix it. 所以当事情发展不顺时, 我一般会选择以退为进, 运用我的商业技能工具 找出问题并解决它。 01:14 My love life was no exception.我的感情生活也不例外。01:21 The summer before I turned 30, I took myself on a relationship off-site. 在我即将30岁那一个夏天, 我给自己的感情生活放 了个假,01:24 Which means I went camping solo in Maine for a week, to do a retro on my trac

8、k record of mediocre relationships. 去缅因州独自露营了一周, 回顾了自己平凡的感情 经历。01:28 Because the thing was, I knew what I wanted in a partner.事实是,我很清楚 自己想要什么样的伴侣。01:35 action-oriented: 行动导向 overachieving: vi.完成得比预期要好/vt.做得比预期的更好 nerd: n.呆子;讨厌的人 step back: 后退,退后;无意义 toolkit: n.工具包,工具箱 off-site: n.工地外;厂区外 camping: n.

9、露营;野营/v.露营;扎营;临时安顿(camp的 ing形式) solo: n.独奏;独唱;独奏曲/adj.独奏的;独唱的;单独的/vt.单人攀登;单独驾/vi.单独表演;放单飞/adv.单独地 Maine: n. 缅因州(美国州名) retro: n.制动火箭,减速火箭;(服装式样等)重新流行/adj.复古的,(服装式样等)重新流行的 track record: n. 径赛成绩记录;过去的成绩或成就 mediocre: adj.普通的;平凡的;中等的 Kindness, curiosity, empathy, a sense of purpose.善良、有好奇心、同理心, 还要心怀大志。01

10、:37 And yet, heres what I chose for online: Ivy League degree, six feet or taller, lives within 12 subway stops of me. 但是,我在网上写的 要求却是这样的: 常青藤大学 毕业、身高一米八或以上, 与我居住的地方 距离不 超过12个地铁站。01:42 Its not that I intentionally prioritized those things, its just the easiest to vet for online. 我不是故意要 把那些东西摆在首位, 而是这

11、样的描 述在网上最容易筛查。01:51 which is why these guys looked great on paper and never quite fit me. 这就是为什么这些男人 把自己写得那么棒, 却始终 不适合我。01:58 So when I went back online in the spring of 2016, I decided所以2016年春季, 我再次回归网上约会时, 我决定 用经典的商业手段 来调整我的作战策略。02:03 TED演讲者:Christina Wallace | 克里斯提娜 华莱士 演讲标题:How to stop swiping a

12、nd find your person on dating apps | 如何停止在约会软件上滑屏 搜寻,找到真正的白马王子 内容概要:Lets face it, online dating can suck. So many potential people, so much time wasted - - is it even worth it? Podcaster and entrepreneur Christina Wallace thinks so, if you do it right. In a funny, practical talk, Wallace shares how

13、she used her MBA skill set to invent a zero date approach and get off swipe-based apps - and how you can, too. 让我们面对这个事实吧,网上约会有时很糟糕。太多的潜在对象,太多的时间被浪费掉这样做值得吗? 如果你有同感,播客主/企业家克里斯提娜 华莱士(Christina Wallace)也这样认为。 在这个有趣而实用 的演讲里,华莱士分享了她如何使用MBA技能发明出了一个“零约会”方法,而不再使用基于滑动的手机应 用以及如何做到这些。 So when I went back onlin

14、e in the spring of 2016, I decided to reengineer the process through some classic business tools. 用经典的商业手段 来调整我的作战策略。02:03 First, I went to OkCupid, because I wanted to avoid the gamification of swipe-based apps. 首先我登陆了OkCupid, 因为我不想再用那些像游 戏一样、 需要不停滑动手机屏幕的软件,02:10 And also, because I wanted a writin

15、g sample.而且还因为,我想要一份写作样本。02:15 Next, I set up a sales funnel, throwing out any sense of my type, and instead defining the criteria that would qualify a lead. 接着我建立了一个销售漏斗模型, 列出了我想要的 方方面面, 并且直接提供了符合要求的参考标准。 02:18 empathy: n.神入;移情作用;执着 taller: adj.更高的;高一点的 intentionally: adv.故意地,有意地 prioritized: v.优先化

16、 (prioritize的过去分词) on paper: 以书面形式;在名义上 funnel: n.漏斗;烟囱/vt.通过漏斗或烟囱等;使成漏斗形/vi.通过漏斗 等;成漏斗形 defining: adj.最典型的;起决定性作用的/v.规定(define的ing形式);给下定义;表明特征 criteria: n.标准,条件 (criterion的复数) An inbound message had to do three things: had to be written in complete sentences and with good grammar; it had to reference something in my profile, so I know its not a copy-and-paste situation; and it had to avoid all sexual content. 给我私信可以,但要做到三件事: 句子完整而语法无 误, 还须提到我的 个人简介里的一些内容, 以此证 明这不是复制粘贴, 并且还不能出现色情内容。 02:27 I


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