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1、www.XiYuS锡育软件 I want to talk to you about how to build and rebuild trust, because its my belief that trust is the foundation for everything we do, and that if we can learn to trust one another more, we can have unprecedented human progress. 我想要和大家讨论的是 如何建立和重新建立信任, 因为我相信,我们所做的一切 都是以信任为基础, 而且如果我们能够 学会

2、更相信别人, 我们就能达成 史无先例的人类进展。00:13 But what if trust is broken?但如果信任被破坏了呢?00:35 What if your CEO is caught on video, disparaging an employee? 如果你公司的执行长被逮到 蔑视员工,且有影片为 证,怎么办?00:38 What if your employees experience a culture of bias, exclusion and worse? 如果你的员工遇到偏见、排挤, 或更糟的文化,怎么 办?00:45 What if theres a dat

3、a breach, and it feels an awful lot like a cover-up than seriously addressing it? 如果发生资料泄漏, 且感觉起来非常像是在掩饰, 不是要认真处理此问题,怎么办?00:53 And most tragically, what if a technological fail leads to the loss of human life? 最悲剧的是, 如果技术上的错误造成了 人命的损 失,怎么办?01:02 If I was giving this talk six months ago, I would have

4、 been wearing an Uber T-shirt. 如果我做这场演讲是在六个月前, 我会穿着 Uber(优步)的 T 恤来。01:10 Im a Harvard Business School professor, but I was super attracted to going to an organization that was metaphorically and perhaps quite literally on fire. 我是哈佛商学院的教授, 但我超级想要去一间,可说 是, 也许真的是,如火中烧的组织。01:18 one another: 彼此,互相 unpre

5、cedented: adj.空前的;无前例的 disparaging: adj.毁谤的;轻蔑的/v.蔑视(disparage的ing形 式) exclusion: n.排除;排斥;驱逐;被排除在外的事物 breach: n.违背,违反;缺口/vt.违反,破坏;打破 cover-up: n.掩饰;隐 蔽 tragically: adv.悲剧地;悲惨地 Uber: adj.最好的;?超级的/n.Uber(公司品牌名)优步 Harvard: n.哈佛大学;哈佛大学学生 metaphorically: adv.隐喻地;用比喻 I had read everything that was written

6、 in the newspaper, and that was precisely what drew me to the organization. 我把报纸的内容通通都读过了, 正因为如此,我才被 这间组织吸引。01:32 This was an organization that had lost trust with every constituent that mattered. 这间组织失去了所有 重要成员的信任。01:39 But theres a word about me that I should share.但我应该和大家分享 一个关于我的词。01:47 My favor

7、ite trait is redemption.我最喜欢的特质是救赎。01:49 I believe that there is a better version of us around every corner, and I have seen firsthand how organizations and communities and individuals change at breathtaking speed. 我相信,在每一个转角, 我们都能遇见最好的自己, 我亲眼见过 组织、社区,以及个人 如何用惊人的速 度改变。01:53 I went to Uber with the h

8、opes that a turnaround there could give license to the rest of us who might have narrower versions of their challenges. 我去 Uber 希望能够扭转局面, 希望我们其他人 得 以缩小所面对挑战的范围。02:08 But when I got to Uber, I made a really big mistake.到 Uber 之后,我犯了一个大错。02:20 I publicly committed to wearing an Uber T-shirt every day

9、until every other employee was wearing an Uber T-shirt. 我公开承诺每天 都要穿 Uber T 恤, 直到所有其他 员工都穿上 Uber T 恤为止。02:26 constituent: n.成分;选民;委托人/adj.构成的;选举的 mattered: n.物质;原因;事件/vi.有关系;要紧 trait: n.特性,特点;品质;少 许 redemption: n.赎回;拯救;偿还;实践 firsthand: adj.直接的;直接采购的;直接得来的/adv.直接地 breathtaking: adj.惊人 的;惊险的;令人激动的 turn

10、around: n.转变;转向;突然好转;回车道 every other: 所有其他的;每隔一个的 I had clearly not thought that through.很显然,我没想清楚就承诺了。02:35 (Laughter) It was 250 days of wearing an Uber T-shirt.(笑声) 结果 250 天都穿着 Uber T 恤。02:38 Now I am liberated from that commitment, as I am back at HBS, and what Id like to do is share with you ho

11、w far I have taken that liberty, which, its baby steps, 现在我已经从那承诺解脱了, 我回到哈佛商学院, 而我想要和各位分享的是 我带着这份自由走了多 远, 这距离是用宝宝步伐来衡量的,02:45 (Laughter) but I would just say Im on my way.(笑声) 但我只会说,我正在走这段路。03:04 (Laughter) Now, trust, if were going to rebuild it, we have to understand its component parts. (笑声) 如果我们

12、要重新建立信任的话, 我们得要 了解它的组成。03:07 The component parts of trust are super well understood.信任的组成是非常清楚的。03:15 Theres three things about trust.信任有三个重点。03:19 TED演讲者:Frances Frei | 法兰西丝佛雷 演讲标题:How to build (and rebuild) trust | 如何建立和重建信任 内容概要:Trust is the foundation for everything we do. But what do we do when

13、 its broken? In an eye-opening talk, Harvard Business School professor Frances Frei gives a crash course in trust: how to build it, maintain it and rebuild it - something she worked on during a recent stint at Uber. If we can learn to trust one another more, we can have unprecedented human progress,

14、 Frei says. 我们所做的一切都是以信任为基础。但如果信任被破坏了呢?在这场让人开眼界的演说中,哈佛商学院教授 法兰西丝佛雷带来一堂关于信任的速成课:如何建立和重新建立信任她最近在 Uber 的工作期间就在努力 做这些事。佛雷说:如果我们能学会彼此信任,人类就会有前所未有的进展。 Theres three things about trust. If you sense that I am being authentic, you are much more likely to trust me. 如果你感觉到我很真实, 你就非常有可能会相信 我。03:24 If you sense

15、that I have real rigor in my logic, you are far more likely to trust me. 如果你感觉到我的逻辑很严谨, 你更有可能会相信 我。03:31 And if you believe that my empathy is directed towards you, you are far more likely to trust me. 如果你相信我同理的对象就是你, 你更有可能会相 信我。03:40 When all three of these things are working, we have great trust.

16、当这三个重点都发挥作用时, 我们就会有很棒的信 任。03:48 authentic: adj.真正的,真实的;可信的 rigor: n.严厉;精确;苛刻;僵硬 empathy: n.神入;移情作用;执着 But if any one of these three gets shaky, if any one of these three wobbles, trust is threatened. 但如果三项当中有一项不稳固了, 如果三项当中有 一项在动摇了, 信任就会受到威胁。03:53 Now heres what Id like to do.以下是我想要做的。04:04 I want each of us to be able to engender more trust tomorrow, literally tomorrow, than we do today. 我想要我们每个人 明天都能获得更多的信任, 真 的,就是明天, 要比今天得到更多信任。04:05 And the way to do that is to understand where trust wobble


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