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1、www.XiYuS锡育软件 Its like a dream.就像做梦一样,00:12 Imagine, in the empty desert, you come upon a huge wheel ringed in skeletons, and someone invites you to come pull a series of heavy ropes at its base, so you walk to one side, where a team is waiting, and you all throw your backs into it, and you pull in

2、turn, and eventually, the wheel roars to life, lights begin to flicker, and the audience cheers, and youve just activated Peter Hudsons Charon, 想象在荒无人烟的沙漠里, 你看到了一个巨大的轮 子, 上面挂满了一圈骷髅, 然后有人邀请你一起拉 动 底下那串沉重的绳子, 你走到底部的一边, 那里 已经有一群人就位了。 你们所有人用尽全力往后 拉, 然后又轮流拉, 最终,轮子轰隆隆的动起来了。 灯光开始闪烁,观众开始欢呼, 各位刚刚成功启动了 Peter H

3、udson的 作品“卡戎”(冥府的渡 神),00:14 one of the worlds largest zoetropes.这是世界上最大的西洋幻境之一。00:43 This is the farthest thing from marketable art.但这也是最不具有商业价值的艺术品。00:47 (Laughter) Its huge, its dangerous, it takes a dozen people to run, and it doesnt go with the sofa. (笑声) 它很庞大,很危险, 要十几个人合力才能 启动, 还不能坐在沙发上观看。00:51

4、 (Laughter) Its beautifully crafted and completely useless, and its wonderful. (笑声) (笑声) 可是却无比壮观。00:59 come upon: 要求;成为.的负担;突然产生 ringed: adj.环状的;戴戒指的;有环的;被包围的/v.围绕;圈出(ring的过去分词) skeletons: n.骷髅;解剖骨骼(skeleton的复数);流言(歌曲名) invites: 邀请/招致/请贴/聘请 in turn: 轮流,依次 roars: n.怒 吼 flicker: vi.闪烁;摇曳;颤动;扑动翅膀;假装昏倒/

5、vt.使闪烁;使摇曳/n.闪烁;闪光;电影 activated: adj.活性化的;活泼的/v.使激 活;使活动起来;有生气(activate的过去分词) Hudson: n.哈得孙河 farthest: adv.最远地(far的最高级);最大程度地/adj.最远的; 最久的(far的最高级) marketable: adj.市场的;可销售的;有销路的 crafted: adj.精心制作的/v.精巧地制作(craft的过去分词) Youre unlikely to see works like Charon in the art-world headlines. 在当今的艺术世界里,像卡戎 这

6、样的作品不太 可能出现在头条上。01:08 These days, the buying and selling of artwork often gets more attention than the works themselves. 如今,人们对艺术作品买卖的关注 超过了作品本 身。01:12 In the last year, a Jean-Michel Basquiat sold for 110 million dollars, the highest price ever achieved for the work of an American artist, and a pai

7、nting by Leonardo da Vinci sold for 450 million, setting a new auction record. 去年,尚 米榭 巴斯奇亚的 一幅作品卖到了一亿 一千万美元, 成为了美国艺术家历史上 卖得最贵的 作品, 还有列奥纳多 达 芬奇的一幅画 最终以 4500万美元成交, 创下了拍卖会上的历史新高。 01:18 Still, these are big, important artists, but still, when you look at these works and you look at the headlines, you h

8、ave to ask yourself, Do I care about these because they move me, or do I care about them because theyre expensive and I think theyre supposed to? 但毕竟,这些都是伟大的, 举足轻重的艺术家们, 可 即便如此,当大家看到这些作品, 看到那些成交的新 闻标题时, 依然要问问自己, “我在意这些作品是 因为 它们让我深受触动, 还是因为它们卖得很贵, 所以我认为他们本应如此?”01:35 In our contemporary world, it can

9、be hard to separate those two things. 在当今社会,要将价格和作品本身的 价值区分看待 也许很难。01:53 But what if we tried?但如果我们能试一试呢?01:59 What if we redefined arts value - not by its price tag, but by the emotional connection it creates between the artist and the audience, or the benefits it gives our society, or the fulfillm

10、ent it gives the artists themselves? 要是我们能够不再用价格来 定义一幅作品的价值, 而是由作品给艺术家与观众之间 搭建这座情感交 流的桥梁, 或者作品给社会带来的好处, 又或者是 艺术家们所得到的 成就感来重新定义呢?02:02 artwork: n.艺术品;插图;美术品 the works: 作品;机械的可动部件;相关的所有事物 contemporary: n.同时代的人;同时期 的东西/adj.当代的;同时代的;属于同一时期的 redefined: adj.重新定义的/vt.对再加以解说;再给下定义(redefine的过 去分词) emotional:

11、 adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的 fulfillment: n.履行;实行 This is Nevadas Black Rock Desert, about as far as you can get from the galleries of New York and London and Hong Kong. 这是内华达州的黑石沙漠, 是离纽约,伦敦和香港的 画廊 最远的地方。02:19 And here, for just about 30 years, at Burning Man, a movement has been forming that does exactly tha

12、t. 就在这儿,仅仅用了30年, 在火人节这个节日, 一场 艺术改革运动就此兴起。02:27 Since its early anarchist years, Burning Man has grown up.从最初一场无政府主义者的狂欢, 至现在,火人节发 展成熟。02:35 Today, its more of an experiment in collective dreaming.如今,这个节日更像是一种 实现集体梦想的实验。 TED演讲者:Nora Atkinson | 诺拉 阿特金森 演讲标题:Why art thrives at Burning Man | 为什么艺术能在火人节蓬

13、勃发展起来? 内容概要:Craft curator Nora Atkinson takes us on a trip to Nevadas Black Rock Desert to see the beautifully designed and participatory art of Burning Man, revealing how she discovered there whats often missing from museums: curiosity and engagement. What is art for in our contemporary world if no

14、t this? she asks. 手工艺策展人诺拉 阿特金森带我们走进了内华达州的黑石沙漠,去看看火人节中设计精美和参与性极强的 艺术作品。她说她在火人节艺术展里发现了博物馆里所缺少的东西:好奇心和参与性。她问:“在我们的当 代社会里,若这不是艺术,什么才是艺术呢? Today, its more of an experiment in collective dreaming. 02:38 Its a year-round community, and every August, for a single week, 70,000 people power down their techno

15、logy and pilgrimage out into the desert to build an anti-consumerist society outside the bounds of their everyday lives. 黑石市全年开放, 在每年八月里的某一周, 有七万 多名游客放下手中的 电子产品,前来沙漠朝拜, 就 是为了建造一个超越日常生活的, 反消费主义的社 会。02:42 The conditions are brutal.沙漠的条件是艰苦的,02:57 Strangers will hug you, and every year, you will swear

16、it was better the last, but its still ridiculous and freeing and alive, and the art is one thing that thrives here. 但陌生人之间会相互拥抱鼓励, 而你每年都信誓旦 旦的说 这最好是最后一次来这儿了, 尽管如此,但 它却那么 荒诞不羁,生气蓬勃。 艺术在这片天地 里, 繁荣的发展了起来。02:59 galleries: n.美术馆(gallery的复数);图表种类 anarchist: n.无政府主义者/无政府主义的 year-round: adj.整年的;一年到头 的 pilgrimage: n.漫游;朝圣之行/vi.朝拜;漫游 bounds: n.界限;跳动(bound的复数)/v.跳跃;弹回;限定;邻接(bound的三单形 式) brutal: adj.残忍的;野蛮的,不讲理的 ridiculous: adj.可笑的;荒谬的 freeing: v.释放;解除;使免除(free的ing形式) thrives: vi.繁荣,兴旺;茁壮成长 So thi


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