节约用水的必要性 The Necessity of Saving Water

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节约用水的必要性 The Necessity of Saving Water_第1页
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节约用水的必要性 The Necessity of Saving Water_第2页
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《节约用水的必要性 The Necessity of Saving Water》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《节约用水的必要性 The Necessity of Saving Water(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。节约用水的必要性 The Necessity of Saving WaterWith the increasingly serious shortage of water resources, protecting water resources and water conservations has become an urgent task for human beings. If we do not cherish the water, then the last drop of water in eart

2、h would be our tears. At present, some countries are facing with water shortage, and there are more than one billion people cant drink clean water. Therefore, water conservation must be attached more attention than ever before. The problem of water shortage of the urban population has become increas

3、ingly prominent. Some people may think that we can do nothing for water conservation or our efforts make no use to it. However, great things may be done by mass effort. As long as each of us has the sense of water conservation and take actions, we can see huge changes.随着水资源短缺不断加剧,保护水资源和节约用水已经成为人类的一项紧急任务。如果我们不珍惜水,地球上的最后一滴水就是我们的眼泪。目前,一些国家正面临着水资源的短缺,超过十亿人口喝不到干净的水。因此,我们必须比以前更注意节约用水。城市人口水资源短缺问题已经日益突出。有的人可能认为我们不能为节约用水做些什么,或是我们的努力对此没有用。但是,伟大的事情是从很多努力而来的。只要我们每个人都有节约用水的意识并行的起来,我们就可以看到巨大改变。2


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