桂林之旅 A Visit to Guilin

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《桂林之旅 A Visit to Guilin》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《桂林之旅 A Visit to Guilin(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。桂林之旅 A Visit to Guilin桂林之旅 A Trip to Guilin 英语作文范文一:I hear many peoplesay that Guilin is a beautiful city, but I didnt go there before. Happily, I gota chance to visit there last month. Its a small and quiet city. People arefriendly, because its a famous tour

2、ist city. There are many foreigners travelto Guilin. Li River, Two Rivers and Four Lakes, Elephant Trunk Hill and Peak ofSolitary Beauty are the most famous views. I visited them all and I think theyare amazing. After enjoying myself in Guilin, I visited to Yangshuo by boat.Along the way to Yangshuo

3、, I enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Li River.Yangshuo is a wonderful place, too. The West Street attracts many tourists,especially young people, because there are many bars and clubs there. I didntgo to the bars because I am a middle school student. Maybe someday in thefuture, I will. In short, it

4、was really a pleasant trip to Guilin.桂林之旅 A Trip to Guilin 英语作文范文二:DearTony,Ihad a wonderful trip to Guilin with my parents this summer holiday. It is asmall city in the northeast of Guangxi. It has more than 2,000 years historyand the whole city is about 27,800 square kilometers. There are green mo

5、untains,clear waters, unique caves and beautiful stones there. The most famous touristattractions are elephant trunk hill, Li River, reed flute cave and Seven-star Park.Elephant trunk hill is the symbol of the city. It is really a fantastic hill.It looks like a huge elephant drinking water by the Li River!Askyour parents to bring you to Guilin next time. You can go there by air, bytrain or by bus and get around on free buses in the city. If you go, I can gowith you. I would like to visit it again! I am sure we will have a great timethere.2


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