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1、,Section B 1a-1d,To learn to make suggestions. To learn to use “Lets”,Language Goals,Learn to express your idea about your friends invitation.,Emotional Goal,Lets play soccer, soccer, soccer, soccer. Well, sorry, I dont have a soccer ball. Lets play volleyball, volleyball, volleyball, volleyball. We

2、ll, sorry, I dont have a volleyball. Lets play tennis, tennis, tennis, tennis. OK, OK, that sounds good.,A Chant,Haha, its fun.,fun 有趣的, 令人愉快的,UNIT 5 SECTION B,Warming-up,Wow, its Interesting!,interesting 有趣的,令 人感兴趣的,UNIT 5 SECTION B,Ah, its relaxing.,relaxing 轻松的,UNIT 5 SECTION B,Haha! Its difficul

3、t.,difficult 困难的,UNIT 5 SECTION B,Hmm. Its boring.,boring 无聊的,令人生厌的,UNIT 5 SECTION B,Learn the description words,fun,difficult,interesting,relaxing,boring,Match the words with the pictures.,1. interesting _ 3. fun _ 5. relaxing _ 2. boring _ 4. difficult _,c,d,e,b,a,1a,A: Do you have a computer? B:

4、Yes, I do. / No, I dont. A: Well, lets play computer games. B: That sounds fun/interesting/ boring/relaxing/difficult/good.,Pair work,A: Lets ,B: That sounds,play tennis,play volleyball,play soccer,play basketball,play baseball,good/interesting/ difficult/ boring/fun/relaxing/.,Listen and check () t

5、he description words you hear in 1a.,1. interesting ( ) 2. boring ( ) 3. fun ( ) 4. difficult ( ) 5. relaxing ( ),1b,Listen again. What does Paul say about these actives? Choose a word from 1a to fill in each blank.,play computer games _ play volleyball _ watch TV _ play basketball _,1c,interesting,

6、difficult,boring,fun,Listen again and fill in blanks.,Jenny: Lets play computer games. Paul: That sounds _ . But I dont have computer. Jenny: Well. Do you have volleyball? Paul: Yes. Jenny: Then lets _. Paul: Oh, volleyball is so _. Jenny: OK, lets watch TV.,interesting,play volleyball,difficult,Pau

7、l: That sounds _. Hmm lets play soccer. Do you have a soccer ball? Jenny: No, I dont. Paul: Oh. Welldo you have a basketball? Jenny: Yes, I do. Lets _. Paul: That sounds _.,boring,play basketball,fun,1d,You are Paul. Your partner is Pauls friend Jenny. Talk about the activities in 1c.,Hi, Im Frank.

8、I like sports very much. I like to play baseball. I think it is very interesting. But I dont like to play ping-pong because its so difficult. His/Her name is ., he/she likes,Group work,1Do you have a soccer ball? _. A. Yes, I dont B. No, I do C. No, I doesnt D. No, I dont 2. _ Jim _ his homework eve

9、ry evening? A. Do, does B. Do, do C. Does, do D. Is do 3. Lets _ shopping together! A. do B. does C. to go D. going,D,C,A,Exercises,I.填空。,II.用所给词的正确形式填空。,1. That _(sound) relaxing. 2. _ you _(have) a baseball bat? 3. My brother _(have) a baseball bat. 4. She _(play) sports every day. 5. _ your frien

10、d _(like) sports? 6. Let _(we) play tennis. 7.Thats an _(interest) computer game.,sounds,Do,have,has,Does,like,plays,us,interesting,1. He does housework at home. (变否定句) He_ _ housework at home. 2. He goes to play football in the park on Sundays. (就划线部分提问) What _ he _in the park on Sundays?,doesnt do

11、,does,do,.根据提示完成句子。,Lets,play computer games. play volleyball. watch TV. play basketball. sing .,That sounds,interesting. difficult. boring. fun. relaxing. .,Summary,How to invite your friends to play together?,How to answer others invitation?,1. Invite your parents to the park in English, tell them what you will do and why. 2. To preview the magazine article in 2b.,Homework,


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