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1、,Section A Grammar Focus-3c,To learn to use Yes/No questions and short answers to identify ownership. To learn to use possessive pronouns mine, yours, his, hers.,Language Goals,Lets play a guessing game,Whats that? Is that a/an? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.,Warming up,Whats this? Is this a/an? Yes, it

2、 is. / No, it isnt.,Whats that? Is that a/an? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.,Are these her? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.,Are those his? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.,Are those her? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.,Grammar focus,1. _ your school bag? (作肯定回答) 这是你的书包吗? 是的,它是。 2. _ your pencils? (作否定回答)

3、 这些是你的铅笔吗? 不,它们不是。 3. _ your eraser? (作肯定回答) 那是你的橡皮吗? 是的,它是。 4. _ your rulers? (作否定回答) 那些是你的尺子吗? 不,它们不是。,Is this,Are these,No, they arent.,Yes, it is.,No, they arent.,Yes, it is.,Is that,Are those,Complete the questions and answers about each picture.,this,isnt,these,they,that,is,those,arent,3a,Grou

4、p work,Use the things in the picture and the sentence patterns in 3a to make your own conversations.Then role-play in front of your classmates.,3b,Read the questions and complete the answers.,Yes, _. Its _.,No, _. _ Sallys.,1. Is this her ruler?,2. Is that Erics schoolbag?,it is,hers,it isnt,Its,3.

5、Are these his pencils?,4. Are those Annas books?,Yes, _. Theyre _.,No, _. _ mine.,they are,his,they arent,Theyre,Put some things into the teachers box. Then take one thing out of the box and find the owner. You only have two guesses!,No, it isnt.,3c,Is this your eraser?,B: Yes, it is. No, it isnt.,F

6、ind the Owner,A: Is this your ?,Lets play the game!, Whats this in English? Its a / an How do you spell it? Is this your No, it isnt. Is this his / her No, it isnt. Its his / her ,You can use the following sentence patterns:,Is that/this ? 那/这是吗? 这是个一般疑问句,是用来确认物主关系的。 肯定回答:Yes, it is. 否定回答:No, it isn

7、t. 注意:答语不用this或that。 例句:Is this an orange? 这是个桔子吗? Yes, it is. 是的,它是。 Is that your jacket? 那是你的夹克吗? No, it isnt. 不,不是。,Language points,Are these/those ? 这些/那些是吗? 在这种句型中名词要用复数形式。不用 不可数名词。 肯定回答:Yes, they are. 是的。 否定回答:No, they arent. 不是。 注意: 不能用these或those来作简略回答。,例句:Are these your rulers? 这些是你的尺子吗? No

8、, they arent. 不是。 Are those his erasers? 那些是他的橡皮吗? Yes, they are. 是。,一调二改三问号 “一调” :把be动词调至句首; “二改”: 改主语称谓; “三问号”:在句末加上问号,This is my pen. Is this your pen?,含有be动词的陈述句变一般疑问句,根据要求完成句子。 1. This is her eraser. (改一般疑问句) 2. Is that Marys pen? (否定回答) 3. That is my ruler. (否定陈述句) 4. Is his pen here? (肯定回答),I

9、s this her eraser?,No, it isnt.,That isnt my ruler.,Yes, it is.,【运用】,5. This is a pen. (变为一般疑问句) 6. Is this your pen? (肯定回答) 7. Is that her English book? (否定回答),Is this a pen?,Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,名词所有格,名词所有格的构成方法,名词性物主代词。,mine,hers,yours 等是名词性物主代词,相当于一个名词,可以在句子中单独使用。它相当于“形容词物主代词 + 名词”。而形容词性物主代词

10、只能和名词在一起使用。,例句: This is your ruler. Its not my ruler. = This ruler is yours. Its not mine. 这是你的尺子,它不是我的。 Those arent his books. Theyre her books. = Those books arent his. Theyre hers. 那些书不是他的。它们是她的。,形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词表,1. Dales father is a teacher. _ is a teacher, too. A. I B. My C. Mine D. Me 2.Thisi

11、smybook.isoverthere. A.YourB.YoursC.YouD.Mine 3.Whosepencilsarethere?Theyre. A.myB.meC.mineD.our,C,【运用】,B,C,I. 单项选择。 1. Is this your key, Jenny? No. _ is in my schoolbag. A. His B. Hers C. Mine 2. Is this _ book? No, it isnt _. A. theirs; their B. hers; his C. your; mine 3. The green pen isnt _. Its

12、 _. A. his, his B. his, yours C. yours, my,C,C,B,Exercises,4. Excuse me, are these _ new shoes? No, they arent. _ are black over there. A. her; Hers B. her; She C. hers; Her 5. These arent _ yellow pencils. The blue pencils are_. A. mine, my B. his, his C. hers, her 6. Is that _ pencil box? No, it i

13、snt. Its _. A. Eric, Lindas B. Linda, Eric C. Erics, Lindas,A,B,C,1. Are those your _ (pencil box)? Yes, they are. Theyre _ (my). 2. Is that _ (Anna) green eraser. No, it isnt. The red eraser is _ (her). 3. Are _ (this) your keys? No, _ (it) arent. 4. Is the blue pencil _ (your), Linda? No, it isnt.

14、 Its _ (Bob). 5. That isnt _ (Eric) schoolbag. _ (his) is red.,II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。,these,these,mine,Annas,pencil boxes,hers,yours,Bobs,Erics,His,III. 根据提示完成句子。 1. _ _ (那些是) Dales keys? 2. Is this her eraser? (改为复数句) _ _ her erasers? 3. Are those his rulers? (作否定回答) No, _ _. 4.Are those his keys? (改为单数

15、句) _ _ his key?,Are those,Are these,they arent,Is that,. 翻译句子。,1.那些橡皮是你的吗? 不是,它们是玛丽的。 2.这是你的书吗? 是的,是我的。 3.那是李明的词典吗? 不,不是。它是我的。 4.这些是他的尺子吗? 是的,是他的。,Are those erasers yours? No, they arent. They are Marys.,Is this your book? Yes, it is. Its mine.,Is that Li Mings dictionary? No, it isnt. Its mine.,Are these his rulers? Yes, they are.,中考链接, Excuse me, may I use your dictionary? _is at home. Certianly. But remember to returnit on time. A. I B. Me


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