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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。去逛动物园的英语作文进入动物园,都有动物标识图,猛兽之家、天鹅湖、猴山、星星馆、马戏团表演,大象表演应有尽有。以下是小编整理的去逛动物园的英语作文,欢迎阅读。I have been to Taipei Zoo about once a year. The zoo is like a hotel for animals. The animals come from many parts of the world. The animals that came from Africa are elephants, li

2、ons, zebras, camels, ostriches, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, giraffes, hyenas, monkeys, and cheetahs, Kangaroos came from Australia. Tigers came from Malaysia. Penguins came from South America. There are a lot of native animals, anteaters, rattlesnakes, beautiful birds and fish, and so on. I like those

3、 native animals best because many of them are our good neighbors.Today was Sunday. My parents were free, too. I got up at 7oclock, because my families planed to go to the zoo. After the breakfast, I took the camera and went to the station together with my parents. It was already 9oclock when we arri

4、ved at the zoo. There were so many monkeys, tigers, lions, wolves and other animals in the zoo. We took many photos in the zoo with the animals. I will show these photos in my class after they were printed. The time passed so fast, we left the zoo at 1oclock PM. I was so happy today. Now I feel very

5、 tired and I will go to bed early tonight.Today is Saturday. I had a great day today, because I visited to the zoo. In the morning, my grandmother woke me up. After breakfast, my grandparents took me to the zoo. We went there by bus. There were many people in the zoo. We saw many kinds of animals. S

6、ome of them are lovely. But some of them are frightened. I am afraid of snakes. I like to go the zoo, because it I can see many animals.Today is Saturday. I had a great day today, because I visited to the zoo. In the morning, my grandmother woke me up. After breakfast, my grandparents took me to the zoo. We went there by bus. There were many people in the zoo. We saw many kinds of animals. Some of them are lovely. But some of them are frightened. I am afraid of snakes. I like to go the zoo, because it I can see many animals.2


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