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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。欲速则不达作文篇一:欲速则不达的英语作文实例 四、名人名言,谚语类作文(论证主题类作文) Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Haste Makes Waste. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline ( given in China ) belo

2、w: 1. 为什么说”欲速则不达” 2. 试举例说明. Haste Makes Waste. 1) It is well known that haste makes waste. 2) The truth of it is self-evident .3) No one can deny that the hastier you are, the more slowly you achieve the final goal. 4) Therefore, if you only emphasize speed but neglect the quality of your work, you

3、will get the opposite result. 5) Many examples can be found to prove that haste makes waste. 6) Take the examination as a typical example. 7) People who answered the questions on sheet in haste may find more directions are neglected. 8) Furthermore, the person who answered in haste might also find m

4、ore mistakes in answers. 9) It goes without saying that haste makes waste. 10) Then, we should always remember to make preparations with a calculated plan and carry out the plan step by step.11) There is no doubt that we can get a good score in an exam only with the right speed. 12) In conclusion, w

5、hatever we do, we should attain a balance between the speed and the quality.篇二:2016年英语四级作文范文:欲速则不达 2016年英语四级作文范文:欲速则不达 优秀的作文范文可以帮助大家打开写作思路,提高写作水平,下面是文都网校小编为大家准备的一篇英语四级范文,供大家参考、学习。 题目:欲速则不达 参考范文: The Proverb “Haste makes waste” has been widely accepted for many years. It reminds us that if we are to

6、achieve our final goal we have to do it in a (1)down-to-earth way. (2)The truth of it is deep and profound. (3)There are numerous examples supporting this argument. (4)A case in point is the ancient Chinese story of (5)“Helping the shoots grow by pulling”. This story proved that the haste caused not

7、 only waste but great loss. (6)For another example, some parents and teachers,(7) in order to improve childrens academic performance in a short time, tend to put too heavy burden on children. This, (7) as a result, brings the children(8) nothing but great pressure. (9)All the above-mentioned tells u

8、s that we shouldnt(10) be over anxious for quick results. Everything has its own (11)developing law. Therefore, (12)whatever we do, we should not pay too much attention to the speed and ignore these laws. 点评:(1)意为“脚踏实地”。 (2)意为“其中蕴涵着深远的道理” (3)用于引出例证。 (4)意为“典型的例子”。 (5)引用“拔苗助长”的故事 (6)用于引出另外的例子 (7)插入语 (

9、8)意为“只是,仅仅”。 (9)常用于得出结论 (10)意为“急于求成”。 (11)意为“发展规律”。 (12)引导让步状语从句,意为“无论什么”。篇三:欲速则不达教学 教学目标: 1、熟读古文和译文,对照译文理解古文大意。 2、通过自悟、讨论、交流等方式,感悟文章所蕴含的深刻含义:欲速则不达。教学重点: 通过自悟、讨论、交流等方式,感悟文章所蕴含的深刻含义:欲速则不达。教学时间:2课时 第一课时 教学目标: 通过自悟、讨论、交流等方式,感悟文章所蕴含的深刻含义:欲速则不达。教学过程: 一、从题目入手,导入新课. 1、今天我们要学习的课文师欲速则不达,看了这个题目,你猜一猜,题目是什么意思。

10、(过于性急,反而不能达到目的。) 2、对于这个题目,你有什么问题要提? (学生提问题) 二、带着问题读课文 根据你提出的问题,预习课文,从课文重看看能否找出问题的答案。 学生读课文。 三、检查预习情况。 1、找学生读课文。 2、指名认读生字词语。 3、读了课文,你都读懂了什么? 四、小组合作学习 (一)分小组讨论一下问题: 1、齐景公为什么要火速往回赶? 2、齐景公是怎样往回赶的? 3、齐景公会很快赶回都城吗?为什么? 4、如果你是齐景公身边的一个侍从,当看到齐景公嫌马跑的不努力,自己下车步行时,你打算怎样说服他回到马车上去? (二)合作学习,小组讨论,交流。 (三)全班交流。 五、作业 搜集生活中有哪些事是欲速则不达。 第二课时 教学目标: 熟读古文和译文,对照译文理解古文大意。 教学过程: 一、与挑山工进行比较阅读,讨论,深化认识。 (一)再读挑山工,讨论: 1、挑山工为什么不像游人一样走直线? 2、难道他们不知道走折尺形路线比游人走直线路程要长一倍吗? (二)全班交流。 二、联系实际,深化理解 1、练习生活实际,谈一谈自己对欲速则不达的理解。 2、生活中还有哪些事欲速则不达。 三、熟读古文和译文,对照理解 1、熟读译文。 2、熟读古文。 3、古文译文对照读,整体感知,理解文意。 4、播放欲速则不达之二的flash,学生欲速则不达的另一种意思。6


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