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1、 Whats in the FCE writing exam Part 1? 剑桥FCE考试写作第一部分概述 From 2015, the fi rst part of the writing exam is revised, in which you need to write an essay. 2015年起,FCE写作考试第一部分进行了改革,你需要在这个部分写一篇议论 文。 Part 1 is a compulsory task. You write 140 - 190 words. 第一部分为必写任务,字数 为 140 - 190。 Part 1 is worth half the m

2、arks of the writing exam. 第一部分分数为写作考试部分的一 半。 How is the exam assessed? 写作考试如何评分 The criteria used to assess the candidates answers in the writing exam include: 写作 部分评估考生文章的标准如下: language 语言 语言方面主要指的是词汇和语法。尽量使用复杂一些的词汇和语法,但是同时要用得准确。 你的文章应该包括一系列的语法和表达,而不应该过于单一。 structure 结构 文章结构指的是你是如何将句子和段落组织在一起的,句子和句

3、子之间,段与段之间是否有 逻辑性,是否有合理的结构,标点是否准确,等等。还包括表示转折、因果、并列等连接词 的使用。 content 内容 内容方面大家要关注自己的文章在多大程度上把题目所要求的内容写出来了,也就是说是否 能把题目让你写的东西写出来。 communication 交流 在这个方面,大家要注意你的语言是否合适,是否得体。比方说,文体是否正确,写议论文 时所讲的道理是否讲得通,给朋友写信的时候是否显得亲密,给不太认识的人,或者位置比 自己高的人写信的时候是否足够正式。 4 essentials for good answers 高分文章的4个标准 Answer the questi

4、ons 答全问题 Plan 列大纲 Use paragraphs 分段 Revise your work 修改 一定要确保自己回答了题目提出的所有问题,不能少答,也不能多答。 必须要为你的写作列大纲,规划自己的写作内容。应该花至少 10 分钟时间为写作考试的每 一篇文章写大纲。不规划写作内容是 FCE 考试写作部分不及格的最大原因,为什么不能忽 视规划写作内容呢?因为写作大纲让你在写作时有一个可以依照的结构,实际写作过程中会 节约你的写作时间,如果你要一边考虑如何变化使用词汇、如何使用正确语法,还要一边思 考要包括在文章里的想法,那几乎一定是顾此失彼的。 必须要将文章写成 4 - 5 段。第一

5、段应该引入段,中间几段为文章主体,最后一段必须包含 结论。 为每篇文章留出 5 分钟时间检查。改正涉及到时态、语序、拼写等最基本的错误。 Introduction however, we have discovered some errors. This is a cheap and simple process. However, there are dangers. in spite of We went out in spite of the rain. Kelly loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drank too much

6、. despite Despite all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided to close it. She went to Spain despite the fact that her doctor told her to rest. but Everybody has the right not to be followed constantly by others, but it is extremely diffi cult for famous people such as footballers, f

7、i lm stars and politicians, to enjoy their privacy as ordinary people do. although She walked home by herself, although she knew that it was dangerous. 表达结果 because of this There was a tropical storm in that region. Because of this, the fl ight was cancelled. as a result/consequence Some people suff

8、er from stress at work and become ill as a result. therefore She already had a lot of experience and therefore seemed the best candidate for the job. thus Most of the evidence was destroyed in the fi re. Thus it would be almost impossible to prove him guilty. for this reason Spell check programs do

9、not recognize when you have used the wrong word. For this reason, you must still read over your work carefully. consequently The global temperature is rising every year, and consequently our climate is already starting to change. 举例子 such as like for example for instance 段与段之间连接 To begin with / Firs

10、t / Firstly Secondly / On the other hand / Another thing to consider is / Another problem is Thirdly / Apart from the two points I have mentions above, we also need to take into consideration. / Another point to consider is to sum up / in conclusion 点与点之间连接 moreover / in addition / and besides / als

11、o / furthermore 引入讨论内容 Some people say Many people say People often say It is said that According to Some people believe that , whereas others think Most people would agree that However, some would More and more people However, there are others who Although an increasing number of teenagers , some s

12、till A growing number of people believe However, a lot more people hold the idea that Essay Structure 文章结构 Introduction 引入 Restate the question 换种说法表述问题 What people generally think of this question 人们一般怎么看待这个问题 Ask the question 提出这个问题 Point 1 要点一 Write a topic sentence 写主题句 Give reasons/explanations

13、/examples etc. 给出理由、解释、例子等 Point 2 要点二 Write a topic sentence 写主题句 Give reasons/explanations/examples etc. 给出理由、解释、例子等 Your own idea 你自己的要点 Write a topic sentence 写主题句 Give reasons/explanations/examples etc. 给出理由、解释、例子等 Conclusion 结论 Sum up your arguments 总结你的论点 You can include your own idea and you

14、r conclusion in one paragraph 你可以把你自 己的要点和结论写在一段中 Exam Task 1 写作真题一 In your English class you have been talking about the fashion industry. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view. Some people say the fashion industry has a bad eff ect on peoples lives. Do you agree? Notes Write about: 1.whether peoples appearance is important 2.the price of clothes 3. (your own idea) Sample Essay 范文 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?



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