2015高考英语(江苏专用)大二轮总复习课件语法专题:专题八 动词和动词短语

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2015高考英语(江苏专用)大二轮总复习课件语法专题:专题八 动词和动词短语_第1页
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《2015高考英语(江苏专用)大二轮总复习课件语法专题:专题八 动词和动词短语》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2015高考英语(江苏专用)大二轮总复习课件语法专题:专题八 动词和动词短语(47页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、【考向聚焦】 动词与动词短语 动词是英语中最灵活、最难掌握的词类,它是构成句子的核心,是一个句子中不可缺少的成分。在考试大纲及考试说明中,动词占总词汇量的1/3以上,起着举足轻重的作用。 动词和动词短语在历年高考题中所占比例最大,着重考查在不同的语境中对动词及动词短语的应用,以测试学生对基础知识的掌握程度。,考纲要求考生在复习备考中主要掌握以下几个方面:动词的词义;动词搭配;及物动词和不及物动词的特殊用法;熟记高频动词构成的短语的用法(例如:break,bring,call,come,cut,give,go,get,hold,look,make,put,set,take,turn等)。,1(2

2、014安徽,26)Terry,please _ your cell phone when Grandma is talking to you. Alook up from Blook into Clook back on Dlook through 解析考查动词短语辨析。句意:Terry,奶奶和你说话时,请你抬起头来,不要玩手机。look up from (从)抬起头来;look into 调查;look back on 回顾,回忆;look through 浏览;温习;根据句意选A。 答案A,2(2014安徽,28)When the sports hero _ at our party,he

3、 was welcomed with open arms. Aturned up Bleft off Cmoved on Dgot away 解析考查动词短语辨析。句意:当这位体育英雄出现在晚会上时,他受到了热情地(with open arms)欢迎。turn up 出现;leave off 停止;move on 往前走;出发;get away 离开;逃脱;出发。根据句意应选A。 答案A,3(2014安徽,34)Shakespeares writing is still popular today.It has really _ the test of time. Afailed Bstood

4、 Ctaken Dconducted 解析考查动词辨析。句意:莎士比亚的作品在今天依然受欢迎,它经受住了时间的考验。fail 失败;stand 忍受;take花费(时间,金钱等);conduct 行为,品行。根据句意应选B。 答案B,4(2014大纲,31)Caroline doesnt have a gift for music,but she _ it with hard work. Agoes back on Btakes away from Cmakes up for Dcatches up with 解析考查动词短语辨析。句意:凯瑟琳没有音乐天赋,但是她利用勤奋工作来弥补这个缺憾。m

5、ake up for弥补;go back on 违背,背弃;take away from 从拿走;减损;贬低;catch up with追上,赶上。根据句意选C。 答案C,5(2014福建,25)It is widely acknowledged that students should be _ in terms of overall quality. Asupported Bmatched Cevaluated Dcontrolled 解析考查动词词义辨析。A.“支持”;B.“匹配”;D.“控制”。句意:普遍认为应该根据学生的全部素养来评估他们。evaluated评估,故选C项。 答案C,

6、6(2014福建,33)As a grassroots singer,she reads everything she can _ concerning music,and takes every opportunity to improve herself. Acatch sight of Bget hold of Ctake charge of Dmake mention of 解析考查动词短语。句意:作为一名草根歌手,她阅读她能够找到的关于音乐的一切材料,并且抓住每一个提高自己的机会。get hold of是固定用法,“抓住”,故选B项。A.“看到”;C.“负责”;D.“提到”。 答案B

7、,7(2014湖北,23)Seeing the big crowd coming towards him,he started to run down the hill,but _ and went down on his hands and knees in the melting snow. Aslipped Bskied Csignalled Dsank 解析考查动词辨析。句意:看到一大群人朝他涌来,他开始往山下跑,但他滑倒了并且手膝着地跪在正融化的积雪上。A.slipped 滑倒;B.skied 投向空中;C.signalled 发信号;D.sank 下沉。 答案A,8(2014湖北,

8、24)The old rules have to be _ because they only applied to the circumstances that existed when they were made a hundred years ago. Adeveloped Bestablished Cobserved Drevised 解析考查动词辨析。句意:旧的规则不得不修改,因为它们只适用于一百年前当时制定它们的环境。 Adeveloped 发展;B.established 建立;C.observed 观察;遵守;D.revised 修改,改进。 答案D,9(2014湖北,25)

9、Ive been trying to phone Charles all evening,but there must be something wrong with the network;I cant seem to _. Aget through Bget off Cget in Dget along 解析考查动词短语辨析。句意:我给查尔斯打了一晚上电话,但网络一定出了问题,我似乎不能接通电话。A.get through通过;完成;接通电话;B.get off下车;动身;脱下;C.get in进入,陷入;D.get along进展。 答案A,10(2014湖北,26)Is this yo

10、ur necklace,Mary?I _ it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning. Acame across Bdealt with Clooked after Dwent for 解析考查动词短语辨析。句意:玛丽,这是你的项链吗?我在打扫厕所时无意发现了它。A.came across偶然发现;B.dealt with处理;C.looked after照顾;D.went for 去找;努力争取。 答案A,11(2014江苏,25)Top graduates from universities are _ by major compani

11、es. Achased Bregistered Coffered Dcompensated 解析考查动词词义辨析。句意:一些大公司都希望得到顶尖的大学毕业生。A.“追逐,试图得到”;B.“辞职,放弃”;C.“主动提出”;D.“补偿;赔偿;抵消”,根据上下文句意可知选A。 答案A,12(2014江苏,30) Dad,I dont think Oliver the right sort of person for the job. I see.Ill go right away and _. Apay him back Bpay him off Cput him away Dput him off

12、 解析考查动词短语辨析。句意:爸爸,我认为Oliver不是适合干这种工作的人。我明白了。我这就回去让他结账走人(即辞退他)。A.“报答,回报”;B.“偿清,付清”;C.“把收起来,放好”;D.put off“推迟”,宾语通常不是人;根据语境此处应指因为Oliver不适合干这种工作,所以给他结清账让他另觅高就,故选B。 答案B,13(2014江苏,33)Legend has it that the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is to _ the soul of Qu Yuan. Aremember Bremind Crecover Drecall 解

13、析考查动词辨析。句意:传说中端午节的起源是为了召回屈原的灵魂。A.“记起”;B.提醒,使记起;C.恢复;痊愈;D.召回,回想起,记起。根据语境可知端午节划龙舟的风俗是由屈原投江后人们想召回其灵魂的行为演化而来的,故选D。 答案D,14(2014江西,27)Anyway,were here now,so lets _ some serious work. Acome up with Bget down to Cdo away with Dlive up to 解析考查短语动词辨析。come up with提出;get down to着手做,开始努力做;do away with摆脱,废除;live

14、 up to和一样好。根据句意,唯有B项符合语境。 答案B,15(2014江西,29)I dont believe what you said,but if you can prove it,you may be able to _ me. Aconvince Binform Cguarantee Drefuse 解析考查动词辨析。句意:我不相信你的话,不过你若能拿出证据,或许能够说服我。convince使信服;inform通知;guarantee保证;refuse拒绝。 答案A,16(2014陕西,18)Ralph WEmerson would always _ new ideas that

15、 occurred to him. Aset off Bset about Cset up Dset down 解析考查动词短语辨析。句意:Ralph WEmerson总是会记下突如其来的新想法。A.set off动身;引爆;B.set about开始着手做;C.set up建立;D.set down写下,记下。 答案D,17(2014天津,9)My parents always _ great importance to my getting a good education. Ahave Battach Caccept Dpay 解析考查固定搭配。句意:我的父母总是特别强调我要接受良好的教

16、育。attach great importance to是固定短语,“认为重要;强调其重要性”之意,故选B。 答案B,18(2014天津,13)The two countries are going to meet to _ some barriers to trade between them. Amake up Buse up Cturn down Dbreak down 解析考查短语辨析。句意:这两个国家将进行会谈以打破两者之间贸易的障碍。A.编造,弥补,和好,画妆;B.用光,用完;C.拧小;拒绝;D.(机器等)坏掉;打破;分解。根据上下文,其宾语是barriers,故是打破障碍之意,故选D。 答案D,19(2014浙江,7)Last week a tennis ball h


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