高级英语 第2册斜体部分解释

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1、Review ( Book 2),Lesson 1,1. Main : a principle pipe or line in a distributing system for water, gas, electricity 2. sit out: stay until the end of 3. come by: ( American English) pay a visit 4. blow in: burst open by the storm 5. douse: put out ( light, fire, generator, etc.) quickly by pouring wat

2、er over it,6. kill: ( American English) to cause ( an engine, etc.)to stop 7. swath: the space covered with one cut of a scythe; a long strip or track of any kind 8. bar: a measure in music; the notes between two vertical lines on a music sheet,9. lean-to: a shed or other small outbuilding with a sl

3、oping roof, the upper end of which rests against the wall of an other building 10. Seabee: a member of the construction battalions of the Civil Engineer corps of the U.S. Navy, that build harbor facilities, airfields, etc. Seabee stands for CB, short for Construction Battalions,Lesson 2,1. chant: wo

4、rds repeated in a monotonous tone of voice 2. navvy: abbreviation of “ navigator”, a British word meaning an unskilled laborer, as on canals, roads, etc. 3. stow: put or hide away in a safe place 4. warp: bend, curve, or twist out of shape,5. self-contained: self-sufficient; having within oneself or

5、 itself all that is necessary 6. wretched: poor in quality, very inferior 7. mummified: thin and withered, looking like a mummy 8. reach-me-down: ( British colloqualism) second-hand or ready-made clothing 9. charger: a horse ridden in battle or on parade,Lesson 3,1. on the rocks: metaphor, comparing

6、 a marriage to a ship wrecked on the rocks 2. get out of bed on the wrong side: be in a bad temper for the day 3. on wings: metaphor, comparing conversation to a bird flying and soaring. It means the conversation soon became spirited and exciting,4. turn up ones nose at: scorn, show scorn for 5. int

7、o the shoes: metaphor, think as if one were wearing the shoes of the Saxon peasant, i.e. as if one were a Saxon peasant 6. come into ones own: receive what properly belongs to one, especially acclaim or recognition 7. sit up at: ( colloquial) become suddenly alert and take notice of,Lesson 4,1. pres

8、cribe: set down or impose 2. mortal: of man( as a being who must eventually die) 3. at issue: in dispute; still to be decided 4. disciplined : received training that developed self-control and character 5. committed: bound by promise,pledged,6. undoing: abolishing 7. at odds: in disagreement; quarre

9、llings 8. iron: cruel, merciless 9. bounds: chains, fetters 10. invective: a violent verbal attack; strong criticism, insults, curses, etc.,11. writ: ( archaic) a formal written document; specifically, a legal instrument in letter form issued under seal in the name of the English monarch from Anglo-

10、Saxon times to declare its grants, wishes and commands( here refers to the United Nations Charter) 12. stays: restrains 13. tap: draw upon or make use of 14. bear: take on; sustain,Lesson 9,1. Rigging: lines and chains used aboard a ship especially in working sail and supporting masts and spars 2.sh

11、immering: shining with a soft tremulous light; glimmering 3. flight: rising, setting or flying in a flock 4. wound: make ( ones way) in a winding or twisting course,5. restive: stubbornly resisting control 6. litter: a covered and curtained couch provided with shafts and used for carrying a single p

12、assenger 7. singularly: exceptionally; unusually 8. arcane: secret or mysterious knowledge known only to the initiate,9. modes: moderate or reasonable; not extreme 10. head: the highest or uppermost of something 11. mere: nothing more or other than; only 12. nobility: the state of being grand and im

13、pressive; Poignancy: the character of being emotionally touching Profundity: intellectual depth,Lesson 10:,1. flapper: (in the 1920s) a fashionable young woman intent on enjoying herself and flouting conventional standards of behavior 2. provincial: narrow, limited like that of rural provinces 3. co

14、de: any set of principles or rules of conduct; a moral code,5. agent: an active force or substance producing an effect 6. orgy: any wild, riotous, licentious merrymaking 8: draft: the choosing or taking of an individual or individuals from a group for some special purpose, esp. for compulsory milita

15、ry service,9. distinction: the quality that makes one seem superior or worthy of special recognition 10. action: military combat in general 11. whip: rouse, excite 12. give: bend, sink, move, break down, yield, etc. from force or pressure,13: burden: repeated, central idea, theme 14. keep up with Jo

16、neses: strive to get all the material things ones neighbors or associates have 15. write off: drop from consideration,Lesson 11,1. reservoir: a supply, especially an extra or reserve supply 2. draw on: obtain something from a reserve, store, etc. 3. shop steward: person chosen by his fellow trade unionists in an industrial establishment to speak for them to the management and to watch over their interests,4. board: board of managers; governing body of a factory 5. scale: proportion; re



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