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1、,目 录Contents,集团概况 CCAG in Brief,主要业务及产品 Main Operation and Products,经营业绩 Business Data,中国长安汽车集团股份有限公司(简称CCAG)是一家特大型汽车企业集团,总部设在北京市。 China Changan Automobile Group Co.,Ltd. (CCAG) is a large automobile corporation with its headquarter in Beijing. 2009年产销汽车整车接近200万辆,汽车及相关业务销售收入超过1000亿元,在中国汽车集团中排名第四。 In

2、 2009, CCAG produced/sold nearly 2 million vehicles; sales income exceeds 100 billion RMB.; ranked 4th among Chinese automotive enterprises. 其母公司为中国兵器装备集团公司,拥有77%股份,其余23%为中国航空工业集团公司所有。 Shareholders: China South Industries Group Corporation 77% Aviation Industry Corporation of China 23%,集团概况CCAG in B

3、rief,集团概况 CCAG in Brief,使 命:引领汽车文明,造福人类生活 Mission : lead automobile civilization, benefit human life 愿 景:打造世界一流汽车企业 Vision : create world class automobile enterprise 价值观:客户为尊,员工为本, 创造价值,合作共赢 Values : customer foremost, employee oriented, value guided, corporate to success,mission,vision,values,spiri

4、t,principle,slogan,1,2,精 神:激情创新,科学理性, 勇于奉献,不断改进 Spirit: passionate and initiative, scientific and rational, courageous and dedicated, continuous improvement 准 则:全球视野,品牌至上, 市场牵引,科技驱动, 管理精益,全员参与,高效执行 Principle: global view, brand recognition, market traction, technology driven, management effectively,

5、 everyone involved, execute efficiently,mission,vision,values,spirit,principle,slogan,集团概况 CCAG in Brief,形象用语:长安行天下 科技 品质 畅享生活 Slogan : Changan drives the world Technology quality enjoy the life,2,1,1980-1981 长安机器制造厂开始致力发展汽车业务 Changan machine manufactory entered the automobile manufacturing area 198

6、6.9 长安机器制造厂成功推出长安品牌微型客车 launched mini bus successfully using Changan brand 1991.9 长安机器制造厂开始用鈴木株式会社的技术制造奧拓品牌轿车 produced ALTO car with Suzuki technology 1993.6 成立长安铃木汽车有限公司 established Changan Suzuki Motors Co., Ltd. 1996.9 成立重庆长安汽车股份有限公司 established Chongqing Changan Motors Co., Ltd. 2001.4 成立长安福特汽车有

7、限公司 (2006年更名为长安福特马自达汽车有限公司) established Changan Ford Motors Co., Ltd. (renamed Changan Ford Mazda Motors Co., Ltd. in 2006) 2005.9 与江铃汽车集团合资,成立了江铃控股有限公司 established joint venture Jiangling Motors Co., Ltd.,集团概况 CCAG in Brief,1,2,2006.1 中国南方工业汽车股份有限公司正式成立 established China South Industries Motor Co.,

8、 Ltd.(CSIMC) 2007.6 重组山西省汽车工业集团,成立太原长安重型汽车有限公司 reformed Shanxi Automotive Industries Group, established Taiyuan Changan Truck Co., Ltd. 2009.7.1 正式更名为中国长安汽车集团股份有限公司 renamed China Changan Automobile Group Co., Ltd.(CCAG) 2009.11.10 中国兵器装备集团公司和中国航空工业集团公司重组中国长安 汽车集团。 rebuilt by parent company China Sou

9、th Industries Group (CSGC) and Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC); 2010.9.31 中国长安北京基地开工建设 start the construction of Beijing Changan,集团概况 CCAG in Brief,2,1,致力于核心业务的发展,巩固提高微车,快速发展轿车,重点突破重车 Dedicate to the development of core operation, strengthen and enhance mini car operation, speed up to

10、improve car business, focus to make break through in heavy duty truck area 同时加速发展核心零部件,积极进军汽车服务业 Meanwhile, accelerate automotive core parts operation, extend in automotive service market actively,发展战略: 自主创新、合作共赢、国际发展、品牌提升 independent innovation, corporate to success, international development, bran

11、d promotion,集团概况 CCAG in Brief,Development Strategy:,1,2,2012年,整车销售超过260万辆,初步具备参与国际主流汽车市场竞争的能力In 2012, vehicle sales of CCAG is expected to exceed 2.6 million units prepare to compete in international market. 2015年,整车销售达到500万辆,具备参与国际主流汽车市场竞争的能力。 In 2015, vehicle sales of CCAG is expected to reach 5

12、million units Capable to compete in international market. 2020年,形成完整的产品系列,自主品牌进入高端市场,向世界一流汽车企业迈进。 In 2020, complete product series with its independent brand car in high-end market; CCAG strides forwards to be a world class automobile enterprise.,集团概况 CCAG in Brief,2,1,North China (V) 华北(整车) 河北长安HBC

13、A,保定长客CA BUS,太原重汽CCAT,South West西南(整车、发动机、变速器) 长安本部CQCA,长安跨越CAKY长安福特CAF,长安铃木CAS,重庆青山TS,East (V. E) 华东(整车、发动机) 南京长安NJCA,长安马自达CAM,长福马发动机CAFME,哈飞威海HFWH,South (V) 华南(整车) 哈飞深圳HFSZ,North East (V, E, T) 东北(整车发动机、变速器) 哈飞HF,东安DA,Middle (V.E.T) 华中(整车、发动机、变速器) 江铃控股JMH,昌河CH,昌河铃木CHS,具备年产220万辆整车和220万台发动机生产能力 Annu

14、al manufacturing capacity: 2.2 million vehicles and 2.2 million engines,Hunan (C.) 湖南(零部件) 增压器、冷却风机、活塞等,South West (C.) 西南(零部件) 车桥、减振器、制动器、汽车电装品、汽车空调等,国内产业布局 Local layout,9大整车生产基地 9 manufacturing sites 21个整车工厂 21 vehicle production plants,1,2,建立了按品牌划分的7个独立的营销和售后服务网络 CCAG has built up 7 independent s

15、ales and service networks, which serve different brands 通过2688个销售网点来销售产品 Products are sold through 2688 sales station 通过2190个售后服务点向用户提供售后服务 Service is provided to customer through 2190 workshops,CCAG拥有完善的营销和售后服务网络,遍布全国 Perfect sales and service network around China,国内产业布局 Local layout,2,1,海外产业布局 Ove

16、rseas layout,美国,伊朗,马来西亚,越南,乌克兰,USA,Malaysia,Vietnam,Ukraine,Iran,自主 品牌 Independent Brand,合资 品牌 Joint Venture Brand,长安品牌荣获2008年度美国睿富全球“中国最有价值品牌排行榜”第10位,品牌价值212.18亿元(2000年32.4亿) In 2008,the brand Changan ranks 10th in Chinese Most Valuable Brand List by American global fortune evaluation, which is worth 21.218 bil



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