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1、,B R _ main,An English Song Imagine,About the Subject,Background Information,B R _ about the subject _main,About the Subject,Watch and discuss,Think and construct,B R _ background information _main,Background Information,The World Economic Forum (WEF),Samuel Phillips Huntington (19272008) An America

2、n Political Scientist,Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs),B R _ 1_1.1,An English SongImagine,Listen to the song and fill in the blanks with what you hear.,Imagine Imagine theres no heaven. Its easy if you . No hell below us, above us only sky. Imagine all the people for today, ah. Imagine theres no cou

3、ntry. It isnt hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for, and no too. Imagine all the people living life in . You may say Im a , but Im not the only one.,try,_,living,_,religion,_,dreamer,_,peace,_,I someday youll join us, and the will be as one. Imagine no . I wonder if you can. No need for greed or .

4、A brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people _ all the world. You may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one. I hope someday youll join us, and the world will live as one.,B R _ 1_1.2,possessions,_,world,_,hope,_,sharing,_,hunger,_,B R _ 2_1_1,Watch and discuss,Watch the video clip “No Logo: bran

5、ds globalization resistance” and discuss within your group questions given.,B R _ 2_1_2,1. What information can you get from the video? 2. What is picked out as an example of showing globalization? Tell it in your own words.,Tips: Economic Phenomenon, Political Globalization, Foreign Markets, Intern

6、ational Organizations, Foreign Investments, Trade Globalization, Foreign Loans, World Economy, Economic Growth, Global Economy, International Marketplace, International Trade, Foreign Workers, Economic Level,B R _ 2_1,Think and construct,In the following, there are some words and expressions. Think

7、and construct new expressions related to globalization. Chang its part of speech if necessary.,economy, international, growth, trade, loans, global, workers, foreign, investment, marketplace, political, phenomenon, world, level,B R _ 3_1_1,The World Economic Forum (WEF),What is the WEF?,What are the

8、 themes of it?,What are the Industries?,China and the WEF,B R _ 3_1_2,The World Economic Forum An independent, international organization incorporated as a Swiss not-for-profit foundation whose motto is “entrepreneurship in the global public interest”. It believes that economic progress without soci

9、al development is not sustainable, while social development without economic progress is not feasible.,B R _ 3_1_3,Themes Arts and Culture, Business and Management, Economy, Environment, Global Issue, Humanities, Science, Medicine and Technology,B R _ 3_1_4,Industries Automobile, Aerospace the corpo

10、rations and countries that benefited from it were largely content to treat vast parts of the world as places to mine natural resources or sell finished products. Even as the globalization of capital accelerated in the 1980s, most,However the past two decades have witnessed the rise of other signific

11、ant players. The developed world is beating a path to Chinas and Indias door and Chinese and Indian companies, in turn, have started to look overseas for some of their future growth. Beijing has even started what it calls a “Going Out” policy that encourages Chinese firms to buy assets overseas. Asi

12、an nations are creating “a remarkable environment of innovation,” graduating,most foreign investment was between relatively wealthy countries, not from wealthy countries into poorer ones. U.S. technology, companies and money were often at the forefront of this movement.,D R _ Text 8,D R _ Text 9,say

13、s John Chambers, chief executive of Cisco Systems. “China and India are graduating currently more than five times the number of engineers that we are here in the U.S.” That means that U.S. and European companies are now facing high-quality, low-cost competition from overseas. No wonder so many Weste

14、rn workers worry about losing their jobs. “If the issue is the size of the total pie, globalization has proved a good thing,” says Orit Gadiesh, chairman of consultants Bain refuse to pay attention to,他们对所有的反对意见不予理睬。,They swept all the objections aside.,Anyway, by then she was sure that Julius would

15、 simply have swept any curbs aside.,D R _ word _ sweep aside2,Collocation:,扫清,迅速消灭,sweep away,扫掉, 清除,sweep out,眺望,环视,sweep over,打扫干净,收拾干净,sweep up,D R _ word _strengthen,strengthen: vt. become stronger or make strong(er),We must strengthen the weak links.,The Presidents first priority was to strengt

16、hen the economy.,D R _ word _asset1,asset: n. 1) (usu pl) money or property that a person or company owns,Copyrights, patents, trademarks, brand names, and trade secrets are all part of a companys intangible assets.,目前,他们的资产有623万美元。,Currently, they have $6,230,000 in assets.,2) an advantage or a resource,A sense of humor is an important asset for any teacher.,The most powerful asset we have is our skilled, dedicate



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