商务英语谈判 negotiation Principles.ppt-sl

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《商务英语谈判 negotiation Principles.ppt-sl》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商务英语谈判 negotiation Principles.ppt-sl(68页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lecture Two,Principles of Business Negotiation,4Cs in Negotiation,The context of the 4Cs in which negotiation takes place.谈判要明确的四点背景内容 Common interests (谈判者追求的目标) Conflicting interests (要谈的内容) Compromise (取舍点) Criteria or objectives(明确目标及实现的准则),Negotiation environment,The composition of internationa

2、l negotiation environment:会影响谈判的战略和策略 1.Political system 2.Economical system 3.Social system 4.Cultural system,Some Basic Negotiation Principles,Principle of willingness ( premise of negotiation ) Equality Principle ( foundation of negotiation ) Principle of Mutual Benefits ( aim or goal of negotiat

3、ion ) 4. Principle for Common interests ( key of negotiation ) 5. Principle for efficiency ( guarantee of negotiation ) Principle of legality (foundation of negotiation),Equality Principle: 1) It means both parties are equal in law status. They have equal rights and obligation. They do business out

4、of their own needs and they are informed of each other to enjoy mutual benefits. 2)When one party takes much less than is given, the other party will feel reluctant to continue negotiating. Hence either party should be well prepared for the negotiation and ready to satisfy each others needs on an eq

5、ual basis.,Principle of Collaborative Negotiation (CN),The six guidelines for CN Acknowledge the concerns of the other side and focus on interests rather than positions. Encourage joint fact finding. 3. Offer contingent commitments to minimize impacts if they do occur, and promise to compensate know

6、able but unintended impacts.,4. Accept responsibility, admit mistakes, and share power. 5. Act in a trustworthy fashion at all times. 6. Focus on building long-term relationships The collabrative negotiation focuses on interests rather than positions, place value on relationship.,Principled Negotiat

7、ion(It is particularly oriented to collaborative negotiations.),Four key words are focused: People they are opportunities, not godsends;,4) Find ways to help make the other partys decision easy,Your success in a negotiation depends upon the other partys making a decision you want; therefore, you sho

8、uld do what you can to make that decision an easy one.,4. Insist on using objective criteria (such as standards independent of wills of any party; legitimate and practical; acceptable to all parties) They are standards or principles which the parties believe in and which are not under the control of

9、 any single party, such as market value, scientific judgment, moral standards, tradition, course of dealing , a flip of coin, ect. Frame each issue as a joint search for objective criteria: one example Jointly discuss which standards are most appropriate and how they should be applied Never yield to

10、 pressure, only to principle,1)Frame each issue as a joint search for objective criteria:, “Look, you want a high price and I want a low one. Lets figure out what a fair price would be.” If the seller starts by giving a position, such as “the price is 80,000”, ask for the theory behind that price. T

11、reat the problem as though the seller too is looking for a fair price .,合作原则谈判法,一对事不对人 二 着眼于利益而非立场 三 制定双赢方案 四 引入客观评判标准,合作式谈判,合作原则谈判法即著名的哈佛原则谈判法,它的主要代表人物是罗杰费希尔和威廉尤里。 合作原则谈判法的核心和精神实质是通过强调各方的利益和价值,而非讨价还价本身,以及通过提出寻求各方各有所获的方案来取得谈判的成功。 合作原则谈判法由以下四个部分组成: 对待谈判对手:对事不对人; 对待各方利益:着眼于利益而非立场; 对待利益获取:制定双赢方案; 对待评判标

12、准:引入客观评判标准。,一、对事不对人,谈判气氛是决定谈判各方关系的一个重要因素。 合作原则谈判法对谈判存在的几类问题提出如下解决方法: 发展移情法 (1)从对方的立场看待问题; (2)避免因自己的问题而责备对方; (3)协助对方参与到解决问题中去。,一、对事不对人,正确看待情绪 (1)允许对方发火; (2)恰当看待情绪的爆发。 加强沟通 (1)注意倾听并总结听到的情况; (2)避免给对方打分并将对方当做辩论的对手; (3)不严厉指责对方的错误。,二、着眼于利益而非立场,找到各方的共同利益是取得双赢结果的一个关键点。 为帮助各方做到着眼于利益而非立场,可以从以两 个方面着手 : 明确利益 (1

13、)探寻妨碍我方的对方利益; (2)从不同的角度审视对方的不同利益; (3)透过对方的立场看到对方的人性需求。 讨论利益 (1)总结并接受对方的利益; (2)在提出解决方案前表达自己的见解或提出问题; (3)在解决问题时尽量不追究过去的矛盾而应朝前看。,三、制定双赢方案,在谈判中,人们极易陷入对自己的立场讨价还价之 中原因有两个: 1、由于谈判的内容属于非输即赢类型的; 2、人们往往把问题的解决方法限制在很窄的范围内。 总的说来,阻止人们寻求建设性替代方案的原因有 以下三个: 1、认为分配方案保持一成不变。 2、是只寻求一种答案。 3、是在提出方案时只考虑满足自己利益和需要的解决办法。,三、制定

14、双赢方案,针对以上问题,原则谈判法可总结如下: 诊断。 (1)放弃对方利益的满足一定是以我方的付出为代价的观念(2)鼓励各方共同解决问题; (3)在对方未做好充分准备之前不预先锁定在一种方案上。 提出创建性方案。 (1)将提出方案和评价方案分开; (2)在确定最终解决方案之前先提出几个可供选择的方案; (3)寻求各方的共同利益和互补利益; (4)寻求使对方容易接受的方案。,四、引入客观评判标准,在判断一个标准是否属于客观标准时应从以下几个方面考虑: 客观标准应当独立于所有各方的主观意志之外, 因而它可以不受任何一方的感情影响。 客观标准应当具有合法性并且切合实际。 客观标准应当具有科学性和权威

15、性。 下面的几个步骤是对第四部分的总结: 寻求不同的客观标准; 探讨不同客观标准的可行之处; 寻求公正的处理程序。,四、引入客观评判标准,某种方法是成功还是失败,根据罗杰费希尔和威廉尤里的观点可以从以下三个方面做出判断: 一项可能达成的协议应当最大限度地满足各方的合法利益,解决他们之间的冲突,同时保护公众的利益不受损害。 协议应当是高效的。 协议应当改善,或至少不伤害各方的关系。,Principle of Interest Distribution,While the traditional competitive approach to negotiation tries to maximi

16、ze one partys gain over the other partys loss, the collaborative approach focuses on parties with divers interests working together to achieve mutually satisfying outcomes. Interest Realization,Different levels of interests: Personal interests Organizational interests National interests In negotiation at the domestic level, there are two types of interests involved: personal and organizational; at the international level, there are three: personal and organizational and na



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