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1、key word,1.decorate v.to put things in a room or house to make it more beautiful 装饰,点缀 eg:He decorated his room with pictures of all his favorite sports figures。 粉刷;油漆 Eg:The boys are planning to decorate when they get the time。,n.装饰,装潢;装饰品;勋章 decorative adj.装饰的,装潢的 decorator n.装潢工人 2.egoist n.a per

2、son who talks too much about oneself and believes that one is better or more important than other people 自私自利者;固执已见的人;自负者 eg:That is the perfect egoist.,egoistic adj.自私自利的;任性的,egoistical adj.以自我为中心的;自私的 egoism n.自我中心;自私自利 3.exasperate v. to irritate or annoy greatly 激怒;触怒 eg: Oh, you exasperate me!

3、你要气死我啊 He shouted in an exasperate voice.,exasperating adj. 使人恼怒的 exasperation n.恼怒 exasperator n.惹人恼火的人,flap : v;to (attemp to) give a light blow at sth with a flat object 1. 拍打;拍击 I flapped the flies away but soon they flew back 我把苍蝇赶走,但一会儿又 飞回来了 2. 使(上下,前后地)拍动,飘动;(鸟)振(翅) Some doves were flapping

4、their wings over the square 有几只鸽子在广场 上空振翅飞翔。 3. 拉下(帽)的边 4. 扔,掷 5. 唤起.注意,鼓动,名词 n. C1. 拍动,拍打;拍打声、 2. 垂下物;(袋)盖;(帽)边;(信封的)盖口 3. 激动;慌乱 flap down 垂下 be in a flap 在激动中 慌作一团 flap about 闲聊 讲空话 flap away 拍走 拍去 拍着翅膀飞去 flap off 拍走 拍去 拍着翅膀飞去 flap out 扑灭灯火,Haunting :adj. beautiful in a way that makes you feel sad

5、 and remember sth for a long time adj. 萦绕心头的; 不易忘怀的; 无法甩脱的; 给人以强烈感受的 The films haunting musical theme stayed in my head for days. 那部电影挥之不去的主题旋律多日来萦绕于我的脑际。 v. 常去; 缠扰(某人); 萦绕心头 haunt v.常去;使苦恼,困扰;布满,hauntingly adv. Each one of these ancient towns is hauntingly beautiful.这些古镇个个都美得令人难以忘怀. hover :v to sta

6、y somewhere because you are waiting to do sth or because you cannot decide what to do 1. (鸟等)盘旋;(直升飞机)停留在空中The helicopter hovered over the house 直升飞机停留在那房子上空,2. 徘徊;停留The dogs hovered around me while I was fixing their dinner.我给狗儿们弄吃的时候它们围着我转。 3.犹豫,彷徨 She is hovering between life and death. 她在生死之间徘徊。

7、 名词 n.盘旋;徘徊,犹豫 :副词 :hoveringly hover over 停留于, 盘旋于; 威胁 Seagulls hover over the surging waves 海鸥在惊涛骇浪上翱翔,7. Indecision: state of being unable to decide;hesitation n. 无决判力;优柔寡断,Eg. After a moments indecision,he said yes. 他犹豫片刻之后答应了。 Eg. Because even you dealed with these problems, you still gave other

8、 person impression of indecision or cannot face the pressure. 因为即使你已经解决了问题,你还是会给人优柔寡断或无法面对压力的不良印象。 career indecision职业决策困难;职业犹豫;生涯不确定;职业未决,adj . indecisive 犹豫不决的;非决定性的adv. indecisively 优柔寡断地n. indecisiveness =indecision 犹豫不定,8. infuriated: extremely angry adj. 激怒的;感到愤怒的 be infuriated盛怒的样子 Eg. Her si

9、lence infuriated him even more. 她的沉默是他更加愤怒了。,(,eg. Instead the move infuriated almost everyone.相反,此举几乎激怒了每个人。,adj. infuriate 狂怒的 n. infuriation 激怒;激昂 vt. infuriate 激怒;使大怒 9.loathe: to hate sb. or sth. very much v. 憎恶;极不喜欢,Eg. They loathe each other.他们相互讨厌对方。,Eg. I loathe it; I would not live alway.

10、我厌恶生命,我不愿意永远活着。 adj. loathing 厌恶的 loathly 讨厌的;可恶的 adv. loathly 不情愿地 n. loathing 嫌恶 vt. loathing,mockery mkri,n. 1.嘲笑,愚弄 2.可鄙的东西,无价值的事物 同: n. jeer, jeering, lampoon, parody 例句: The unfair trial was a mockery of justice. 那不公平的审判是对公正的一种蔑视。,peel pi:l,v. 1.剥,去(皮、壳、外层覆盖物等) These boiled eggs peel easily 这些

11、水煮蛋很容易剥壳。 2.【口】脱(衣服) The paper was beginning to peel off the walls. 墙上的纸渐渐脱落了. 3.剥落,脱落;脱皮 Her sun burned skin began to peel. 她那经日光曝晒的皮肤开始剥落 n. (水果、蔬菜、嫩枝等的)皮,外皮;(对虾等的)壳,外壳,scrape skreip,v. 1.刮掉,削去 Lets scrape the scales off the fish. 让我们将鱼鳞刮掉。 2.(使)发出刺耳的刮擦声 The only sound is that of knives and forks

12、scraping against china. 只听见刀叉摩擦瓷器的刺耳声 3.艰难取得,勉强获得 He finally managed to scrape together one hundred silver dollars. It had taken him three whole years! 整整的三年,他凑足了一百块钱 4.挖坑,挖洞 5.把头发拢在后面 n.擦坏,擦伤,蹭破,刮坏 She stumbled and fell, scraping her palms and knees. 她绊了一跤摔倒了,擦伤了双掌和双膝。,sufficient adj.enough,be suff

13、icient for eg:The food is sufficient for a week. 食物足够一个星期用的. be sufficient to eg: The rain was not sufficient to do any harm. 雨量不足对庄稼有害.,扩充,sufficiency n. sufficiently adv. insufficient 不足,不够 辨析 adequate 充分,足够的,适当的(强调对于 不高的标准) adequate to 胜任,适合 我希望你能胜任这工作 I hope you can adequate to this job.,tap v.

14、to hit you fingers lightly on sth,He tapped the ashes out of his pipe. 他轻轻地将烟斗里的烟灰敲出来。 He tapped me on the shoulder. 他轻轻地拍拍我的肩 n. 水龙头 He left the tap open to fill the kitchen sink with water. 他将水龙头开着让厨房的水槽注满水。,thunder-struck adj. greatly amazed,I was thunderstruck when they told me the news. 当他们告诉我这一消息时,我惊呆了。,



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