英汉翻译课件Lecture 8 Cohesion in Translation

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1、Translation of the Text: Textual Consciousness,Lecture8 Cohesion in Translation,Textual consciousness in translation 语篇意识 Its common to use text as a unit for the analysis of translation as it enables the translator to appreciate the linguistic form, meaning and spirit of the original. 翻译中应当大处着眼(top

2、-down),小处着手(bottom-up),小单位、低层次服从于大单位、高层次。,Text is not a mere aggregation of sentences; rather, it is a semantic unity. Cohesion 衔接、粘连 Coherence 连贯,COHESION,M.A.K. Halliday (2000:4) : cohesion is a semantic concept, referring to relations of meaning that exist within the text, and it occurs where the

3、 interpretation of some element in the discourse is dependent on that of another.,Cohesive Devices Commonly Used in English and Chinese,Halliday but they are fainter than they were, and they may soon be entirely done away,您应该记住,我的好妈妈,我从来没有把 事情看得一定如此。我承认我有疑虑,但 是不像以前那么重了,也许很快就会彻底 打消,Substitution,Subst

4、itution is usually identified by the grammatical function of the substitute item. In English, the substitute may function as a noun, as a verb, or as a clause. To these correspond the three types of substitution: nominal, verbal, and clausal.,Nominal substitution: one/ones; same, e.g. A: If only I c

5、ould remember where it was that I saw someone putting away the box with those candles in, I could finish the decorations now. B: You mean the little colored ones?,A: I will have two eggs on toast, please. B: I will have the same. Verbal substitution: do He never really succeeded in his ambitions. He

6、 might have done, one felt, had it not been for the restlessness of his nature.,Clausal substitution: the entire clause is presupposed, and the contrasting element is outside the clause, e.g. A: Is there going to be an earthquake? B: It says so.,Ellipsis,Ellipsis can be regarded as substitution by z

7、ero. An elliptical item is one which, as it were, leaves specific structural slots to be filled from elsewhere, e.g. Joan brought some carnations, and Catherine some sweet peas.,A: Would you like to hear another verse? B: I know twelve more .,In a riot of scuba bubbles, tourist and guide plunged int

8、o an underwater cavern. And, true to his words, the guide darted through the gloom, chasing sleek five foot long shadows. Not to worry. In the spectacular undersea world off Palau, the sharks are as laid back as the local residents. And who wouldnt be? Slung across the Pacific 800 miles southwest of

9、 Guam, the string of islandseight inhabited, 200 or more still unpopulatedmake up one of those increasingly rare commodities, a Pacific paradise.,随着潜水呼吸器咕噜咕噜的水泡声,旅游者和导游潜入了水下110英尺的一个洞天。导游的话不假,他飞快地穿过阴暗层,去追逐那光滑的有五英尺长的影子。不用担心。在帕劳一带壮丽的海底世界里,鲨鱼也和当地居民一样悠然自得。但谁不担心呢?遍及关岛西南800英里海域的一系列岛屿8个有人居住,200个或更多的岛屿仍荒无人烟构

10、成了一个稀有的宝地,一个位于太平洋中的乐园。,悠然自得,随着潜水呼吸器咕噜咕噜的水泡声,旅游者和导游潜入了水下110英尺的一个洞天。导游的话不假,他飞快地穿过阴暗层,去追逐那光滑的有五英尺长的影子。不用担心。在帕劳一带壮丽的海底世界里,鲨鱼也和当地居民一样悠然自得。又有谁不会这样呢?遍及关岛西南800英里海域的一系列岛屿8个有人居住,200个或更多的岛屿仍荒无人烟构成了一个稀有的宝地,一个位于太平洋中的乐园。,Conjunction,Conjunction is concerned with the way in which what is to follow is systematicall

11、y connected to what has gone before. It is essentially a semantic relation, which is not tied to any particular sequence in the expression; if two sentences cohere into a text by virtue of some form of conjunction, this does not mean that the relation between them could subsist only if they occur in

12、 that particular order.,Types of conjunction,1) additive: and, and also, nor, andnor, or, or else Furthermore, in addition, besides, alternatively, incidentally, by the way That is, I mean, in other words, for instance/for example, thus Likewise, similarity, in the same way,2) Adversative: yet, thou

13、gh, only, but, however, nevertheless, despite this, In fact, actually, as matter of fact, on the other hand, at the same time, instead, rather, on the contrary, at least, (rather, I mean) In any case, in either case, whichever way it is, anyhow, at any rate, however it is,3) causal: So, then, hence,

14、 therefore, consequently, because of this, for this reason, on account of, in consequence, for this purpose, with this in mind For, because, on this basis, arising out of this, to this end, In that case, in such an event, that being so, under the circumstances, otherwise, In this respect, in this re

15、gard, with this reference to this, aside from this,4) temporal: Then, next, after that, at the same time, previously, before that, finally, at last, first then, at first in the end, At once, soon, after a time, next time, until then, at this moment, Finally in conclusion, firstnext, finally, Up to n

16、ow, hitherto, at this point, here, from now, henceforward, to sum up, in short, briefly, to return to the point, in summary, in brief, to resume,Lexical Cohesion,Lexical cohesion, roughly speaking, refers to that achieved by the selection of vocabulary, falling into two major categories: collocation and reiteration.,Collocation refers to the relationship achieved through the association of lexical items that regularly co-occur. Collocation occurs when the following items are used: pai


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