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1、英语语音教程,济南六职专 赵惠惠,The importance of learning English phonetics,(1). Good pronunciation and intonation is needed for better communication. (2). Good pronunciation and intonation is the basis of good listening and speaking abilities. (3). Good pronunciation and intonation has some indirect influence on

2、 the students writing and reading abilities. (4). Good pronunciation and intonation can help the students develop good sense of language.,Organs of speech.,1. 上唇 Upper lip 2. 下唇 Lower lip 3. 上齿 Upper teeth 4. 下齿 Lower teeth 5. 上齿龈 Upper teeth ridge 6. 硬腭 Hard palate 7. 软腭 Soft palate 8. 小舌 the uvula

3、 9. 舌端 The tip of the tongue 10. 舌前 The front of the tongue 11. 舌后 The back of the tongue 12. 喉头 throat 13. 声带 the vocal cords 14. 器官 organs 15. 咽头 the pharynx 16. 口腔 the mouth cavity 17. 鼻腔 the nasal cavity,元音,Front vowels: /i:/ /i/ /e/ /,/i:/ /i/ /e/ /,For all of them the tip of the tongue is pres

4、sed against the lower teeth. The front part of the tongue is raised at varying degrees. There is no lip-rounding, lips are spread or kept neutral.,/i:/,The front of the tongue nearly touches the front part of the hard palate, and the muscles of the tongue and cheeks are tense. The lips are drawn bac

5、k in a “smile” and long voiced sound is produced.,Phrases & Sentences,three week s green tea team leader Swedish cheese eat a piece of meat keep it a secret Seeing is believing A friend in need is a friend indeed Jean is as busy as a bee She agrees to leave the beach at three,/i/,The general positio

6、n of the tongue resembles that of /i:/, but the front of the tongue is lower and drawn back a little. The lips are spread and the tongue is lax.,Phrases & Sentences,a big ship six sticks bit by bit a silver lid three wishes little by little A little learning is a dangerous thing His six-year-old sis

7、ter is as fit as a fiddle Silly Billy slipped into the ditch,Comparison of /i:/ & /i/,/e/,The lips are more loosely spread and slightly further apart than for /i/. The front of the tongue is near the upper teeth ridge.,Phrases & Sentences,seven beds the next lesson fresh and energetic ten desks the

8、best text wet with sweat Remember to tell Ted about the test Better late than never Alls well that ends well East or west, home is best,/,The front of the tongue is slightly raised. The whole tongue lies low in the mouth. The lips are spread with the widest opening between the jaws among the front v

9、owels.,Phrases & Sentences,a happy man caps and hats tit for tat hand in hand a sad lad bags and sags The rat is running on a narrow track Sams let the cat out of the bag Hes carrying a map of Japan in his hand Pat married a handsome young man,Comparison of /e/ & /,Dialogues,-Fish or meat? -Let me s

10、ee, fish for me please. -Coffee or tea? -Coffee, Please. -Is there any meat? -There is only tinned/canned (AE) meat. -Is it ready to eat? -Well, you have to heat it before you eat it.,The Sack One day a man went off to the market to buy rice. Unfortunately, he lost the sack on the way. He went home

11、and told his wife, “The market is too busy today, and besides I lost my sack.” His wife asked nervously, “So, what about the money?” “Oh, no problem. Its safe. I have tied it to the bottom of the sack.”,Tongue Twister /i:/ /i/ /e/ /,She sells sea shells on the sea shore, And the shells she sells are

12、 sea shells, Im sure, cause if she sells shells at the seashore, The shells she sells are seashells, for sure.,A Song,Doe, a deer, a female deer Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I call myself Far, a long long way to run Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow sew Tea, a drink with jam

13、and bread That will bring us back to doe, oh, oh, oh,My Bonnie,My Bonnie is over the ocean My Bonnie is over the sea My Bonnie is over the ocean Oh, bring back my bonnie to me Bring back, bring back, bring back my Bonnie to me to me Bring back, bring back, oh, bring back my Bonnie to me,Central Vowe

14、ls/:/ / /,/ /: 发这个音时唇舌和牙床都很自然,肌肉一点也不紧张,发/ /时牙床半开,舌平放口中。双唇中场,只要一张口就可以发出/ /音, / /是中元音。 ago forget upon holiday doctor famous labour,/,breakfast happen moment festival federal government officials member neighbor April welcome August dollar letter about famous around former company,/:/ /:/并不是单纯由/加长而成,

15、/:/和/是两个不同的音素,发音的口腔部位不同。 发/时牙床半开;但发/:/时牙床比/较小,近乎半合。 发/时双唇中常,肌肉不紧张,采取自然状态; 发/:/时双唇肌肉较紧张,成扁平状。 /是短音; /:/是长音。发/和/:/舌的中间都稍稍隆起,发/:/时舌较高,牙床也开的较小,/,worker purse learn world French perfume perfect personal interview bird Early girl nurse her first turn search third firm shirt,/:/和/的比较图,/,在发/的基础上将牙床开得小些,从发的全开到开三分之一左右,将双唇向两边伸张,稍扁。发时后舌的前部稍高,是后元音. come love cup blood tough,/,much tough enough trust other truck month love enough son mother country young begun nothing double Dutch fun lunch,



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