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1、必修3,Unit 1 Festivals around the world,课前10分钟,短文填空 When we read books we seem to a new world.This new world can be to the one we are living in,or it can be very different.Some stories are told they were true.Real people who live in a world do real things;in other ,the stories are about people just li

2、ke us what we do.Other stories,such as the Harry Potter books,are not realistic.They have and creatures that are very different from us and do things that would be for us.,enter,similar,as if,normal,words,doing,characters,impossible,漫画欣赏,画面描述,A little boy is standing in front of a mirror.What he see

3、s in the mirror is what he will be like in twenty years.He believes he will grow up to be a tall and strong young man.,寓意理解,We should always look into the future with hope and confidence.,你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?,.词义辨析 1He is having a family party in _ of his 84th birthday. Afavour Bcelebration Char

4、vest Dfeast 2It is thought that meteorites(陨星) may hold clues about the_ of life on Earth. Aorigin Breserve Cbasis Devidence 3Contrary to popular _,eating carrots does not improve your eyesight. Aglory Bmotto Cincident Dbelief 4On the way to Xinjiang,we stopped from time to time and _ the view. Aper

5、form Binspect Cadmired Dexplore,B,A,D,C,课堂双基回归,8It was pretty _ from her voice that she disliked the young man. Astubborn BReligious Cfamiliar Dobvious 9I cant think of his namecan you _ me? Aaffect BAttach Ccommand Dremind 10She eventually _ her husband for forgetting her birthday. Adeserved BForga

6、ve Cpersuaded Dfancied,D,D,B,.短语填空 take place;in memory of;dress up;play a trick on;look rward to;have fun with;turn up;keep ones word;hold ones breath;set off 1When the mother came in,the child was the toys. 2I wrote a long poem Robert,who used to be my old friend as well as my teacher. 3I couldnt

7、find my watch for ages,but then one day it _ in a coat pocket. 4He and paid me the money he owed me exactly on time. 5When does the ceremony _? All the lovely boys and girls in our school are waiting for it.,having fun with,in memory of,turned up,kept his word,take place,6Fred got very angry when th

8、e other boys him and hid his clothes. 7I want to _ early in order to avoid the traffic. 8I hated leaving little Emily,but I seeing my mother again. 9She as the horses came toward the finish line. 10Its a small informal partyyou dont have to .,played a trick on,set off,looked forward to,held her brea

9、th,dress up,.完成句子 1At that time people would starve _(如果食物难以找到),especially during the cold winter months.(difficult) 2He had (一整天都期盼 着见到她),and now he was alone with his roses and chocolates,like a fool.(look) 3When she knew that (自 己的孙女跟一个凡人结了婚),she became very angry.(daughter),if food was difficult

10、 to find,looked forward to meeting her all day,her grandaughter was married to a human,.单项填空 1Most ancient festivals _ celebrate the end of the cold weather,planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Awould Bcould Cshould Dneed 2Halloween is now a childrens festival,_ they can go to their neighbours

11、homes and ask for sweets. Awhere Bwhen Cwhich Dwhat,A,B,3Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals, which _ forty days before Easter. Ahappen Boccur Ccome about Dtake place 4_ that Zhinu was heartbroken,her mother finally decided to let the couple meet once a year. ATo find BFound CFinding

12、 DBeing found 5_ he sadly passed the tea shop on the corner on his way home,he heard a voice calling him. AAs BSince CIf DThough,D,C,A,核心词汇梳理,1trick n. 计谋;诡计;欺诈 Watch out for Joe;hes up to his old tricks again.小心乔,他又要耍旧花招了。,搭配,play tricks/a trick on欺骗;捉弄 do the trick奏效;起作用;达到目的 The girls were always

13、 playing tricks on their teacher.那些女孩子总是捉弄她们的老师。 I dont know what it was that did the trick,but I am definitely feeling much better. 我不知道是什么起的作用,但是我确实觉得好多了。,知识要点整合,vt. 欺骗;诈骗;诱骗 搭配 trick sb.out of sth.从某人处骗走某物,She was tricked out of all her life savings.她被骗走了一生的积蓄。,句型,trick sb.into doing sth.欺骗某人做了某事

14、,He tricked me into lending him 100.他骗我借给他100英镑。,链接,cheat欺骗 deceive欺骗,蒙蔽 fool欺骗,2.fool n. 愚人;白痴 What a fool she has been to think that he would stay.她竟然那么傻,以为他会留下来。,提示 fool与enough连用时,前面一般不加冠词。 He told me he was an actor and I was fool enough to believe him.他告诉我他是演员,而我真傻,竟相信了他的话。 搭配 make a fool of愚弄

15、make a fool of oneself闹笑话;出丑 I suddenly realized that I was being made a fool of. 我突然意识到我正在被人愚弄。 Sorry I made such a fool of myself last night.I must have been drunk. 对不起,我昨天晚上出尽丑了。我一定是喝醉了。,vt. 愚弄,欺骗,句型 fool sb.out of sth.骗取某人的东西 fool sb.into doing sth.骗某人去做某事 She was fooled out of all her savings.她的全部储蓄被骗走了。 Dont be fooled into thinking theyre going to change anything. 别上当受骗,以为他们打算作出任何改变。 链接 cheat欺骗,欺诈 trick欺骗 deceive欺骗,蒙蔽,3.remind v. 使想起;使记起;提醒,搭配 remind sb.of/about.


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