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1、中欧合作2020战略规划(一) 中英对照中欧合作2020战略规China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation中国和欧盟1975年建立外交关系以来,双方关系得到长足发展。特别是2003年中欧全面战略伙伴关系建立后,双方各领域合作不断扩大和深化,相互依存显著提升。Relations between China and the EU have developed fast since diplomatic ties were established in 1975. In particular, the creation of the China-EU

2、Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in 2003 has deepened and broadened cooperation in a wide range of areas, and China and the EU have become highly interdependent as a result.当今世界正经历深刻复杂变化。中欧作为多极世界的重要力量,都肩负着维护世界和平、促进共同繁荣与可持续发展的责任。双方一致同意,将本着平等互信、相互尊重的原则,继续巩固和发展战略伙伴关系。欧盟重申尊重中国的主权和领土完整,中国重申支持欧盟一体化。The

3、 world of today is experiencing profound and complex changes. As important actors in a multipolar world, China and the EU share responsibility for promoting peace, prosperity and sustainable development for the benefit of all. They agree to continue to consolidate and develop their strategic partner

4、ship to the benefit of both sides, based on the principles of equality, respect and trust. The EU reaffirms its respect for Chinas sovereignty and territorial integrity. China reaffirms its support to EU integration.当前,中国正努力实现“两个一百年”的奋斗目标,落实“十二五”规划。欧盟正加紧推进“欧洲2020”战略。中欧各自战略发展规划为双方形成合力、深化互利合作提供机遇。双方一致

5、同意,在未来十年,致力于进一步推动中欧全面战略伙伴关系向前发展。China and the EU have both put forward strategic development plans - Chinas two centenary goals and 12th Five Year Plan, the EU 2020 Strategy - which present potential for synergies to enhance cooperation for win-win results. The two sides are committed to promoting t

6、he China-EU Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in the next decade.为此,双方共同制定并将全面落实中欧合作2020战略规划。双方将以年度领导人会晤为战略引领,以高级别战略对话、经贸高层对话、高级别人文交流对话机制等中欧合作三大支柱为依托,通过定期会晤和各领域广泛对话,全面落实这一规划。In that perspective, both sides jointly adopted the China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation. The two sides will fully

7、 implement the Strategic Agenda for Cooperation through their annual Summit, which provides strategic guidance to the relationship; through the three pillars directly underpinning the Summit (the annual High Level Strategic Dialogue, the annual High Level Economic and Trade Dialogue, and the bi-annu

8、al High Level People-to-People Dialogue); through their regular meetings of counterparts and through their broad range of sectoral dialogues.双方将做好年度评估,向领导人会晤汇报,并视情考虑进一步提出补充倡议。These objectives will be reviewed annually and reported to the Summit which will, when appropriate, consider further compleme

9、ntary initiatives.一、和平与安全I. Peace and Security当今世界多极化和经济全球化深入发展,文化多样化、社会信息化持续推进。各国相互依存增加,利益交融前所未有。然而,世界仍然很不安宁。国际金融危机影响深远,全球发展不平衡加剧,国际和地区冲突频繁发生。传统安全威胁和非传统安全威胁相互交织。但和平、发展、合作、共赢已成为时代主流。促进多极化仍然是切实有效、协调一致应对全球性紧迫挑战的关键。中欧作为多极世界的重要力量,致力于加强在双边、地区和全球层面的对话与协调,携手应对地区和全球性挑战,推动国际秩序和国际体系朝着公正合理的方向发展。The worlds tren

10、ds toward multipolarity and economic globalisation are deepening. The importance of cultural diversity is growing, and an information society is fast emerging. Countries are increasingly interdependent, with their interests more closely intertwined than ever before. On the other hand, the world is s

11、till far from being peaceful. The global financial crisis has had a far-reaching impact. Imbalance in global development has widened. International and local conflicts keep breaking out. Conventional and non-conventional security issues are interwoven. However, peace, development, cooperation and mu

12、tual benefit have become the trend of the times. Promoting multilateralism remains crucial to ensure effective, coordinated and coherent responses to pressing global challenges. As important actors in a multipolar world, China and the EU commit to enhancing dialogue and coordination at bilateral, re

13、gional and global levels, to meet regional and global challenges together, and work to make the international order and system more just and equitable.主要倡议:This will be achieved by the following key initiatives:1、就双方共同关心的重大双边、地区和国际问题进行充分有效的沟通。通过中欧高级别战略对话,加强在战略、政治和安全问题上的协调。利用这一平台增进了解,加强互信,凝聚共识,为促进双边关

14、系、维护世界和平、推动共同发展提供战略支持。1. Consult fully and effectively on major bilateral, regional and international issues of mutual concern. Enhance coordination on strategic, political and security issues within the China-EU High Level Strategic Dialogue. Use this platform to increase mutual understanding, deep

15、en mutual trust, build common ground, and provide strategic support for promoting bilateral relations and safeguarding international peace and development.2、就具有全球重大影响的国际和地区问题加强对话与沟通。加强中欧在非洲、中亚、拉美及双方各自周边地区事务的磋商。2. Strengthen dialogue and communication on international and regional issues with major i

16、mplications at the global level. Enhance consultations on Africa, Central Asia, Latin America and the respective neighbourhoods of the China and the EU.3、加强在所有相关跨地区和地区论坛中的合作,特别是亚欧会议和东盟地区论坛,为亚洲的可持续发展以及构建平等、开放、透明和包容的地区架构做出贡献。双方一致认为,欧盟在基于共识的基础上参与东亚峰会是有益的。3. Reinforce cooperation in all relevant trans-regional and regional fora, in particular ASEM and the ARF, and contribute to sustainable development an



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