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1、学 海 无 涯 1 外延版必修四短语 Module 1. 1. have no alternative but (=have no choice but) 除外别无选择; 只要 2. alternative energy 可代替能源 3. an alternative plan 替代方案 4. load with sth. 给 装某物 load the truck with coal 给汽车装上煤 5. be on fire 着火(强调状态) 6. catch fire 失火(强调动作,无被动语态) 7. set fire to sth 放火烧某物 8. command sb to do st

2、h 命令某人做某事 9. command that (that 从句中要用 should+动词原 形, should 可省略) 10. free of charge 免费,不花钱 11. in charge of 负责,管理 12. in the charge of 由负责 13. take charge of 负责管理,负责照顾 14. be charged with 充满 15. attach sth to sth 把某物固定/附在某物上 16. attach oneself to 参加;和在一起,缠着 17. be attached to 连在上; 附属于.; 系 在上 学 海 无 涯

3、2 18. attach importance/value to sth. 认为某事很重要 /有价值 19. for sure 肯定地,有把握地 20. sb. is sure to do sth 某人一定/肯定做某事 21. be sure + that-clause 确信,相信 22. make sure of /about sth 确保 23. make sure + that-clause 确保 24. sb. run out of sth 某人用完了某东西 25. sth. run out 某物用完了(没有了) 26. rely on/upon 依靠,信赖;取决于 27. rely

4、on it that 指望.,对不怀疑 28. get rid of =ridof 摆脱,丢掉;除去,赶走,消灭 29. with + 复合宾语结构,常用的结构形式有: with+宾语+现在分词(强调宾语是现在分词动 作的发出者或某状态、动作正在进行) with+宾语+过去分词(强调宾语是过去分词动 作的承受者或动作已经发生) with+宾语+形容词(强调宾语的特性和状态) with+宾语+副词 with+宾语+不定式(不定式动作尚未发生) with+宾语+介词短语 30. place an order 订购 学 海 无 涯 3 31. carry out an operation 做手术 3

5、2. be optimistic about 对乐观的 33. be optimistic that 对.乐观 34. in shape 处于良好状态,在形状上 35. in the shape of 以.形状;呈形 36. out of shape 变形,走样 37. look out of 向外看 38. look out! 小心,当心 Watch out! ; Be careful! Take care! 39. for a start 首先 40. to start with = to begin with 首先, 第一 41. from the start = from the be

6、ginning 从开头, 从 开始 42. on the way out 即将被淘汰; 即将过时 43. on the way n./pron./to doing 即将,来到,接近 44. canttoo 或 nevertoo “不可能太.”, “再怎么.也不过分” 45. Not all=Allnot 并非所有的 Module 2 1. be on display 展览 学 海 无 涯 4 be on show be on exhibition 2. permit sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 3. permit doing sth 允许做某事 4. provide sb wit

7、h sth 为某人提供某物 provide sth for sb 5. sth impress sb 某物给某人留下影响 sb be impressed by impress sth on sb = impress sb with sth 使某人铭 记 6. sth is impressed on ones mind 某事被印在脑海里 7. have/leave/make/ a impression on sb 给某人留 下的印象 8. be convenient to sb 对某人方便 9. It is convenient for sb 对某人方便 10. It is convenient

8、 to do sth 做某事方便 11. be convenient for sth 对某事方便 12. get around=get about 到处旅游;四处走动 13. be connected to/with 与.相连, 接通 14. be stuck in 困住,动不了 15. get dressed 穿衣 get washed 洗脸 学 海 无 涯 5 get lost 迷路 get married 结婚 get charged 充电 get separated 被分散 16. in no time 马上,一会儿 17. on time 按时 in time 及时 18. once

9、 upon a time 从前 19. at the same time 与此同时 at one time 曾经, 一度,从前有个时期 at no time 决不,在任何时候都不 20. be worth doing 值得做. be worth + n. = be worthy of + n sth. is worth doing = sth is worthy of being done = sth is worthy to be done 21. “祈使句 + and +简单句”可以改为 if 条件句 Think hard, and youll have an idea. 使劲想,你就 会

10、有主意。 22. “祈使句 + or +简单句”也可以改为 if 条件句 Listen to me, or you wont understand. 23. under construction 正在建设之中 24. be limited to 局限于. 学 海 无 涯 6 25. in rush hours 处于交通高峰期 26. react to对产生反应 react with sth. 与某物起(化学)反应 27. occur to sb (主意或想法突然)浮现与脑中, 被想起,被想到 28. It occurs to sb to do sth 某人想到 It occurs to sb

11、that 29. have sth done 请别人做某事 30. keep cool 保持冷静 keep quiet 保持安静 keep still 不动 keep silent 保持沉默 31. no way 肯定不, 没门儿 (用于句首时,句子要倒装) Module 3 1. vary in 在方面不同 2. vary fromto 从.到变化 3. vary with 随着.而变化,因.而不同 4. involve sb in 允许某人参与 5. involve oneself in 积极参与 6. be/get involved in 被卷入到.之中 7. more than 不仅仅

12、 学 海 无 涯 7 more than 100 = over 100 , 超过 100 more than surprised 十分/非常 吃惊 more than 与其说不如说(强调前者) He was more an artist than a writer. 8. on guard (保持)警惕;值班,站岗 9. on holiday 度假 on leave 休班 on duty 值班 10. hold up 举起,抬起,承受住,支撑 11. hold back 阻挡 hold on 等会儿, 坚持 hold down 限制 hold out 维持 12. give away 泄露,出

13、卖,暴露,让步,赠送,捐赠 13. give off 发出(烟、光、热、气味等) 14. give out 发出;放出(消息、 声音等);用完,耗尽 15. mind reader 能看透别人心思的人 16. make a deal 达成协议,做成交易 17. communicate with sb 和某人交流 18. be busy with sth 忙于某事 19. shake hands with sb 和某人握手 20. stare at sb/sth 注视着某人/某物 学 海 无 涯 8 21. stare into the distance 凝视着远方 22. request sb

14、 to do sth 要求某人做某事 23. request that sb (should) do 要求某人做某事 24. make a request for 要求. 25. at the request of sb 应某人的请求 = at sbs request 26. by request(of) 按要求 27. do sb a favour 帮某人一个忙 28. ask sb a favour 请某人帮个忙 29. in favour of 赞成 30. do sb a favor = do a favor for sb 帮某人的忙 31. lift up 举起;太高;吊起 32.

15、up and down 上上下下 up and down 前前后后 = back and forth = backwards and forwards up and down 处处 = here and there up and down 来来往往 = to and from 33. by accident 偶然地,无意地 学 海 无 涯 9 Module 4 1. experiment with sth. 用某物实验 2. experiment on sth. 对某物进行实验 3. carry out perform conduct an experiment 做实验 do make 4. make a breakthrough 取得重大突破(进展) 5. convert A into/to B 把 A 转换成 B 6. take the place of = replace 取代,代替 7. in place of 取代,代替(介词短语) 8. instead of 代替,而不是(介词短语) 9. a quantity of + 不可数名词,谓语动词用单数 10. quantities of+可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数 quantities of+不可数名词,谓语动词用复数


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