
上传人:摩西的****12 文档编号:139676176 上传时间:2020-07-23 格式:PDF 页数:2 大小:192.73KB
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1、学 海 无 涯 1 Overview Your client is the largest discount retailer in Canada, with 500 stores spread throughout the country. Lets call it CanadaCo. For several years running, CanadaCo has surpassed the second-largest Canadian retailer (300 stores) in both relative market share and profitability. Howeve

2、r, the largest discount retailer in the United States, USCo, has just bought out CanadaCos competition and is planning to convert all 300 stores to USCo stores. The CEO of CanadaCo is quite perturbed by this turn of events, and asks you the following questions: Should I be worried? How should I reac

3、t? How would you advise the CEO? Background 1) The stores of CanadaCo and USCo in Canada are located in similar geographic regions, and they sell a similar product mix. 2) CanadaCo has higher profits than the competition on a per-store basis. CanadaCos cost structure isnt any lower than the competit

4、ions. Its higher per-store profits are due to higher per-store sales. The competitors stores are centrally owned by the company, while CanadaCo uses a franchise model in which each individual store is owned and managed by a franchisee who has invested in the store and retains part of the profit. 3)

5、In the US, USCo owns 4,000 stores and the second-largest competitor owns approximately 1,000 stores. 4) USCo stores average 200,000 square feet, whereas the typical discount retail store is approximately 100,000 square feet. Its cost of goods is approximately 15 percent less than that of the competi

6、tion. 学 海 无 涯 2 案例一案例一 说说这个 case。就是一家百货零售店(疑似超市,之类) ,一页纸介绍了下它的背景,具体 说了下它在一个城市的 store, 这城市怎么样, store 地理位置怎么样, 市场地位怎么样之类。 后面有 4 个 issues(我也记得不是很清楚了哈) : 1,store 附近有学校,它就给新生提供优惠办卡啥的,但是搭便车现象很严重之类,什么建 议; 2,顾客有意见,比如 14 岁孩子买了 18 禁游戏,店员没阻止,女士更衣室里面比较乱,员 工午饭休息时间太长,上班迟到等等,什么建议; 3,该 store 有到市中心的免费巴士,但不去该店买东西的人也经

7、常搭便车,而且由于政府号 召使用公共交通,免费巴士太过繁忙,成本增加等,什么建议; 4,有种 Diet 产品要上架,给出优惠,但前提是要至少卖 9 个月,而且不知道该 Diet 产品以 后是否会被发现健康忧患,什么建议; 案例二案例二 群面 10 人一组,先给 8 分钟时间看四个 issue,大概内容是: 1、推广一个员工积极性不高、已经失败过一次的项目 2、有个员工两次晋升都没成功,hr 如何跟他讨论 3、 某单位实行弹性工作制,有个员工是单亲妈妈,经常下班前的高峰时期去接孩子啥的, 影响了同事,该如何与她讨论此事 4、银行通过 cut 一些 dinner meeting 来削减成本,但客户经理都反对,因为大家认为是发展 客户的有效手段,如何均衡。 之后,在三个面试官的“监视”下讨论 30 分钟,最后每人有两分钟时间做 presentation,全英 文。



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