{六西格玛管理}6西格玛新世纪的管理战略和实践 PPT 20页

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1、Six Sigma: Whats New and Why?,6s: 新世纪的管理战略和实践,2001.11,1,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,Legal Notice The information contained in this document and related hand-outs in delivering this information are proprietary to The Processwise Consultants (Beijing) Inc. It

2、is the property of the company and should used only within the company at a training course or a consulting engagement conducted by the company employees. It should not be disclosed to others without the expressed written consent of the Processwise Consultants Inc. 包含于此培训材料以及在培训过程中分发的材料中的信息乃北京普罗维智资讯

3、有限公司之专有知识。并属于公司的财产,只能用于由公司人员主导的培训或咨询活动中。未经本公司的书面同意,向第三方公开这些信息实属违法。,2001.11,2,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,公司背景,总部在美国加利弗里亚州离洛杉矶90英里的Carlsbad市 英文:The Processwise Consultants Inc. 于2001年六月在北京设立了中国公司; 拥有北京和上海两个办公室。 主要成员均为拥有多年财富一百强企业实际运作经验的华人 深谙中国企业文化和现状 熟悉跨国公司的最佳

4、运营管理实践 扎实的管理理论和实际运行管理的技能和知识,2001.11,3,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,自我介绍,胡楠-美国六西格玛国际学院 核心讲师 普罗维智公司 6s 首席咨询师 曾任西门子公司质量经理,施耐德电气公司高级商务运营 咨询师,霍尼韦尔公司自动控制部(中国)区六西格玛 领导(Six Sigma Champion), 黑带大师。 加入普罗维智公司后,为 霍尼韦尔(中国)公司 上海西门子移动有限公司 北京国际交换系统有限公司 五矿进出口公司 提供6s战略咨询服务,2001

5、.11,4,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,Dr. Mikel Harry and Mr. Richard Schroeder founded 6s Academy,六西格玛管理体系的发展,ABB, AlliedSignal $2.2 Bi for Motorola 6s,Larry Bossidy went to GE CEC 06/95 to pitch 6s; Kodak,Large banks and hospitality companies,Most Fortune 500

6、manufacturing companies; Japan,Texas Instruments Motorola won 1st Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award,Motorola,2001.11,5,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,Six Sigma 在摩托罗拉( Motorola),We quickly learned if we could control variation, we could get all parts and p

7、rocesses to work and get to end result of 3.4 defects per million opportunities. Or a Six Sigma Level. It was shorthand for people to understand that if you can control the variation you can achieve remarkable result. Robert W. Galvin, Chairman Emeritus of Motorola, Inc. Win Malcolm Baldrige Award 1

8、989 我们很快学到如果我们可以控制变差,我们可以达到100万次机会只出现3.4次错误,即六西格玛水平。使员工很快明白,如果可以控制变差,就可以得到非凡的结果。,2001.11,6,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,实施战略结果 Motorola (1987-1994),重点在制造领域 降低制造成本14亿美圆 提高生产力126%,2001.11,7,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,S

9、ix Sigma 在霍尼韦尔Honeywell(AlliedSignal),At the end of day, Six Sigma is much less of a technical program, although it has a lot of technical tools, than it is a leadership and cultural change program. 虽然六西格玛有很多统计学工具,但它是一场领导力和文化变革。而不是一个技术培训,Larry Bossidy,2001.11,8,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 T

10、he Processwise Consultants Inc.,实施结果 - 霍尼韦尔Honeywell / Allied Signal (1992-1996),降低成本14亿美圆 销售收入14%递增/季度 每股价格增长520% 降低新产品开发周期16% 减少收款周期24%,2001.11,9,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,Six Sigma 在通用电气(GE),Six Sigma is the most important management training thing weve

11、 ever had. Its better than going to Harvard Business School. It better than going to Crotoville. It teaches you how to think differently. -Jack Welch, April 1999 六西格玛是我们曾经有过的最重要的管理培训。它比上Harvard商学院和去Crotoville培训还要好。它教会了我们一种思维方式。 - 杰克.韦尔奇,2001.11,10,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise

12、 Consultants Inc.,GE实施6s的结果,摘自: The GE Way Field Book,2001.11,11,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,GE实施6s的结果,摘自: The GE Way Field Book,2001.11,12,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,GE实施6s投资与收益,百万美元,2001.11,13,All Rights Reserved;

13、 Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,GE 实施的结果,所有正式(Exempt)员工必须开始接受绿带或黑带培训 1999年,改变DNA,2001.11,14,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,售后服务,企业的管理体系,流程,流程,流程,当前组织,组织的远景和经营目标,流程,流程,流程,流程,流程,流程,流程,市场,研发,销售,采购,交付,运营管理就是建立并维护一个坚实而长久的桥梁,生产,执 行 力,领 导 力,2001.11,1

14、5,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,从职能部门来看一个企业,员工的决定都仅基于本部门的垂直的孤立的考虑, 而不去考虑外部的逻辑关系,领导们只关心本部门的成功,直线式思维,职能部门是按照劳动技能和性质分工的需要来划分的组织机构,规模经济 - 不能代替流程,2001.11,16,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,从流程来看一个企业,从职能部门的角度运作企业会忽视顾客-企业生存的理由!打破

15、传统的职能界限! 关注流程而不是部门-整个公司被联成一体,按照业务流程-横向,客户,供应商,系统性思维,2001.11,17,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,流程导向公司,部门视角,客户要求,方桌思维 vs. 圆桌思维,客户导向的系统思维,流程是公司的财富,2001.11,18,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,6s实施的资源和组织,Master Black Belt 黑带大师,全日

16、的专家。充当黑带的老师, 教练, 评审者和个人辅导,Black Belt 黑带,6s 项目组的领导, 接受了全面系统的 DMAIC培训;全日,Green Belt 绿带,6s 项目组成员;接受了全面的DMAIC培训;半脱产,Champion,具有威望的高层管理者。为在部门或组织6s实施的成功负责,6s指导委员会,2001.11,19,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,六西格玛在相关领域的应用,六西格玛- 销售、市场,六西格玛-供应链,六西格玛-制造,六西格玛-研发,六西格玛-商务管理,2001.11,20,All Rights Reserved; Copyright, 2001 The Processwise Consultants Inc.,


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