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1、齐齐哈尔市 2019-2020 学年度下学期“线上教学”质量监测高二英语试卷考生注意:1. 本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分。满分 120 分, 考试时间 120 分钟。2. 本卷命题范围: 高考范围。英语试卷 第 2 页(共 7 页)第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第 I 卷第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AIntroduction to PianoNo matter what you do in life, its always important to

2、start with the basics. Taught by experienced musician Dennis, this class will give beginning piano learners an introduction to the keyboard, scales, melodies, and note reading. This class is combined with adult class.Brinton ( Beg. , Ages 8-17 )# 487919Sat. , Apr. 13-Jun 1, 10:30 AM-12 AM$56 Residen

3、ts / $112 Non-residentsGuitar LessonLearn basic chords, notes, and different strumming ( 弹奏) techniques. Bring your own guitar. Classes are combined with youth guitar classes.Brinton ( Beg./ Int. , Ages 12-17 ) # 37623Sat. , Apr. 13 - Jun.1, 2 PM - 3:30 PM$110 Residents / $220 Non-residentsHip Hop C

4、ulture & Modern DanceHip hop has become popularized by the entertainment industry. The steps evolve from tap, jazz & belly dance. The class will consist of clean hip hop music techniques, steps and a routine.Hamilton( Ages 6-12 )# 38475Tue. , Apr, 16-Jun 4, 7 PM - 8 PM$18 Residents / $36 Non-residen

5、tsScience of Magic and Fantastic FliersThis class introduces participants to two hot topics: magic and flight! In science of magic, participants learn the science, mind reading and perform a magic escape! In fantastic fliers, participants will fly through flight and aerodynamics ( 空气运动学 ) basics.Jue

6、au ( Ages 4-12 ) #370956Mon. , Feb. 4, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM$80 Residents / $160 Non-residents1. The activity Introduction to Piano is intended for those .A. who are experienced in playing the pianoB. who just begin to learn how to play the pianoC. who show interest in teaching the piano lessonsD. who a

7、re willing to make the piano for musicians2. Marys daughter wants to learn modern dance, she can go at .A. 7 PM - 8 PMB. 2 PM - 3:30 PMC. 10:30 AM-12 AMD. 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM3. If Jacks son is 5 years old, he may choose for him.A. Guitar LessonB. Introduction to PianoC. Hip Hop Culture & Modern DanceD

8、. Science of Magic and Fantastic FliersB2020 is special. When we dip into the model “suspended class, ongoing learning” during the pandemic(大流 行)of NCP, have you thought of the inventors that supply us the convenience on the computers? Here, lets know a respectable person who left us a few months ag

9、o.Larry Tesler: computer scientist ,an icon of early computing, died at the age of 74 in this spring. Mr Tesler started working in Silicon Valley in the early 1960s, at a time when computers were inaccessible to the vast majority of people.It was thanks to his innovations ,which included the “cut”,

10、“copy” and “paste” commands that the personal computer became simple to learn and use. Xerox, where Mr Tesler spent part of his career, paid tribute to him. “The inventor of cut/copy & paste, find & replace, and more, was former Xerox researcher Larry Tesler,” the company tweeted. “Your workday is e

11、asier thanks to his revolutionary ideas.”Mr Tesler was born in the Bronx, New York, in 1945, and studied at Stanford University in California. After graduating, he specialised in user interface( 界面) design, that is, making computer systems more user-friendly.He worked for a number of major tech firm

12、s during his long career. He started at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (Parc), before Steve Jobs invited him for Apple, where he spent 17 years and rose to chief scientist. After leaving Apple he set up an education firm, and worked for brief periods at Amazon and Yahoo.In 2012, he told the BBC of

13、Silicon Valley: “Theres almost a custom - after youve made some money, you dont just retire, you spend your time funding other companies.”“Theres a very strong element of excitement, of being able to share what youve learned with the next generation.” he added.4.Which of the following is true accord

14、ing to the second paragraph?A. Mr Tesler innovated the computer.B. Mr Tesler invented the “cut”, “copy” and “paste” commands.C. Mr Tesler spent part of his career as a data man in Xerox company. D. Most people have many chances to use computers in the early 1960s.5. How many companies did Larry Tesl

15、er once worked in ?A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six6. Which word can best describe Mr Tesler as a scientist?A. selflessB. friendlyC. specialD. humorous7. What will the passage continue to talk about after the last paragraph?A. Educating the next generation. B. Discussing his retired life.C. Showing the prospect of the Silicon Valley.D. Sharing his knowledge with the next generation.CBy 11:00, Gopamma knew something was wrong. Her husband, Hanutha, should have returned from collecting fir


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