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1、辽宁工程技术大学毕业设计(论文)辽宁工程技术大学 毕 业 设 计(论 文)题 目: 汽车轮胎与地面接触问题的有限元分析 作 者: C G H 指导教师: S K M 教授 专 业: 工 程 力 学 时 间: 二零一七年六月 中文题目:汽车轮胎与地面接触问题的有限元分析外文题目:FINITE ELEMENT ANAIYSIS OF CONTACT PROBLEM BETWEEN CAR AND GROUND毕业设计(论文)共81(其中:外文文献及译文26页) 图纸共 0 张完成日期 2017年6月15日 答辩日期 2016年6月23日辽宁工程技术大学本科毕业设计(论文)学生诚信承诺保证书本人郑重

2、承诺:汽车轮胎与地面接触问题的有限元分析毕业设计(论文)的内容真实、可靠,系本人在 指导教师的指导下,独立完成。如果存在弄虚作假、抄袭的情况,本人承担全部责任。学生签名:年 月 日辽宁工程技术大学本科毕业设计(论文)指导教师诚信承诺保证书本人郑重承诺:我已按学校相关规定对 同学的毕业设计(论文)的选题与内容进行了指导和审核,确认由该生独立完成。如果存在弄虚作假、抄袭的情况,本人承担指导教师相关责任。指导教师签名:年 月 日摘要轮胎的接触问题对汽车安全有着至关重要的影响,对汽车轮胎与地面接触问题研究,有助于轮胎设计人员改进轮胎结构和材质,提升汽车安全性能。本文系统地介绍了轮胎的具体构造、各个部位



5、充气气压为13.97mm,充气气压越大,变形程度越小,轮胎与地面接触面积越小,接触压力分布越集中在接触面中心。关键词:汽车轮胎;数值模拟;垂直载荷;充气气压;接触压力;接触变形IIIABSTRACTTire grounding problems have a crucial impact on the safety of automobiles. Research on the problem of contact between automobile tires and ground will help tire designers improve tire structure and ma

6、terial and improve vehicle safety performance. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the contact stress and contact deformation of automobile tires in actual grounding work.This paper systematically describes the specific structure of the tire, the function of each site and the specific pa

7、rameters of the tire and the performance of the international standard representation, meanwhile introduces a variety of tire failure forms. And the basic theory of contact, as well as the nonlinear finite element method of contact problem is introduced. The numerical simulation method is used to st

8、udy the problem of tire and ground contact. Considering the complexity of the actual structure of the tire and simplifying the tire model, the finite element model of the tire is established, and the contact between the tire and the rigid target surface is simulated by contact The contact of the tir

9、e under the vertical load is analyzed. The contact stress distribution of the tire under the vertical load and the contact deformation between the tire and the ground are analyzed. At the same time, the rolling contact between the tire and the road surface is simulated, and the distribution of the c

10、ontact stress between the tire and the road surface and the contact deformation of the tire during the rolling contact with the rigid road surface are systematically analyzed.Through the simulation analysis of the vertical load applied to the tire quiescent state, it is found that the tires of the c

11、ontact area under the vertical load are outwardly bulging and bulging, and the tire area is flattened. Contact stress distribution symmetry, contact surface area of the largest contact stress. Through the simulation of the tire rolling process, it is found that the deformation of the tire is similar

12、 to that of the tire under the vertical load. The contact stress is symmetrical in the lateral direction and spreads on both sides of the tread, expands to the surroundings, decreases gradually, Radial distribution is asymmetric. In the case of the same tire air pressure, the contact load caused by

13、different vertical loads is different. When the load is 15000N, the tire sinking is 49.328mm. When the load is 5000N, the tire sinking is 0.704mm, the load is bigger , The greater the deformation of the tire, the greater the area of contact with the ground, the greater the contact stress transverse

14、distribution curve peak from the tread center. Under the same vertical load, the contact deformation caused by different inflatable air pressure is different, 0.10Mpa inflatable pressure, the tire sinking amount of 71.109mm, inflatable pressure of 0.30Mpa, the inflatable pressure of 13.997mm, the gr

15、eater the inflatable pressure, The smaller the degree of deformation, the smaller the contact area between the tire and the ground, the more concentrated the contact stress distribution in the center of the contact surface.KEYWORDS: Car tires;Numerical simulation;Vertical load;Inflation pressure;Contact pressure;Contact deformation目录摘要IABSTRACTII目录01 绪论11.1 研究背景及意义11.2 轮胎与地面接触问题研究现状21.3 论文主要研究内容41.



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