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1、山东大学硕士学位论文目 录摘 要IABSTRACTII第1章 绪论11.1开发背景11.2国内外现状21.3解决的主要问题31.4本文的主要工作41.5论文的组织结构4第2章 系统需求分析62.1系统概述62.2需求问题描述72.2.1功能性需求72.2.2非功能性需求14第3章 系统架构设计163.1系统设计目标和原则163.2系统技术架构设计173.2.1系统物理架构173.2.2系统逻辑架构183.3系统功能架构203.3.1系统功能组成203.3.2流程管理功能组成223.3系统接口23第4章 系统详细设计254.1工作流模型254.1.1工作流管理构成254.1.2工作流模型274.

2、2工作流详细设计294.3缓冲管理详细设计324.4数据库设计344.4.1流程管理344.4.2值班管理354.4.3作业计划364.4.4缓冲管理37第5章 系统实现与测试395.1系统实现395.1.1流程管理的实现395.1.2值班管理的实现465.1.3作业计划的实现495.1.4定时任务的实现515.1.5系统接口的实现525.2测试运行53总结与展望54参考文献55致 谢57CONTENTSChinese Abstart.Englishe AbstartChapter 1 introduction11.1 development background11. 2 the laste

3、st state of technologh 21.3 the main problem need to be resolved in this paper31.4 the main work of this paper41.5 the structure of this paper4Chapter 2 the requirement analysis for the system62.1 the introduction for the system62.2 the discription of requirement for the system72.2.1 functional requ

4、irement72.2.2 non- functional requirement14Chapter 3 construction design for the system163.1 desing aim and principle for this system163.2 technology construction design173.2.1 technology construction for the system173.2.2 logical construction for the system183.3 functional construction for the syst

5、em203.3.1 function composition of this system203.3.2 function composition of the workflow management223.3 interface of the system23Chapter 4detail design for the system254.1 the model for workflow254.1.1 workflow management component254.1.2 the workflow model274.2 detail design for the workflow294.3

6、 detail design for buffer management324.4database design344.4.1 workflow management344.4.2 duty managemnt354.4.3 operation plan364.4.4 buffer management37Chapter 5 implement and test for the system395.1 the whole implement for the system395.1.1 the implement for the workflow management395.1.2 the im

7、plement for the duty managemnt465.1.3 the implement for the operation plan495.1.4 the implement for the timing task515.1.5 the implement for the interface525.2 system test53summary an outlook54reference55thanks57iv 摘 要随着电信市场竞争的日趋激烈,新的形势对中国电信的市场响应能力、服务保障能力、业务创新能力、运营管理能力提出了更高的要求。通信网络规模随着业务的需要在不断扩大,多种业

8、务发展迅速。 新的技术、新的运营竞争环境使得电信运营商对运行维护效率、维护水平、维护成本控制提出了更高的要求,运行维护要从面向设备、网络转变为面向市场、业务。因此,必须依靠管理创新和技术进步走综合化、集约化维护之路。实现设备、人力、信息等各类资源的高效配置,使运行维护管理标准化、规范化,加强对市场和业务的支撑作用,建立以市场为导向,客户为中心,效益为目标的生产体系,实行对网络全专业的整合。 电子运维流程系统的出现为电信运营商的运维管理系统提供了全面的解决方案。所谓电子运维流程系统,就是通过电子化来确保运维过程的流程化、工单化、自动化和信息化,快速传递并反馈管控信息,实现快速故障定位和业务恢复,


10、化、处理内容统一化、处理方式合理化、处理结果准确化、处理时间快速化。目前已经成为日常网络维护工作不可或缺的重要组成部分,成为最强有力的后台支撑。关键字:电子运行维护;流程管理;工作流;角色ABSTRACTWith the telecommunications market competition becoming more intense, the new situation of Chinas telecommunications market responsiveness, service support capabilities, business, innovation, operat

11、ions management capabilities to a higher demand. Communication networks with the scale necessary business expanding at a variety of business has developed rapidly. New technologies and new competitive environment makes the operation of telecom operators on the operation and maintenance efficiency, m

12、aintenance level, maintenance of cost control has put forward higher requirements, operation and maintenance for the equipment from the network into a market-oriented business. Therefore, we must rely on management innovation and technological progress of taking an integrated and intensive maintenan

13、ce of the road. Achieve equipment, manpower, information such as the efficient allocation of resources to enable the standardization of operation and maintenance management, standardization, market and business to strengthen the supporting role, set up market-oriented, customer-centric and cost-effe

14、ctive targeting of production systems, the introduction of professional network-wide integration. The emergence of telecom operators for the operation and maintenance management system provides a comprehensive solution. The so-called Operation electron flow system, is through the electronic operatio

15、n and maintenance to ensure the flow of the process, the single, and automation and information technology, fast delivery and feedback control of information, achieve rapid fault location and business recovery, and thus improve market operations support efforts to improve carrier service levels, quality of service. Application systems are at present relatively popular workflow technology will be a spec



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