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1、 建筑节能论文:建筑遮阳节能计算及对自然通风影响的研究【中文摘要】夏季,太阳辐射得热量是室内冷、热负荷的主要来源,减少这部分太阳辐射得热量,特别是减少通过外窗的太阳辐射热量是建筑节能工作的重点和难点。建筑遮阳作为建筑设计的重要组成部分对减少建筑能耗、改善室内光环境及提高室内热舒适性都有十分重要的作用。本文以建筑遮阳系统为研究对象,论述了如何评价遮阳构件的遮阳节能效果,以及遮阳构件对建筑自然通风的影响。本文在总结前人对遮阳研究的基础上,主要做了以下工作:1.分别从实践和理论研究两个方面,介绍了国内外遮阳的应用与发展现状;介绍了目前国内主要使用的遮阳评价指标及各自存在的问题。2.对建筑遮阳系统的分

2、类与设计做出了概述与介绍。其中包括建筑遮阳系统的分类与适用性。并从遮阳设计的角度,分析了遮阳设计时的重点与步骤。根据遮阳与日照的计算关系,建立了遮阳与外窗太阳辐射得热模型。3.在太阳辐射得热系数(SHGC,solar heat gain coefficient)的基础上,提出了新的遮阳评价指标遮阳节能系数(SESC,shading energysaving coefficient),并详细介绍其计算方法。该指标综合考虑了太阳直射、散射及反射对遮阳效果的影响,计算方法也更为简单和使用,具有一定的实践意义。4.为使遮阳节能系数更具可操作性,本文利用Visual c+语言编制了用于计算遮阳节能系数S

3、ESC的辅助计算程序S E(Shade Efficiency )。5.利用DeST能耗模拟软件,模拟计算了重庆某办公楼的能耗结果,并与遮阳节能系数SESC的计算结果做了比较,证明了SESC及S E计算和程序的正确性。6.结合某办公室模型,利用CFD流体模拟软件,研究分析了建筑遮阳对室内自然通风的影响。通过对上述问题的解决,希望能为今后建筑节能规范的实施以及模拟计算外遮阳对建筑空调能耗、室内自然通风的影响方面提供参考的信息。【英文摘要】In summer, solar heat gain is the main source of room cooling load. How to reduce

4、 this part of heat gain through windows is the important and difficult point of the building energy efficiency work. The design of sun shade is a key part of architectural design, and it is of significance in reducing the building energysaving, improving indoor light environment and indoor thermal c

5、omfort. This paper makes researches on sun shade about how to evaluate energysaving effect of shade, and the influence of shade on natural ventilation.This paper summarizes the relative research work and does some jobs as follow:1. The application and development of domestic and international status

6、 of shade is introduced from practical and theoretical aspects. And indexes which are being put into practice of envaluation of shade are introduced and their problems are discussed too.2. Building shading system is elaborated, which includes the classification and applicability of shade. From the p

7、erspective of shade design, key point and steps of shade design is also analyzed. According to the calculation relationship of shade and sun, model of solar heat gain of shade and window are established.3. On the basis of SHGC, solar heat gain coefficient, a new evaluating indexSESC,shading energysa

8、ving coefficient is proposed and introduced in details of its calculation. This index takes the direct radiation, scattering radiation and reflecting radiation on the effect of shading into account. Its calculation is more simple so it is of a certain practical significance.4. In order to make the s

9、olar heat gain coefficient more operational coefficient, an auxiliary energy calculation program - SE (Shade Efficiency) based on Visual c+ computer language is created in this thesis.5. The energy consumption of a office building in Chongqing is simulated and calculated through using DeST simulatio

10、n software, and its results is compared with SESC in order to check and prove the correctness of calculations and procedures of SESC calculation.6. The influence of shade on indoor natural ventilation is studied and analyzed by CFD fluid simulation software in an office modelThrough solving of those

11、 problems mentioned above, some helpful advices for performing of the design standard for building energy efficiency and calculate effects of building consumption as well as influence of indoor natural ventilation are offered by this article.【关键词】建筑节能 建筑遮阳 遮阳节能系数 自然通风【英文关键词】Building Efficiency Build

12、ing Shading Shading Energysaving Coefficient Natural ventilation【目录】建筑遮阳节能计算及对自然通风影响的研究 摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4-5 第一章 绪论 9-23 1.1 选题背景与意义 9-13 1.1.1 选题背景 9-10 1.1.2 建筑遮阳的研究意义 10-13 1.2 国内外研究现状 13-17 1.2.1 国外遮阳发展现状 13-14 1.2.2 国内遮阳发展现状 14-15 1.2.3 国内外遮阳研究成果 15 1.2.4 国内遮阳设计存在的问题 15-16 1.2.5 遮阳研究软件的发展 16-17

13、1.3 国内现行评价指标及存在的问题 17-20 1.3.1 遮阳系数 17-19 1.3.2 透光系数 19-20 1.4 本文所研究的问题 20-21 1.5 论文的结构及各章节内容 21 本章小节 21-23 第二章 建筑遮阳系统的分类与设计 23-45 2.1 建筑遮阳的分类及适用性 23-30 2.1.1 按遮阳构件形状分类 23-25 2.1.2 按遮阳构件相对于窗口的位置分类 25-27 2.1.3 按遮阳构件的可控性分类 27-28 2.1.4 按遮阳的材质分类 28-30 2.2 遮阳设计的关键性问题 30-33 2.2.1 地理气候 30 2.2.2 窗口朝向 30-31

14、2.2.3 遮阳设施的材料与颜色 31-322.2.4 遮阳房间的用途 32-33 2.3 建筑遮阳设计 33-37 2.3.1 建筑遮阳设计步骤 33-34 2.3.2 遮阳时间的确定 34-36 2.3.3 遮阳构建尺寸的计算 36-37 2.4 建筑日照与遮阳 37-44 2.4.1 太阳热辐射 37-39 2.4.2 太阳位置计算 39-40 2.4.3 当地太阳时与标准时 40-41 2.4.4 建筑外窗接受的太阳辐射模型 41-44 本章小结 44-45 第三章 建筑遮阳的节能计算 45-67 3.1 遮阳节能系数 45-47 3.1.1 遮阳节能系数的提出 45 3.1.2 遮阳

15、节能系数的计算 45-47 3.2 建筑遮阳的直射节能分析 47-51 3.2.1 无遮阳通过窗户进入室内的直射得热 47-48 3.2.2 设置外遮阳时通过窗户进入室内的直射得热 48-50 3.2.3 直射节能系数 50-51 3.3 直射节能系数的计算 51-59 3.3.1 角系数的计算 51-56 3.3.2 自然对流换热量的计算 56-58 3.3.3 SHG 及SHGC 的计算 58-59 3.4 建筑遮阳的散热节能计算 59-63 3.4.1 散射节能计算分析 59 3.4.2 散热节能系数 59-63 3.5 内遮阳的遮阳节能系数计算 63-65 3.6 组合式遮阳的遮阳节能系数计算 65 本章小结 65-67 第四章 遮阳节能计算的程序实现及验证 67-79 4.1 遮阳节能计算的程序实现 67-71 4.1.1 遮阳节能计算辅助程序的编写结构 67-68 4.1.



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