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1、1,English in Current Affairs 高级时事英语,天津电大责任教师:夏方毅,2,Unit 7 Equality Session Two P369 Text,3,1 A SYSTEM (to regulate income inequality) should be mapped out in time to prevent income gaps from broadening.,Income Inequality Must Be Eased,2 The lopsided individual income pattern in China has tended to w

2、orsen since the country initiated economic reform and the open-door policy 17 years ago.,我们应该及时制定一种制度来规范收入不平等的状况,以防止收入差距的加大。,自从17年前中国实行了经济改革和对外开放政策以来,个人收入不平等的状况就日趋严重。,必须缓解收入不平等,regulate: vt. To control or direct according to rule, principle, or law 管理,管制 lopsided adj. Leaning to one side倾向一方的;不平衡的,4

3、,ease vt. To moderate (a quality or condition) in force or intensity, alleviate 在力量或强度上减轻(一种性质或条件), 缓和 eg. ease sb. of his troubles 消除某人的烦恼 2. To lessen the discomfort or pain of 减轻不适或痛楚 eg. The aspirin eased his headache.阿斯匹灵减轻了他的头痛。 3. To slacken the strain, pressure, or tension of; loosen减少紧张、压力或

4、强度;使安心,使舒适;松开 eg. 1) ease off a cable 松开缆绳 2) I eased her mind by telling her that the children were safe. 我告诉她孩子们平安无恙,让她安心。 vi.减轻;缓和;放松(+off) eg. The relationship between these two countries has eased. 两国之间的关系有所缓和。 ill at ease 局促不安;不自在 eg. I always feel ill at ease in a strange environment. 我在陌生环境总

5、觉不自在。,6,3 Although official statistics has not yet been made available to indicate how large income gaps have become, the people in the street have tested enough of this inequality in their daily life.,尽管官方的统计数字还无法确定收入差距有多大,但普通百姓已感受到了他们在日常生活中的差距。,4 While a couple of restaurant owners in Shanghai hav

6、e revealed that their monthly income has reached 100,000 yuan ($11,900), 630,000 residents in Hunan Province are struggling for a bare subsistence wage of 132 yuan ($16) a month, according to the weekly magazine Outlook.,根据瞭望周刊所载,上海的一些餐馆老板承认,当他们的月收入已经达到10万元(11900美元)时,湖南的631 000名居民还在为每月132元(16美元)仅能勉强

7、糊口的工资而 奔波努力。,subsistence wage n. 维持最低生活水平的工资,7,bare adj. Just sufficient; mere 刚刚充足的;仅有的 eg. 1) the bare necessities 最低必需品 2) A bare word would be enough. 只要一句话就够了。 3) All they had were the bare necessities of life. 他们所有的仅仅是生活必需品而已。 barely adv. 仅仅, 刚刚, 几乎不能,8,Gone are the days when people who had 10

8、,000 yuan ($1,190) were dubbed upstarts. Nowadays, a person who has 100,000 yuan ($11,900) is barely considered rich.,有1万元(1900美元)的收入就被冠为暴发户的时代已经一去不复返了。当今,一个人有10万元(11900美元) 才被认为是小富。,At the same time, around 10 million people across the country are living such a scanty life that they cant afford enou

9、gh vegetables and fruit.,同时,在全国大约有1千万人正过着贫困生活,他们没钱购买蔬菜和水果。,9,dub vt. 1. To honor with a new title or description; nickname授予新称号,把称为;起绰号 eg. 1) The king dubbed him a knight. 国王封他为爵士。 2) They dubbed him a traitor. 他们叫他卖国贼。 2. To insert a new soundtrack, often a synchronized translation of the original

10、 dialogue, into (a film)配音:在(电影)中插入一条新声道,一般是原对话的同步翻译 eg.1) a Swedish film dubbed into English 译成英语的瑞典影片 2) dub foreign films 为外国影片配音,upstartn. A person of humble origin who attains sudden wealth, power, or importance新贵,暴发户:一个出身低贱的人突然获得财富,权力或重要的位置,10,scanty a. 1. Barely sufficient or adequate不足的:缺乏的或

11、不足的 eg. Crops are very scanty this year. 今年庄稼歉收。 2. Barely large enough 刚刚够大的 eg. a scanty binini 刚刚够大的比基尼泳装,11,Although the disparity is inevitable when the country is in the stage of transition from the planned economy to a market- oriented economy, it does not mean that such unequal distribution

12、of wealth is acceptable or fair.,当国家从计划经济向市场经济转化时,这种不平等是无法避免的。但是,这并不是说,财富的分配不均可以接受或者是公平的。,8 If the income gap keeps widening and finally develops to a polarisation, it will lead to deep resentment among the poor. A growing fear in the public is that chronic disaffection will trigger social disruptio

13、n.,如果这种收入差距不断加大,并最终发展成为两极分化,它将导致穷人产生极度不满情绪。令人越来越担心的是这 种长期不满情绪会造成社会分裂。,disparity n. inequality不平等 disaffection n. dissatisfaction 不满 disruption n. separating 分裂,12,resentment n. Indignation or ill will felt as a result of a real or imagined grievance 愤恨 eg. He felt resentment at the intrusion. 他因受到干扰

14、而十分恼火。 resentful adj. eg. He was resentful at the way he had been treated. 他对所受的待遇感到忿恨。,chronic adj. 1. Of long duration; continuing长期的;持续的;慢性的 eg. chronic money problems 长期的金钱困扰 a chronic alcoholic 长期酗酒的酒徒 chronic unemployment 长期失业 a chronic disease 慢性病 2. Subject to a habit or pattern of behavior

15、for a long time 惯常的 eg. a chronic liar一贯说谎的人 He is a chronic complainer. 他这个人老是抱怨。,13,trigger vt. To set off; initiate,cause 触发,引起 eg. 1) His action has triggered off a crisis. 他的行动已经引起一场危机。 2) A spark triggered the explosion. 一粒火星引起了这场爆炸。 trigger-happy adj. 乱开枪的, 好战的,14,研究表明,通常低收入的人没有工作积极性,对生活感到厌倦。

16、另一方面, 一些人是靠非法手段谋取暴利而致富,这样会影响市场上的公平竞争。他们自我放纵的生活方式对社会价值观造成负面影响。为了缩小这种收入土的差距,西方国家采取的通常做法是,严格征收规定的个人收入所得税。,Research has shown that low-income people usually have no working initiative and feel sick about life. On the other hand, the rich who rise to fortune through illegal profiteering will frustrate fair competition in the marketplace. And their self- indulgent life style has a negative effect on social values. To narrow the income gap, the most common pra



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