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1、本文主要思考和讨论的内容是尝试将质量源于设计(Quality by Design,QbD)这 一理念和原则运用于一个全新的医疗器械产品研发的项目全程设计、跟踪、指导和管 理,以期获得将 QbD 落实于医疗器械研发的一些初步方法和成功或失败两方面的一 些基本经验,以及为今后进一步探索如何将 QbD 指导原则同医疗器械新产品研发相 结合建立一个初步的研究实例和方法学案例。相较于制药企业,国内的医疗器械(包括诊断试剂)企业对 GMP 理念和原则的 接受和推广得更晚,因而更需要有既符合科学实践原则又具有实际指导意义的新理念 和新方法来指导医疗器械产品(包括诊断试剂产品)的研发、生产和市场销售的各个 阶

2、段。而 POCT(Point of Care Testing),国内目前通常译作即时检验或现场检验,作为 医疗器械产品中的一个特殊领域,近年来在国外,尤其是欧美市场取得了长足的发展, 但国内自上世纪九十年代中期开始引进和推广血糖仪产品及妊娠和尿试纸检测等少 数几个产品外,并无更多的产品推出,而临床和实际又有较广泛的应用和需要。本项目团队根据这一个情况,经过广泛的调研和认真的评估,提出了开发总胆固 醇(Total Cholesterol,TC)POCT 产品的计划和构想,并依据同期在北大 IPEM 学习 所获得的 QbD 相关知识、方法和经验,创新地尝试在项目启动初期即将正在国内外 制药领域推广

3、应用的 QbD 的方法和原则运用于实际的产品研发全过程中。关键词:质量源于设计 医疗器械研发 即时检验 总胆固醇检测仪Title:A case of the application of QbD rules in the research and development of medical device-the analysis of project management of the instant total cholesterol kitABSTRACTIn this paper,the principle of QbD (Quality by Design) concept was

4、discussed and applied in the whole research process of a new medical device(MD), including the design process, project tracking, guidance and management. It was expected to acquire some fundamental method and basic experience of both success and failure from the MD research, and also trying to estab

5、lish an initial research example and a methodology case to discover how to combine the QbD rule with the development of MD product in the future.Compare to the pharmaceutical industry, the GMP principle was much later introduced and accepted to the medical device industry (including the diagnostic r

6、eagent industry) in China. So it is more necessary to bring new ideas and new methods which are both scientific, reasonable and practical to instruct the development of a new medical device product as anintegrated process,from research to manufacturing and to marketing of the final product.POCT as a

7、 short form of Point of Care Testing is a special area of MD products, which has made significant progresses on the U.S. and European market in recent decades. But in China, the popular products that has been introduced as a POCT product include only a fewsuch like glucometer,pregnant test kit and u

8、rine test kit, while POCT products areactually more widely and necessarily demanded and required for both healthcare and clinical purposes.According to such situation, the team has launched a comprehensive development plan of Total Cholesterol(TC )products based on extensive study and careful evalua

9、tion. The knowledge, principle and experience of QbD learned in Peking University were innovatively introduced in the research process at the very beginning.In this paper, the method and principle of QbD was approached in the research and development of an instant total cholesterol test kit. The maj

10、or tasks of this project include the followings:Keywords : Quality by Design, Research and Development, Medical Device and Diagnostic Reagents, Point of Care Testing, Total Cholesterol Test Kit目录第一章序言11.1研究背景11.1.1QbD 及其在制药行业中的应用11.1.2医疗器械和 POCT51.1.3层析式胆固醇自测仪的研究背景81.2研究内容81.3研究意义101.4本论文的研究方法10第二章层


12、四章稳定性研究504.1稳定性研究方案504.1.1稳定性研究目的504.1.2稳定性的基本内容504.1.3有效期限的确定524.1.4稳定性研究项目的设置534.2稳定性研究结果544.2.1显色试纸的稳定性结果544.2.2反应控制纸的稳定性结果544.2.3HRP 溶液的稳定性结果56第五章临床试验615.1临床试验方案615.1.1目的和项目内容615.1.2总体设计615.1.3临床评价标准625.1.4临床试验持续时间及其确定理由645.1.5每病种临床试验例数及其确定理由645.1.6选择对象范围、选择对象数量及选择理由645.1.7副作用预测及应当采取的措施655.1.8临床

13、性能的评价方法和统计处理方法655.2临床试验结果665.2.1回收试验结果665.2.2对比试验结果665.2.3批内精密度74第六章结论与展望766.1结论766.2案例说明766.2.1工艺设计的透彻理解766.2.2实验设计和验证786.2.3设计空间的建立806.3展望82参考文献83后记86第一章序言1.1 研究背景1.1.1 QbD 及其在制药行业中的应用1.1.1.1 QbD 概念的起源QbD 是质量源于设计(Quality by Design)的简称,美国知名质量管理学者 Joseph M. Juran 首先提出这个概念,他在多篇著作中阐述了他的观念,其中最著名的当数 Jur

14、an on Quality by Design1。Juran 认为质量应该能被设计出来,大多数的质量危机和 问题与最初的设计有关。QbD 原则已被用于提高各个工业的产品和流程的质量,在电子、汽车、飞机制造 行业已经成功应用多年,尤其是在汽车行业。近年来以美国 FDA 为代表的药物监管 机构提出采用 QbD 原则作为国际药品生产质量治理的新方向, FDA 在生产指南中关于 QbD 的定义为“designing and developing a product and associated manufacturing processes that will be used during produ

15、ct development to ensure that the product consistently attains a predefined quality at the end of the manufacturing process”2。 的实施背景人用药品注册技术要求国际协调会(ICH)出台相关指导文件 Q8 以及 Q8R,为 设计与药品质量之间的关系进行阐述,并与 Q9(风险管理),Q10(质量管理体系) 等文件构成理想的质量控制状态的框架3,如图 1-1 所示。其中 Q8 部分明确说明质 量不是通过检验注入到产品中,而是通过设计赋予的。想要获得良好的设计,必须增 加对产品的认知和工艺的全过程控制,并且达到两个目的:一是设计空间的建立,二 是 ICH 认为可借此拓展出更灵活的管理办法4。从药品监督管理者的角度看,药品的研发、生产、审评和监管等业务角度看药品 质量,可


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