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1、1. 我们的目标是进口我国现代化建设所需要的先进技术和设备和国内市场短缺的原料。Our goal is to import the advanced technology and equipment needed plus material that is short of in domesticate market for modernization building. 句子结构分析;plus一词的用法;现代化建设;Our goal is to import the advanced technology and equipment needed for modernization driv

2、e and materials that are short of /( in short supply) in domesticate market / domestically.2. 以改革为核心的农村改革,主要是解决农村上层建筑不适应经济基础的某些环节。The reform-focusing of rural reform is mainly targeting on some certain inadaptability between rural superstructure and economy base.(汉译英的时候,英文表达鲜有抽象的名词。不得不用的时候,要使用其形容词或者

3、动词形式。)Reference: The reform-based/centered rural reform mainly targets on/ focuses on/ prioritizes those elements in the superstructure in the rural areas that are no longer consistent with the economic phase. 3. 我们成功避免了经济的大起大落,避免了物价的过度飞涨。We have successfully averted economical fluctuation and upris

4、ing price.We have been successful in averting/shunning away/avoiding major ups and downs in the economy and preventing excessive price hikes.4. 双边贸易与合作迅速发展的主要原因在于两国的经济有着很强的互补性。The great complementarities of both countries economy see the bilateral fast developing of trade and cooperation又用抽象名词咯A maj

5、or reason for the rapid development of bilateral trade and cooperation rests with the fact that the economies of the two countries have a strong nature of mutual supplementation / are highly completed with each other.5. 中国将逐步开放电信基础业务和增值业务市场,允许外资在中国直接投资并建立合资企业。The telecommunication-based and value-ad

6、ded service market will be more accessible with acceptation of foreign directed investments and establishment of joint venture in China.Reference: China will gradually lift its restrictions on the telecommunications infrastructure market and the value-added market, allowing foreign companies to inve

7、st directly in China or to set up joint ventures. (外商直接投资可以翻译成FDI,但是在这里最好用以上这种动词不定式机构,因为好英语是句式平衡的英语。)6. 要全方位得开拓国际市场,市场多元化是立于不败之地的关键。We should tap the overall potential of international market. Market diversification is a key to business survival.(在口译中一般应尽量避免用we或者I,除非原文中出现“我们”,作文中亦是如此。这种情况下主语就可以使用it或

8、者动名词或者名词。)It is important to tap the market potential around the world. And geographical market diversification is the key to surviving the unsteady world market. 7. 将强国防和军队建设,是国家现代安全和现代化建设的可靠保证。Strengthening national defense and military construction will bolster national security nowadays and buil

9、ding of modernization up.(类似bolster up 这样的词组后面这个up既可以连在一起用,也可以分开。鉴于bolster 与up之间连接的词太多,readers/listeners attention span没有那么长,所以不建议放后面。)The strengthening of national defense and the armed forces is a strong back-up for our national security and it bolsters up the nations modernization drive.8. 中国政府是根

10、据国内法、国际法和人道主义精神处理有关问题的。All the related issues are tackled under the domestic or international law and humanitarianism by Chinese government.(pursuant to/ under/in accordance with)9. 人权这个问题是一个非常复杂、而且越来越为国际社会和人们关注的一个重要问题。Human right is a rather complicated and significant issue with its accumulating a

11、ttention from by international community.Human rights is a very complicate issue, drawing more and more attention from the international community.10. 世代友好、永不为敌,是我们两国正确的选择。To be friends forever and never to be enemies is the right choice of (made by) our both countries.11. 我们讨论的问题包括经贸问题、恐怖问题、反恐怖主义、伊

12、拉克问题和朝鲜核问题。Our discussions cover the issues of economy and trade, terrorism, antiterrorism as well as Iraq and North Korea nuclear issue. ?注意对原文的理解包括: cover/ range from/ includeIssues have been discussed ranging from the economy and trade, terrorism, antiterrorism and Iraq as well as North Korean nu

13、clear issues. 口译中,如果举例类比,一般只有听到“和”的时候才render “and”。12. 我们应该牢牢把握中美的大局,妥善解决分歧,不断朝着增进了解、扩大共识、发展合作、共创未来的目标前进。Both of us must take strong hold of overall interests of China-US relations and , resolveing the disputes with subtlety, so as to reach head for the goal of enhancing mutual understanding, expand

14、ing common ground, developing cooperation and securing the future together constantly.注意句子层次的区分13. 我们要依法办事、以人为本,在国内如此,在处理国际事务中也是如此。We should deal with the matters with people oriented, and follow the laws, both within country and abroadWe must act in accordance with the law/ we must comply with the

15、law and put people first. This is the case, be it in the domestic matters and the international issues. 14. 要采取措施,解决台湾地区,特别是台南地区农产品到大陆的销售问题。Measures should be taken to solve the sale problem of agricultural products from Taiwan to mainland,especially from south Taiwan.解决问题 (solve/address/handle/deal

16、 with)15. 新时期的中国外交也贯彻了以人为本、执政为民的这一宗旨。In new era, Chinese diplomacy has implemented the principle aim of caring for people and governing for person, too.Administration for people/ put people first16. The state will increase investment in basic research to such a level that the money used for basic sciences accounts for 2



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