大学英语快速阅读1.Is El Nino Back.带翻译.课后习题.答案

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《大学英语快速阅读1.Is El Nino Back.带翻译.课后习题.答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《大学英语快速阅读1.Is El Nino Back.带翻译.课后习题.答案(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、There are signs that El Nino, the massive warming of the Pacific Ocean that affects the worlds weather, may be forming again.A satellite orbiting 600 miles above the Pacific Ocean picked up a streak of warm water forming along the equator an early sign of the phenomenon felt around the world when it

2、 last appeared, just four years ago.It is more than 3,000 miles long. The water in it is nine degrees warmer than in surrounding areas a substantial number to oceanographers. The warm pool is growing and has caused government forecasters to put out an advisory ( 气象报告) .Its a heads-up in advance so t

3、hat people can properly be prepared for this event. said Vernon Kousky of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations Climate Prediction Center.If a full-blown El Nino does form, Americans would most likely start to feel its effects next fall and winter.The government called the forecast ve

4、ry preliminary but the warning allows emergency agencies to make plans.Right now, we cant predict whether it will be weak, moderate or strong in intensity/ said Kousky.Some scientists say its too early to predict anything at all. Id be very careful, said one who asked not to be named. There is indee

5、d a very large anomaly ( 反常状态) in the Pacific right now, and we need to watch it. But these things are very difficult to forecast.El Ninos can be both good and bad, depending on where you are. Even a relatively small one can bring about significant changes by shifting the wind patterns from the Paci

6、fic Ocean that pass over the United States. During the last El Nino, in 1997 and 1998, rainfall doubled in California, causing a $1 billion in storm damage. On the other hand, in Florida, forest fires were put out by the extra rain.Choose the best answers to the following questions.1. What can be re

7、garded as an early sign of El Nino?A. A 3,000-mile long water streak.B. A water streak that is warmer than surrounding areas.C. A streak of water forming along the equator.D. A huge warm water streak along the equator.2. The warm pool in the third paragraph refers to.A. the Pacific OceanB the 3,000-

8、mile long warm water streakC. the Atlantic OceanD. anew El Nino3. Why is it necessary to forecast the corningEl Nino?A. Because it would affect Americans next fall and winter.B. Because scientists will be able to know whether it will be weak, moderate or strong in intensity.C. Because emergency agen

9、cies will be able to make plans to prepare for it.D. Becausescientists will be able to observe the formation of El Nino.4. What is the main idea of the last twoparagraphs?A. El Nino can be both beneficial and harmful to us, depending on where it happens,B. Evena small El Nino can bring about great c

10、hanges.C. AnEl Nino caused one billion dollars worth of damage to California in 1998.D. AnEl Nino put out forest fires in Florida.S. Which of the following words is closest in meaning to heads-up (paragraph 4)?A. Rise,B. Warning.C. Threat.D. Indicator.Judge whether or not the following statements ag

11、ree with the information given in the passage, and mark Y for YES, N for NO, or NG if information is not given in the passage.1. Judging from the evidence, scientists have made the forecast that a new El Nino is forming.YNNG2. When an El Nino is coming, people cannot feel its effects straight away.

12、YNNG3. When an El Nino is coming, people can take proper precautions against it. YNNG4. The rain in California in 1997 was two times more than that in 1996.Y NNG5. El Nino is the warming of a massive water body that can heavily influence the worlds weather.Y NNG翻译:厄尔尼诺现象是回?有迹象表明,厄尔尼诺现象,在太平洋,影响全球天气变暖

13、的大,可能会形成一次。一个卫星轨道太平洋上空600英里拿起连胜温水沿赤道形成 - 一个早期迹象的现象在世界各地最后一次出现时的感受短短四年以前。这是3000多英里长。在它的水是九度比周边地区温暖 - 相当数量以海洋学家。暖池的增长,造成政府预测扑灭咨询(气象报告)。“这是一个领导,在提前使人们可以适当地对这个事件的准备。”弗农说,国家海洋与大气管理局气候预测中心Kousky。如果完全成熟并形成厄尔尼诺,美国人很可能会开始感到其影响明年秋季和冬季。政府号召非常初步的预测 - 但允许紧急预警机构制定计划。“现在,我们无法预测是否会弱,中度或强度的强/说Kousky。一些科学家认为它的预测为时尚早任

14、何事情。 “我会非常小心,”一个说谁不愿透露姓名。 “确实是有一个非常大的异常在太平洋的权利(反常状态)现在,我们需要观察它。但这些东西都是非常困难的预测。”厄尔尼诺现象有好有坏,这取决于你在哪里。即使是相对较小的人可以通过将带来从太平洋,超过美国通过风模式带来重大变化。在过去的厄尔尼诺现象,在1997年和1998年,在加利福尼亚州降雨量一倍,导致美元的风暴破坏亿元。另一方面,在佛罗里达州,森林大火被扑灭了由额外的雨。选择最好的回答下列问题。1。有什么可以看作是厄尔尼诺现象的早期征兆?答:3000英里长的水连胜。B:一个水连胜,比周边地区温暖。三连胜的水沿着赤道形成。d.一个巨大的温水沿赤道连

15、胜。2。 “暖池”中的第三段提到。答:太平洋B的3000英里长的温水连胜C中的大西洋D.新的厄尔尼诺3。为什么要进行预测康宁厄尔尼诺现象?答:因为这会影响美国明年秋季和冬季。B.因为科学家们将能够知道它是否会弱,中度或强度强。C.因为紧急服务机构将能够制定计划,准备。D.因为科学家们将能够观察到厄尔尼诺现象的形成。4。什么是最后两个主要思想段落?答:厄尔尼诺既可以是对我们有益的和有害的,这取决于它发生在哪里,二即使是很小的厄尔尼诺现象带来了巨大的变化。C.一个厄尔尼诺现象造成十亿美元的损失值得加州于1998年。四厄尔尼诺现象在佛罗里达州扑灭森林大火。学哪下面的话的意思最接近的“抬头”(第4款)?答:兴起,二警告。三威胁。四指标。判断是否与下面的语句在文章中给出的信息一致,并标记Y为是的,N为否,或议员,如果信息不给予通行。1。从证据来看,科学家们的预测,一个新的厄尔尼诺现象正在形成。是否吴2。当厄尔尼诺现象来了,让人无法感受到它的效果立竿见影。是否吴3。当厄尔尼诺现象的来临,人们可以对其采取适当的预防措施。是否吴4。 1997年在美国加州雨是在1996年二倍多。是否吴5。厄尔尼诺现象是一个巨大的水体,可以极大地影响气候变



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