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1、人教课标版 高二必修5Unit 1,英语教学课件,Extensive Reading,Match the people with their achievement,Da Vinci Don Quixote Galileo Hamlet Cervantes Free Fall Experiment Shakespeare Mona Lisa,Copernicus,哥白尼(Nicolaus Copernicus, 1473-1543), 波兰天文学家、日心说创立者, 近代天文学的奠基人。,哥白尼经过长期的天文观测和研究, 创立了更为科学的宇宙结构体系日心说, 从此否定了在西方统治达一千多年的地心

2、说。,日心说经历了艰苦的斗争后, 才为人们所接受, 这是天文学上一次伟大的革命,不仅引起了人类宇宙观的重大革新, 而且从根本上动摇了欧洲中世纪宗教神学的理论支柱。“从此自然科学便开始从神学中解放出来”, “科学的发展从此便大踏步前进”(恩格斯自然辩证法)。,哥白尼著有阐述日心说的天体运行论(1543年出版), 由于受到时代的局限,在日心说中保留了所谓“完美的”圆形轨道等论点。其后开普勒建立行星运动三定律, 牛顿发现万有引力定律,以及行星光行差、视差相继发现, 日心说遂建立在更加稳固的科学基础上。,We all know something about Copernicus. He was on

3、e of the first scientists to use mathematical observations to collect information. He believed the sun is the center of the universe and the earth and other planets goes around it. The chart on P.7 shows his theory.,Pre-reading,Copernicus Revolutionary Theory,Birth: February 19, 1473 Death: May 24,

4、1543 Place of Birth: Toru, Poland Career: 1491-1494 Studied mathematics at Krakw Academy 1496 Went to Italy to study astronomy and law at the University of Bologna,Nicolas Copernicus,1497 Began observations of the Sun, Moon, and planets 1514 Wrote Commentariolus, an outline of his astronomical ideas

5、, but did not circulate it widely 1543 Published De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial),At Copernicus time, Christian Church was in charge of many western countries.,T,Read through the passage, and tell whether the following statements are true or false.,3. Coperni

6、cus didnt show his new theory to his friends until he completed it. 4. His friends were not interested in his ideas.,T,F,2. Copernicus noticed that observed from the earth, some planets appears in front of or behind the earth.,F,5. Since he was not afraid of being attacked by the Church, Copernicus

7、published his book as soon as he finished working on it. 6. Newton, Einstein, and Hawking are all scientists who made contribution to the study of the universe.,F,T,Read carefully again and try to draw the two theories of the universe.,A diagram showing the solar system with the Earth at its centre,

8、A diagram showing the solar system with the Sun at its centre,Analyze the following picture carefully and try to explain how a loop is formed.,Dear Nicolaus Copernicus, I am a student studying astronomy and I would very much like to read your new theory about the solar system. I hope you will publis

9、h it for several reasons.,Sample writing (P7),I understand the problems with the present theory. The way the planets move is not what you would expect if the earth was the centre of the universe. It is also odd that the brightness of some stars seems to change. So I agree with you that we need a new

10、 theory.,I know your observations have been very carefully carried out over many years. Now you must have the courage to publish them. Science can never advance unless people have the courage of their beliefs.,I know you worry about what will happen if you publish your new theory. No matter how peop

11、le oppose it, time will show whether your ideas are right or wrong. So I hope you will feel you can publish your new theory. Yours sincerely, (your name),1).Mao Zedong is the great leader of the Chinese R_.,evolution,Language points,1. Fill in the blankets with proper words.,2). The Invention of the

12、 computer caused a r_ in our way of living.,evolution,3). Sun Zhongsan is a great r_ leader. 4).Yuan Longping created a r_ new way of growing rice.,evolutionary,evolutionary,2. lead to: to result in 导致 Your carelessness will lead to the trouble in the future.,cigarette death,accident loss,mistake re

13、sign,scandal fire,lead to,1). to have a clear meaning,No matter how I tried to read it, the sentence didnt make sense.,It makes sense to take care of your health.,2). to be wise course of action,3. make sense,4. complete; compete a. They found themselves _ with foreign companies for a share of the m

14、arket. b. The building took two and a half years to _.,competing,complete,5. spin,spun,spin a top,a spinning coin,a spinning wheel,spun,spinning,We span the coin to see who would have first turn. I spun around to see who had spoken.,6. enthusiastic: be interested in Shes very _ _ singing. We explain

15、 our plan, and he is very _.,enthusiastic,about/over,enthusiastic,enthusiastic enthusiasm enthusiastically,She shows boundless _ for the work. She greeted him _ with a kiss. She is very _ about Eastern music.,enthusiasm,enthusiastically,enthusiastic,7. cautious: careful to avoid risk be cautious about/of sb./sth.,cautiously,The guard warned me to be cautious about strangers.,The bank is very cautious about lending money.,My father is a very cautious driver.,银行在贷款方面十分慎重。,警卫告戒我要当心陌生人。,我的爸爸是一位非常谨慎的司机。,cautious; curious a. Ive always been very _ about giving



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