what27s the matter 练习题

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《what27s the matter 练习题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《what27s the matter 练习题(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 word版习题Self Check(.单项选择。()1.We should learn _ importance of eating breakfast every day.Aa Ban Cthe D/()2.Did you take your _?Yes,I have a little fever.Amedicine BphotoCseat Dtemperature()3.Dont _.Well help you with it.Alook up Bput upCgive up Dtake up()4.He _ the taxi and walked home.Agot on Bgot u

2、pCgot off Dgot into()5.My father doesnt mind _ risks.Ataking Bto takeCtake Dtakes()6.You have a sore throat.You should drink some hot tea _ honey.Awith Band Cof Dfor()7.Lucy is used _ a walk after dinner.Ato take BtakingCto taking Dtake()8.Did you agree _ a party for him?Ahaving Bto haveChave Dhad()

3、9.If you have some bad food,you may _.Ahave a sore throatBhave a coldChave a headacheDhave a stomachache()10.His right leg was hurt badly.The doctors_.Acut it off Bcut them offCcut off it Dcut off them()11.The boy found himself in a bad situation when _ in the river.Aswimming BswimsCto swim Dswam()1

4、2.Please let me tell you again _ you wont forget.Aas long as BunlessCso that Dbecause()13.You look too tired.You _ rest and _work too hard.Ashould;shouldBshouldnt;shouldntCshouldnt;shouldDshould;shouldnt()14.You shouldnt hurt _.Ayourself ByouCherself Dhimself()15.Mary is always ready _ others.Afor h

5、elp Bto helpChelping Dhelp.词汇运用。A)根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。16What was the m_ with him yesterday?17The old woman had a f_.The doctor took her temperature.18Ben is in t_.Lets help him.19He used the k_ to cut the apple.20Mr.Lee is in c_ of this company now.B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。21Jenny cut _(her) just now.22Bill is

6、used to _(live) alone.23They made _(decide) to climb the mountains.24Im sorry to hear the old mans _(die)25We should take good care of _(our).根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。26她怎么了?Whats _ _ _ her?27由于车祸,他丢掉了性命。He _ his life _ _ the car accident.28不要把水用完了。Dont _ _ _ the water.29那位老人摔倒了,腿受了伤。The old man _ _ and _ hi

7、s leg.30杰克同意考虑和我们一起爬山。Jack agreed _ _ _ _ mountains with us.完形填空。On a Tuesday night,a bus crashed (撞击) into a house.It made a sixyearold boy,David Molina,dead.Josue Molina said,“The bus was out of _31_ and it came to our house.My _32_ was walking in the room.The bus fell on him and then he _33_ and

8、got squished (压扁)”The bus driver turned the wheel (方向盘) suddenly when he _34_ a man jaywalking (乱穿马路)As a result,the bus went into the bedroom Josue and David shared.Josue shouted,“Daddy!Mommy!My brother!” _35_father,Santos Herrera,tried to save them.He wasnt able to open the bedroom door,_36_ he cl

9、imbed through the window.At last he could save only Josue.Josue tried to dig through the rocks to find David,“I tried my best but I couldnt find him.I_37_ there were no buses in the world,so he would still be with me.” Neighbors tried to get David out as well,but _38_ firefighters were able to do th

10、at.Unluckily,the boy died _39_ the way to the hospital.Josue said,“I didnt want him to_40_I wanted him to stay with me.Im going to miss him a lot.”()31.A.spirit BriskCcontrol Devent()32.A.father BbrotherCcousin Dson()33.A.grew up Bturned downCwoke up Dfell down()34.A.found BaskedCdecided Dacted()35.

11、A.My BItsCOur DTheir()36.A.so BbecauseCif Dthough()37.A.wished BexpectedCadvised Dmeant()38.A.almost BevenConly Dalso()39.A.from BonCbehind Din()40.A.happen BwinChurt Ddie.阅读理解。Do you want to be healthy?Now I will give you some advice.I think you should have a good eating habit.You should eat some h

12、ealthy food.There are a lot of healthy foods.You can eat more bananas,oranges and tomatoes,because they are good for our health.Dont eat junk food.Its bad for our health.Healthy food can make you happy and strong.Exercising is very important.You should exercise every day.You can go to school on foot

13、.At least(至少),you should play basketball three or four times a week.The most important thing is that we must remember “Early to bed,early to rise,makes a man healthy and clever.” It means we must go to bed early and get up early next morning.By doing this you will be in good health.()41._ are healthy food.AJunk food and bananasBHamburgers,fried chips and tomatoesCBananas,oranges and tomatoesDChocolate and fried chicken()42.Healthy food can make you _.Atired and happyBtired and thinCthin and strongDhappy and strong()43.If you want to be healthy,you should _.Anot pla


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