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1、Stylistics of Business Contracts,国际商务合同文体,Contents,合同的概念 商务合同的形式 商务合同的语言特色,合同的概念,合同亦称“契约”。合同是指平等主体的双方或多方当事人就建立、变更、消灭民事法律关系所签订的协议。它是双方的法律行为,是双方当事人意思表示一致的结果。 提出订约建议一方的意思表示称为要约,接受要约条件一方的意思表示成为承诺。要约一经承诺,合同即告成立。 在国际贸易中主要的合同内容包括:对买卖双方在商品名称、品质规格、数量、包装、运输、保险、付款办法、检验、索赔、仲裁、不可抗力等的定义以及其他方面对权利和义务的规定。,商务合同的形式,狭义

2、: 口头形式 书面形式:1. 格式合同;2. 双方自定协议;3. 双方往来信件、电报、电传等。 广义: 合同 协议(协定) 订单 议定书 备忘录 确认书,1. 合同,双方权利和义务 内容具体 固定格式:约首、正文、约尾,2. 协议(协定),两个(或以上)国家(或地区)为调整和发展相互间的贸易关系而签订的书面协议。一般由政府签订,有时也可由民间组织签订。 协议内容包括:进出口贸易额、进出口货单、缔约国对履行货单的义务、作价办法、支付方式、使用货币、关税优惠和关税减让、对签约各方贸易平衡的合理安排、有效期、延长或中止协定的程序等。 双边、多边贸易协定 年度、长期贸易协定,3. 订单,一般货物买卖中

3、,指买方就订购某一种商品发给卖方的文件。 内容一般包括交易的主要条件,如商品名称、品质、规格、数量、包装、价格、交货时间和地点、付款条件等。 按行市交易订单(market order) 限价订单(limit order),4. 议定书,贸易议定书是缔约国就发展贸易关系中的某项具体问题所达成的书面协议。这种议定书往往是作为贸易协定的补充、解释或修改而签订的。 内容较为简单,作为贸易协定的补充、解释或修改而签订。 程序也较简单,只须签字国有关行政部门的代表签署即可生效。,5. 备忘录,书面合同之一。指买卖双方磋商过程中,就某些事项达成一定程度的理解与谅解所形成的一致意见,记录下来,作为今后进一步磋

4、商、达成最终协议的参考。 使用范围逐渐扩大。,6. 确认书,较为正式的合同订单,是买卖双方在通过交易磋商达成交易后,寄给对方加以确认的列明达成条件的书面证明,经买卖双方签署的确认书,是法律有效文件。 销售确认书与购货确认书。,商务合同的语言特色,定义条款 效力条款 转让条款 保证条款 保密条款 解除条款 终止条款违约处罚条款 不可抗力条款 准据法,1. 定义条款,合同正文第一部分一般为定义部分。 对于被定义的词语或者表述,一般采取将其全部大写,如买卖合同中的货物“GOODS”或 “EQUIPMENT”等,或将首字母大写,如“Equipment”,以区别于普通用语。如,大写的CONTRACT特指

5、本合同,而小写的contract可泛指任何合同。 中文中,用黑体、斜体或引号表示专门用语。 出现简称时,后加括号,写明“hereinafter referred to as xxx”。,定义部分常用语 The following expressions shall have the following meanings unless otherwise expressly required. AA Leasing Co. New York (hereinafter called the Lesser) and BB Plant, Guangzhou(hereinafter called the

6、 Lessee) “Exclusive Territory” means the following countries: Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Netherlands, Canada and Brazil. Buyer shall pay the Contract Price to Party B within sixty (60) days after the receipt of Party Bs invoice. (In this clause, Party B means AAB),2. 效力条款,合同使用文字、合同份数、各种文本的效力 合同

7、生效时间,合同修改补充的效力,合同附件效力,This Contract is made out in both the Chinese and English languages, each in two originals and one original of each is held by Party A and Party B. in case of any discrepancies between the Chinese and English copy, the English copy shall govern. The Contract shall come into for

8、ce after it has been approved by the examination and approval authority of China. The Appendices attached hereto are hereby made an integral part of this Contract and are equaly binding on both parties.,3. 转让条款,合同权利、义务的转让,即当事人一方将合同权利或义务全部或部分转让给第三人的现象。 If either Party A or Party B intends to assign a

9、ll or part of its investment to a third party, it shall first offer such assignment to the other party which has the right to decide whether or not to acquire the investment of the other party within a period of three (3) months after receipt of the written notice of the party indicating its intenti

10、on to assign.,4. 保证条款,督促合同签署各方履行规定义务,或在债务人不履行义务时,债权人获得一定补偿。 The Seller shall guarantee that the commodity must be in conformity with the quality and specifications specified in this contract and Letter of Quality Guarantee. The guarantee period shall be 3 months after the arrival of the goods at the

11、 port of destination, and during the period the Seller shall be responsible for the damage due to the defects in designing and manufacturing of the manufacturer.,5. 保密条款,包括保密主体、保密客体、保密方式、保密时间。 All information made available under this Agreement shall be kept in strict confidence from any third party

12、 without prior consent in writing of the other party. The only exception, however, shall be the disclosures forced by the laws, orders or regulations of Governments or Organizations have the necessary authorities and such disclosures shall not be deemed to constitute a violation of the Article under

13、 this Agreement.,6. 价格与付款条款,价格条款包括计价货币、计价单位、单位价格金额和贸易术语。 Unit price: USD1,890.00 per metric ton CIF Shanghai. 付款条款包括付款方式与流程 The Buyer shall open with a bank acceptable to the Seller an Irrevocable Letter of Credit to reach the Seller 30 days before the month of shipment, valid for negotiation in Chi

14、na until the 15th day after the month of shipment.,7. 解除条款,协议解除,不可抗力解除,延迟履行,不完全履行,拒绝履行 In case there is any breach of the provisions under the Agreement by either party during the effective period of this Agreement, these parties hereto shall first of all try to settle the matter in question as soon

15、 and amicable as possible to mutual satisfaction. Unless settlement is reached within thirty days after the notification in writing of the other party, such other party shall have the right to cancel this Agreement and the loss and damage sustained thereby shall be indemnified by the party responsib

16、le for such breach.,8. 终止条款,在债务已履行,合同解除,债务相互抵消等情况下,合同终止。 The validity period of the contract shall be five (5) years from the effectiveness of the contract and shall become null and void automatically upon the expiry of the validity period of the contract.,9. 违约处罚条款,包括赔偿损失和赔偿限制、违约金和补救措施。 If any invoice remains unpaid more than 15 days after the specified credit term, the unpaid amount will be considered overdue, and the SELLER reserves the right to levy a late payment charge based on prevailing



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