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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。导游词欢迎词英文版5篇导游词的宗旨是通过对旅游景观绘声绘色地讲解、指点、评说,帮助旅游者欣赏景观,以达到游览的最佳效果。以下是小编整理的导游词欢迎词英文版5篇,欢迎阅读参考!导游词欢迎词英文版(1)Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the ancient capital luoyang. Now Id like to introduce you to luoyang.Luoyang city is located in the west of henan province, the

2、 south bank of the Yellow River, the northern edge of the elo basin, which is named after the city of luoshui in the ancient city. It east the conjugate tiger fastened, west according to xiaohan, MangShan store in the north and south of deficiency and southeast to song, los, Iraq, Chan, jian four ri

3、vers wan, meanwhile, since ancient times has rivers, accused of wear, and centers of guilin, and reputation in the world.Such a narrow geographical situation and superior geographical location make it the ideal place for the emperors of all dynasties. According to the archaeological excavations of c

4、alendar year and a large number of detailed historical documents authentication successively have xia, shang and western zhou dynasty, zhou dynasty, the eastern han, wei, western jin dynasty, northern wei, sui, tang, back rest, the later tang dynasty, such as rising 13 dynasties in this state, time

5、for more than 1500 years. In addition, there are eight dynasties as a partner. Therefore, luoyang is the first of the seven ancient capitals, the earliest, the most dynasties and the longest time. Since luoyang has long been a national political, economic, cultural, technological and transportation

6、center, all the major events in history have occurred here, and there are many important activities here. So da said historian sima guang, you ask, ancient and modern waste things, please you only see the luoyang city, which means that luoyang is a microcosm of the history of China, if you want to l

7、earn Chinese in 5000, then you must look at luoyang.Even after todays historical scour, luoyang still has rich cultural relics and historical sites. We cant count the Numbers here, and well talk about them in the course of the tour.Luoyang is not only a world-famous historical and cultural city, and

8、 it is very important modern industrial city and important scientific research base, the strength and the foreign trade in henan province, leading industry and technology. There are a number of well-known large enterprises and research institutes in China, such as the first drag airport and the bear

9、ing factory. Luoyang is also rich in coal, molybdenum, gold, bauxite and other mineral resources and forest resources; There are highways, railways, air traffic networks, aviation ports and customs; There is also a large comprehensive market in the whole country - guanlin commercial city; There are

10、famous Chinese and foreign famous wine du kang wine, tang sancai and luoyang water table; There is a national peony in the world. Every April, the peony flowers will attract numerous Chinese and foreign friends to see the pomp, feast eyes. It can be said that the flowers are like the sea, people are

11、 like the tide, flowers bloom and fall 20 days, a city of people are crazy!Today, luoyang is by the national implementation of the western development strong east wind, seize this rare opportunity to implement the strategy of east led to the west, to speed up the pace of development - to cancel the

12、suburbs, adjust the regionalization, widening urban framework; To cooperate with the creation of national excellent tourism cities and civilized cities, and to promote the construction of the gay community and the improvement of the internal and external environment; The development strategy of gran

13、d tourism is put forward, and the surrounding environment of longmen grottoes, white horse temple and guanlin temple is managed. To make the declaration of the world cultural heritage of the longmen grottoes, the decisive decision of the world cultural heritage, the decisive decision, through unremi

14、tting efforts, to achieve the success; Build lupu park to create a beautiful environment, recreating the autumn scenery.Friends, the luoyang municipal party committee and the municipal government, will over time, with its good social benefits and economic benefits, increasingly apparent. This is a g

15、ood start. I believe that in the near future, luoyang will make a new gesture to impress the world, the future of luoyang will be more brilliant!My introduction is over, I wish my friends a pleasant trip to luoyang in the next few days!导游词欢迎词英文版(2)Dear friends, welcome to zhengzhou city, henan provi

16、nce. My name is liu qi. Im the tour guide of zhengzhou world travel agency. This is our driver, Mr. Zou. During the tour of zhengzhou, we will provide services to you and me. Wish you a wonderful and unforgettable time in zhengzhou.Zhengzhou, henan province, henan provinces political, economic and cultural center, is located in the hinterland, kyushu, she surging Yellow River in the north, the west according to wei songshan, east and w


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