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1、填空(10分)术语翻译的两大要领是?A. 发明 检测 B. 模仿 检测(填A或B即可)得分/总分A 0.00/10.00正确答案:b 或 B2填空(10分)检测译文的最好方法?A. 使用英汉词典 B. 使用英英词典(填A或B即可)得分/总分B 10.00/10.00正确答案:b 或 B3填空(10分) “教师休息室”的正确译法?A. Teachers Rest Room B. Teachers lounge(填A或B即可)得分/总分A 0.00/10.00正确答案:b 或 B4填空(10分) “开心休闲屋”的正确译法?A. Happy Rest Room B. Happy lobby(填A或B

2、即可)得分/总分A 0.00/10.00正确答案:b 或 B5填空(10分)“酒家”的正确译法?A. Wine shop B. Restaurant(填A或B即可)得分/总分A 0.00/10.00正确答案:b 或 B6填空(10分) “中学”最精确的译法?A. Middle school B. Secondary school(填A或B即可)得分/总分A 0.00/10.00正确答案:b 或 B7填空(10分)“购物中心”的正确译法?A. Purchase center B. shopping center(填A或B即可)得分/总分A 0.00/10.00正确答案:b 或 B8填空(10分)

3、“商场”的正确译法?A. Square B. Plaza(填A或B即可)得分/总分A 0.00/10.00正确答案:b 或 B9填空(10分)“市区”的正确译法?A. DowntownB. City area (填A或B即可)得分/总分A 10.00/10.00正确答案:A 或 a10填空(10分)“总公司”的正确译法?A. General corporation B. Corporation(填A或B即可)1填空(10分)汉语语言的特点A. 形合语言 B. 意合语言(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B2填空(10分)由于中英两种语言差异,在英译“老鼠过街,人人喊打”和

4、“留得青山在,不愁没柴烧”,时,要特别增加?A. 副词 B. 连词(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B3填空(10分) “官僚主义作风同群众间的矛盾” 的正确译法?A. The contradictions between the bureaucratic style and the public.B. The contradictions arising from the bureaucratic style of some of the state personnel in their relations with the public.(填A或B即可)得分/总分你

5、没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B4填空(10分)“民力和军力相结合给日本帝国主义当头一棒”更准确的译文是?A. The combination of the civilians and the army will deal a death-blow to Japanese imperialism.B. With their combined strength, the civilians and the army will deal a death-blow to Japanese imperialism.(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B5填空(10分)一句话总结长

6、句的翻译技巧A. 词句严格对应B. 拆句,逻辑重组。(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B6填空(10分)阅读下面长句,回答6-8题What is questioned is whether a country like Britain has a chance, assuming it has the will, to succeed where so many have failed and even assuming that it has, should it make the tremendous effort and take substantial fina

7、ncial risk of trying to leap- frog into leadership in entirely new technology or whether it should take softer opinion of merely catching up with the rest of the industrial world.6. “What is questioned . “该成分属于?A. 表语从句 B. 主语从句(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B7填空(10分)该成分的翻译重点是A. 放置于句子开头 B. 句首或句尾或其他位置,视情

8、而定(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B8填空(10分)“should it make the tremendous effort “相当于A. Should it make the tremendous effort? B. whether Britain would make tremendous efforts(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B9填空(10分)Grammar school 是A.语法学校B.初中(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B10填空(10分)酒店一楼开放的,配有沙发的地方叫A. rest pl

9、aceB. Lobby(填A或B即可)1填空(10分)中式菜肴“佛跳墙”的译法?A. Buddha cross the wall B. Assort meats & vegetable cooked in embers(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B2填空(10分)中式菜肴“天麻炖鸡”的译法?A. Chicken stewed with Tianma B. Chicken stewed with herbs(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B3填空(10分)中式菜肴“全家福”的译法?A. Whole family happiness B. S

10、teward assorted with meats(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B4填空(10分)中式菜肴“游龙戏凤”的译法?A. Shrimp stir-fried with chicken B. prawn stir-fried with chicken(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B5填空(10分)中式菜肴“烤卤猪”的译法?A. Grilled marinated pig B. Roast (sucking) pig(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B6填空(10分)中式菜肴“青椒肉丝”的译法?A. shr

11、edded pork and green pepper. B. B.shredded pork with green pepper.(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B7填空(10分)中式菜肴“油焖笋”的译法?A. Bamboo shoots stewed with say sauce B. Bamboo shoots stewed in soy sauce(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B8填空(10分)中式菜肴“酿鱼”的译法?A. Beer fish B. Fish stuffed with minced pork(填A或B即可)得分/总分

12、你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B9填空(10分)中式菜肴“生蒸鸳鸯鸡”的译法?A. Raw steamed chicken B. Stewed frog(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B10填空(10分)中式菜肴“菠萝鸡片”的译法?A. Pineapple chicken nuggets B. Sliced chicken with pineapple(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B1填空(10分)翻译传媒类文稿什么重要?A. 传达信息 B. 传达信息、契合风格(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B2填空(10分)翻译传媒类文稿,在风格处理上什么更重要?A. 精确表述原文风格B. 重塑风格,使之适应译入语读者(填A或B即可)得分/总分你没有填写答案正确答案:b 或 B3填空(10分)“五缘之水”中的“五缘”翻译为?A. Five LinksB. Links of kinship, geography, religion, business and products.(填A或B即可)得分/总分


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