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1、北京市民讲外语活动,名师外语讲座系列(7),北京外国语大学 北京外国语大学网络教育学院,在线直播:,Translation/Interpretation as a Profession,Professor Wang Lidi,Presented by,名师外语讲座系列7,教授课程:当代西方翻译理论、英汉笔译、汉英交替传译、语言学导论、高级英语写作和研究方法等研究生课程,名师外语讲座系列7,现任职务现任北京外国语大学高级翻译学院院长、教授、博士生导师;中国外语教育研究中心副主任,研究领域:翻译研究,对比语言学,形式语言学,王立弟教授,Translation as a marketable ser

2、vice,Effective communication,Clients needs,Code of conduct/ethics,Responsibilities and risks,Ones own interest,Different from language learning,名师外语讲座系列7,The basic qualities,Language competence,Knowledge of the subject matters,Translating/interpreting skills & experience,State of the mind,Training,I

3、,II,III,IV,V,名师外语讲座系列7,5.Encyclopedic knowledge,Language competence,I,名师外语讲座系列7,1.Phonological aspects,2.Structural aspects,3.Contextual variation,4.Lexicon (words),voice control,1.Phonological aspects,accents,tone of voice,1the importance of these points would be difficult to exaggerate.,2.Governme

4、nts and their international agencies are these days mindful that public opinion is anything but squarely behind them.,3. These outbreaks of anti-capitalist sentiment are meeting next to no intellectual resistance from official quarters.,2.Structural aspects,Idiomatic frames,Comprehension clues,表示祝贺

5、表示关切 表示震惊和不安 表示反对 作出呼吁和谴责,2.Structural aspects,Comprehension clues,Idiomatic frames,表示祝贺:,表示关切:,Please allow me, sir, to congratulate you on your assumption of the presidency of the Security Council for this month. (主席先生,请允许我对您担任本月安理会主席表示祝贺。),The foreign ministers expressed their deep concern at the

6、 aggravation of tensions in the Middle East. (各国外长对中东紧张局势的加剧表示深切关注。),表示震惊和不安:,表示反对:,做出呼吁和谴责 :,The Secretary-General is shocked and greatly dismayed by the bloodshed (秘书长对流血事件表示震惊和极大不安),We would like to state our clear disapproval of the use of force (我们声明明确反对使用武力),We call on the Security Council to

7、condemn the crime committed by (我们呼吁安理会谴责犯下的罪行),The consumption of any nutriments whatsoever is categorically prohibited in this establishment. -officialese The consumption of nutriments is prohibited. -official You are requested not to consume food in this establishment. -formal Eating is not allow

8、ed here. -neutral Please dont eat here. -Informal You cant feed your face here. -colloquial Lay off the nosh. -slang Lay off the fucking nosh. -taboo,3.Contextual variation,Open classes: recession, a booming/sluggish economy, globalization, integration offshore economy a bullish/bearish market, soci

9、al safety nets, life expectancy, infant mortality rate ozone depletion, bio-diversity, Nox Alzheimers disease, narcotics, anti-doping terrorism, anthrax, dirty bomb suicide bomber,4.Lexicon (words),Internal knowledge,External knowledge,Cost and risks,5.Encyclopedic knowledge,Dubai International Awar

10、d for Best Practices Submission Guide and Reporting Format for the Year 2002 This guide provides detailed information on how to submit a 2002 Best Practice for the Dubai International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment. Specifically, users will find information on the followi

11、ng:,www.bestpractices.org/bp2002/guide.html,Example:,External knowledge,Knowledge of the subject matters,II,Translation/Interpretation Strategies,III,1. how to work with numbers,2. text (discourse) analysis,3. macro-functions of language,The agricultural Bank of China in April said operating profit

12、rose 48 percent in the first quarter to 7.9 billion yuan as its bad loan ratio fell.,Example 1:,1. how to work with numbers,Example 2:,Of the ten riches countries in the world I terms of GDP per head, only two have more than 5m people: the United States, with 260m, and Switzerland, with 7m. A furthe

13、r tow have populations over 1m: Norway, with 4m and Singapore, with 3m. The remaining half-dozen have fewer than 1m people.,Cohesion and coherence,2. text (discourse) analysis,Text typology,Informative function,3. macro-functions of language,Expressive function,Operative function,Phatic function,A.

14、the plain communication of facts: information, knowledge, opinions, etc. B. logical or referential C. the content or the topic is the main focus of communication,Informative function,Informative text 1,Since the fall of Saddams government in April, military commanders have said that they have spent

15、more than $100 million on projects in the provinces under their control. The source of the funds was the seized assets of the old regime, Bremer said he wanted to spend more than double that over the next six months.,Informative text 2,Both Germany and France are heading for budget deficits of nearl

16、y 4% of GDP. Social-security deficits are out of control. The shortfall in 2003 and 10.6 billion in 2003 and 14.1 billion in 2004. Unless changes are made, social-security payments could rise from over 45% of pay to 54% in 2030, by some estimates.,A. creative composition B. the aesthetic dimension C. the author or “sender” is foregrounded, as well as the form of the message,Expressive function,Michael Jacksons Lyrics You Rock My World Ho.oh.My life will never be the



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