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1、全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计一、教案背景1,面向学生: 中学 2,学科:英语2,课时:13,学生课前准备:4.出示目标5.Step1 课前延伸6.Step 2 课内探究和导入新课7.Step 3 课后提升二、教学课题八年级上(外研社)Module 5 Western music 课 型 reading and writingUnit 2 Vienna is the center of European classical music. 语言知识 使用适当的形容词评论各类音乐,能够表达对别人的观点同意与否。语言技能 能听懂别人对音乐的描述,能够辨别不同反意疑问句的意思

2、。语言运用 能够结合音乐 图片 影视材料介绍音乐和剧中人物文化意识 通过对中国音乐家的介绍培养学生的民族意识情感态度 通过对“同意” “不同意”表达方式的训练,培养学生礼貌使用语言的意识与能力。三、教材分析教材内容 以音乐为主题介绍了 Strauss, Mozart, Xian Xinghai 等音乐大师。词语 organ trumpet violin waltz younger elder die centre drum guitar结构 反意疑问句其他 反意疑问句的肯定与否定回答教学重点 有关人物的介绍 教学难点 关于人物介绍的写作训练运用任务 能够结合音乐图片介绍音乐和剧中人物四、教学方

3、法教学方法 小组互助学习策略 自学策略 能够根据自己的情况预习教材并进行拓展。合作学习策略 能够与小组同学合作制作有关音乐和人物的招贴画等。教学媒体 多媒体二、课堂教学过程 预设时间教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动教学目的1分1 分3分课前准备出示目标Step1 课前延伸 Look at the picture about learning aims .Last class we learned the instruments .Do you remember them ? Lets check them .http:/ 了解维也纳及作曲家2.通过读的训练学会描述一个人的生平二、学习重难点1.有关

4、人物的介绍2.关于人物介绍的写作训练yes .看图写出乐器名称(课前读词检测)寓教于乐3 分Step 2课内探究导入新课People can use them to play beautiful music .Lets listen to The Blue Danube.How beautiful it is ! Do you http:/ .引起兴趣3 分know who it was by ? Look at the picture about Strauss .Strauss, his father and Mozart .They were great composers . List

5、en . What kind of the music is this?What kind of the music do you like?Do you want to know more about them ? Please let us read the text about them with three questions.幻灯片中 Strauss, his father and Mozart三人的图片及部分简介(右下角有蓝色多瑙河的播放按钮)http:/ What kind of music is this?B: Its _A: What kind of music do you

6、 like?B: I like _一读,快速阅读回答问题 http:/ 分7 分Do you still want to know more about them again? Please let us go on reading with six questions again.Do you still want to know more about them again? Please let us go on reading with six questions again.讨论,成果展示1. When was Mozart born ?2.Who else is in the pas

7、sage ? a. Strauss the younger b. Mozart A. a B. b C. a and b3.Who was the greatest European composer Strauss the elder, Strauss the younger or Mozart ?二读,判断正误带着问句去读,读完做完组内讨论,成果展示1,Many composers and musicians came to study and work in Vienna.2,Strauss the younger played the piano ,the violin and the

8、 organ at the age of six.3,Mozart wrote his first opera at the age of 14.4,The family took Mozart around Europe. 5,The father Johann Strauss died in 1791.6,Mozart wrote The Blue Danube.三读,回答问题带着问句去读,读完做完组内讨论,成果授业解惑也5 分3 分学生读时老师在学生中走动,并集中学生的疑难问题立即制成幻灯片作为精讲 。集中组内疑难问题重点讲解展示1, Where is Vienna? 2, Which

9、family was the most famous family of musicians in Vienna?3, What sort of music did Johann Strauss the elder write ? 4, What was Johann Strauss the younger s most famous piece of music?5, How old was Mozart when he died ?6, Who do some people say was the greatest European composer?精讲点拨看例句并造句,独立做完,组内讨

10、论,先个别回答再齐声回答1. the most famous 最著名的most 形容词最高级的一种形式,在形容词前加 the most 构成,意为:“最”e.g.: 他是这个城市最著名的歌星.2. more than = over 超过,多于e.g.:在我们班有 20 多个男孩。 3.not onlybut also 不但而且(1)他不仅喜欢古典音乐,而且也喜欢流行音乐(2)莫扎特不到六岁时就会弹钢琴,还可以演奏小提琴和管风琴。(3) 不但他的父亲而且他也说英语。(连接两个并列主语 there be 与一样)学了要会用10分1 分Step 3课后提升http:/ at the age of 在

11、年龄时e.g.: 60 岁时,他开始学习如何上网.学以致用独立做完,组内讨论用所给短语的适当形式填空: 1. The Great Wall_ China _ .2. The rock band _ next Friday evening.3._ fifteen, his mother went to China alone.4. Shanghai is one of Chinas _ .5. _ We _ he usually walks to school. 读后写完成写作,组内交流,成果展示Writing : Use the notes to write a passagetime Moz

12、art1756 be bornbefore 6The piano, the violin and the organ, around Europe 提高学生的写作能力分层因材施教出示周杰伦的图most beautiful city make. famous not only . but also give a concert at the age of1 分http:/ 复习巩固整理课堂笔记,掌握新词汇、语法知识等。2、分层作业 1)A 组: Homework 1 and Homework 2 2)B 组: Homework 23.预习任务 预习 Unit 3 相关词汇、语法等知识,或查阅你喜

13、欢的管弦乐队背景资料。Homework 1:Use the notes to write a passage about Zhou Jielun.,gave concertsat the age of 12his first opera, hundreds of ,music, classical orchestra1791 died , 35片及资料引起学生兴趣弘扬中国文化培养民族意识激励互助本 名: 周杰伦 英文名: Jay Chou生 日: 1979-01-18 出生地: 台湾身 高: 173cm 学 历: 淡江中学专精乐器: 钢琴、吉他、嗜好: 写歌,看电影,打篮球 最爱运动: 篮球,最喜爱的音乐:HIP-HOP 最著名的歌曲:千里之外(Thousands of miles away)http:/



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